Here I`ll discuss an important topic of alignment and what we call energetic alignment. How many levels of alignment there are, how we can understand and sense if we are out of alignment. Ways to be in alignment, and why it is important.
Part I ★
What is energy alignment? *
As I channel this information with help of my guides and angels – I can use specific terms that I`ll try to explain after. Energy alignment is type of energy synchronisation, flow, harmonisation and distribution, which creates the perfect flow for the person in his current vibration and timeline.
To be aligned is also to "resonate” with all things around you – your feelings, thoughts, home, environment and people close to you.
Now that can sound complex, let`s break it down. When your multi-dimensional body-mind-Soul is synchronised with the events, people, structures and circumstances around you, your soul will experience bliss, joy and inner peace. When you are out of alignment – you will experience the opposite and you may feel pain, conflicts, disturbing environment, energy pollution, chakra blocks and so on.
All things in the world around you – including your environment, home and people, signify if you are in alignment or out of alignment.
Energy alignment is also the level of peace, wellbeing, health and sense of purpose (mission) of your soul.
Very simply put: any soul that is out of alignment will experience the opposite, and will be in emotional pain, fear, resistance, health issues, misunderstanding, conflicts, lack of peace, lack of purpose and direction, mental fog, and inability to connect with his own emotions.
When you are in alignment, all your energy is flowing freely in eternity cycles, you are in harmony with your inner self and your environment. You are in peace with others too, which is indicated by giving and receiving Love.
Types of energy alignment
There are 5 major types of energy alignment, I`ll observe each of them in details.
- Alignment with the physical body (etheric body)
- Alignment with the emotional body
- Alignment with the chakra grid, planets and multi-dimensional body
- Alignment with your environment, home
- Alignment with people, places and situations
All these alignments are interconnected and affect the human`s emotions, health, wellbeing and sense of balance.
Alignment and sthe tates “out of alignment” are strong significators that something in your body, place or environment is off, out of balance or blocked with negative energy. That’s the common way to understand alignment.
When you feel discomfort in a body or physical pain, that indicates that something (chakra, emotion) is out of balance within you. In order to fix it and return to balance you need to do the following:
1. realize what part of you is out of alignment
2. Realize to which energy body or chakra it is related.
3. Realize or observe the reason of the imbalance or negative stamp of energy.
4. Focus on cleansing this part of your body with energy work (including health diet, movement and rest).
In year 2023 [7] so many people will be out of alignment with their mental and emotional bodies. In this way they can manifest also imbalance in their environment, people and situations in their life.
That can happen also vies-versa in opposite direction – if you have people around you that are out of balance and therefore not in alignment with your energy, that can affect in negative way your chakras, emotional and mental bodies and all your cells. Therefore, it is crucial to understand which people are not for your highest good, so you can avoid them.
What you let in creates your reality.
That is valid for food, people, thoughts, emotions and all within you.
When your physical body is out of alignment, you know in subconscious level that you need time to recover certain part.
Usually, you have one or two more vulnerable parts that need more energy work and focus. For everyone they are different. You need to focus your attention on them in meditation and to search about the most suitable foods, herbs, fruits and practices to recover these parts.
Physical body is your temple – it holds the keys and is container of your energy. Your body needs certain things, to be in alignment – movement, cycles of sleep and rest, natural food, clean water, sunlight. These are some basic things your body needs.
If you deny your body some of these things or eat the wrong food for long time, at some point your body will be come out of alignment.
Thank you for tuning in! 🍨
You can continue to part 2 here ...*
Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, crystal healer
Sept. 2023 ★
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