Monday, February 4, 2019

Social Anxiety I

What is social anxiety?
 In this article I`ll observe shortly about the term Social anxiety, what common imbalances stay behind it and what are the root causes of it. 1. part. 

    This is phenomenon, closely related to human subconscious pattern and mind, connected with society, environment and cultural behaviour. Anxiety, as well as most destructive emotions (negative) have their primal imprint in the supressed feelings, emotions. There are many reasons for social anxiety, but the main pieces of puzzle, that show something is likely to become wrong, are connected with:

-       Supressed feelings and emotions
-      Being unable to express your desires and needs
-      Beings unable to figure out the reasons for your mistakes/ failures
-      Supressed or unwanted communication with others
-      Being exposed to too much criticism from others
-      Being exposed to harsh environment
-      Living long time in unhealthy relationships (habits)
…and many more. Almost all things and psychological imbalances can turn to anxiety, if they are long enough hidden.

      The key here is to reveal the hidden issue or situation that is reason for your imbalance. There is always a reason, but anxiety has roots exactly in hidden aspects of Self. Hidden negative aspects and emotions that the Self has supressed, in order to escape from a painful experience.

      That’s why the topic of social anxiety can be viewed in very wide perimeter. All things related to imbalance in organism of society can be connected with it. Society is a structure that is changeable and fixed in the same time. It includes component like social values, laws, behaviour, communications, restrictions, rules. It contains all that components on level of family relationships (family as a singular structure of particular society), religious and cultural aspects (religion or culture as regulating some social values), and wide social connections (including work environment, people, country laws, effective institutions). All of these circles are related to the bigger Sphere of social organism.

     Just individual alone is in status “free”, if he viewes only himself, separately from society. He has status “separateness” , singularity, individuality. In this way all individuals in one society are: 1. From one side determined as “separate” free individual elements, that have complete form (of the Soul -Body-mind). 2. From another side they are also little pieces from the bigger puzzles of social components – Family, work, society, country, culture -religion. That’s how each individual in this world is in fact “not free”, but can seek for his freedom a priory. His freedom is inner value of individual, but he is never free in reality -out of his personal values and desires.

Now as this article is dedicated to Social anxiety, I want to observe that condition, in light of that state of not-freedom, or restricted state of individual.
As I mentioned, society is big organism with many components, but it`s made up of millions pieces of individual souls (body-mind). So everyone, each soul put his stamp in the bigger picture of Society. People made family, companies, houses, institutions, laws, countries, environment, planet. So all of that components are connected all together like net. That is quite important.

     Individuals are living between each other, they are here in order to connect, to have effective/ or not effective communication, and to learn from each other.

     All systems that we live in, are based on principle of Society and Groups of people. That means individuals are chained as elements of that Societies since their early age – family, kinder garden, school, university, work, institutions, traveling. All kind of activities we make and intend are always -related to others. Even when we just buy things from market, shop we have to connect with the seller or owner. Its another question if this connection will be effective, positive or opposite. But it is there, we need to face others.
That is so, because in these social existence and connection is one of the main purpose of human life and meaning. Even people who are with special status – and accepted as “out of society” souls, like monks, nuns, hermits, or people that are on different spiritual practices, are also not away from society. They are connected together, also they are more or less connected with social religious values, rules, with obligations, and living necessities.
 People or individuals are like chain – everyone`s feelings, intentions, mindset, values, obligations, desires, actions, non-actions – affect others on that chain. Immediately. So that is in fact creating non-freedom. As freedom is a concept related more to Mind and soul, but cant be related to earth life, so its concept of illusion. Your mind can be free to imagine that you travel to many places, but for making that travel work in reality, you need to put more efforts and go through many social procedures.
That means also the non-freedom is not only created, but it`s here (earth plane) by purpose.
Social anxiety is closely related to that non-freedom existence. We are all free as individual souls, and in the same time we are not free or specially restricted as social elements. The existence of society as whole organism suggests the stamp of restrictions. That doesn’t mean we are not free still – as that is given to our soul essence a priory. But our freedom is also restricted from being in this body, and more from participating in social circles, social obligations, country.

    Some of the things that one country impose on all citizens are regulations, laws, and restrictions. They are related to all aspects of life without exception – for going to school, paying taxes, taking care of environment, having a flat, living under rent, having a car, using transportation….all these aspects are related with social regulations. They are also part of the individual non-freedom, even if they look like they are creating freedom.
The truth is a freedom created by someone (government, or institutions), is illusionary one. That is not the freedom as birth right. The country may aim to contribute to improvement of all aspects of life, but in reality that will happen only with more regulations and laws, more restrictions. Because that’s how society works.

Thank you for tuning in! This is the first part of my text on Social Anxiety, feel free to share it, like or post a comment below!

Nina* Lea-nour 
angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted material

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