Thursday, September 14, 2023

What is Shadow Self and Shadow? (Angelic Guidance for Shadow work) - III

 Part I ......Part II

What can we do to gain Self-awareness? 

One of the most important things is to gain self-awareness – which is also not an easy task. Self-awareness can be gained through shadow work, understanding your deep fears, negative emotions, things that you reject, resist and deny. For that you need to be totally honest with yourself. 

It will help if you make regular meditation on all your chakras – especially Third eye, as this is the place where all self-programming comes. Third eye is the centre of Self-awareness and deep understanding of truth.  

  Another important thing you need to incorporate in your routine is journaling. The more you ask questions to yourself, the more guidance will be given to you –from your higher self, angels, spirit guides and Ancestors. Everyone can receive guidance (by nature), but most people do not know how to clean their inner channel, as their energy is blocked. If your energy is in state of alignment, flow and cleanness, and if you are willing to, you can ALWAYS receive divine guidance.  


The problem is due to various social and energetic reason, in this dimension most people hardly gain access to Higher self or angels. The ones who have this access have a spiritual treasure.  

Start to work on your deep fears. See all the fears listed for each chakra and create list with the ones that you have. If you have 3 or more fears in one energy centre, that means your chakra is blocked or functions with low capacity, or it has negative cords attached.  

You need to unblock your chakra and remove all the negative cords from it. This happens with meditation practice and visualisation.  

   People who think they don’t have any fears, they simply are very unaware of what is happening in their sub-conscious mind. Most probably they have multiple suppressed emotions, traumas and are resistant to admit their fears.  


In this density and lower plane, we all have fears, and we are resistant. That’s an instinct and comes from social order programming. But we need to work with our fears to dissolve them, not fight against them. Fighting against anything –especially in the spiritual world – will lead to opposite effect.  

So, in the process of shadow work and dissolving our fears you need to:

  1. - to recognize, understand and observe your fear  

  1. - to understand where this fear comes from (initially)  

  1. - to ask questions about this fear and be open to receive higher guidance  

  1. - to practice meditation to cleanse and heal all your chakra, but especially the ones with your deepest fears/ traumas.  

  1. - to cut the negative ties with people, places situations related to your fear. (that are mostly father, mother, siblings, sexual connections energy ties).  

  1. - to re-program your mind with positive affirmations, which will remove the existence of fear.  


The best practice after purging and releasing your fears and traumas from the past, is focusing on self-love.

Self-love, self-care and gratitude are the best ways for your energy to be restored and healed in perfect balance. They remove any negative thoughts, emotions, entities and cords. Because they bring energy of divine Light, power and love to your aura.  


This is the message about Shadow work, thank you to AA Sandalphon for her/his guidance.  

Thank you for tuning in! 🍨

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer

Sept. 2023 ©

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