Friday, February 15, 2019

Tarot Portions II - High Priestess & Minor arcana (2)

     Now I`ll focus on the relations between the Person archetype High Priestess II. And the concept of duality, making choices, being insecure, hesitating on your path, crossroad, two directions. This is also a powerful and important aspect from the challenges and Blessings of the person with power of High Priestess.

     In order to come to her full potential, and gain all knowledge and wisdom of hidden world, she needs to “suffer” or overcome four “hidden” (or not) obstacles on the way. But each of them will give her also bonus blessings for the next stage. (like in a game). So the first challenge of the Queen of Moon will be represented with all 2. in minor arcana. One of the first challenges for her will be the two in the suit with the element of her own zodiac sign. If she is Libra (air), that will be 2 of Swards (air), if she is Taurus, that challenge will be first two of Pentacles (earth)…But already all two will be presented, together with their negative and positive sides. Now lets assume the first lesson is 2 of Swards – challenge of making hard choices for life, in which direction to go. Swards indicate also need of balanced state of mind, being not forced to rush, being in awaken mind. This card reminds me little of the justice, as she is also blindfolded – showing need to let go of emotions and feelings, and to use your clear mind. She is between two swards indicating need for active power and choices. The Swards also symbolize truth, clarity and perfect honesty to your own self. Only then you can reach to the good decision that is in alignment with your path. After this choice, you will be on a new level and new path of awareness. So be brave and take your time!  ~ The second challenge and blessing is in meaning of 2 of Cups – harmonic union of two souls, soul mates, pure love relationship, union of hearts and mind. That’s what each soul wants to experience. That union is quite important to achieve from High Priestess. In order to do that she needs to let go of something old. Release old patterns of mind, let go of old wounds and past experiences that no longer serve her path of awakening. This is amazing card, and it shows the beautiful energy to be immersed and feel with another being, to be in love, and to bear all consequences of your choice. This card also comes together with – being vulnerable, being attached sometimes, not having enough personal space, balancing, compromising, being hurt, hurting another, let go of your state of independence. Your freedom and love are now related to another being. That union and devotion can be also very challenging to the independent High Priestess. Another challenge will be 2 of pentacles – how she will manage to do all other activities in the world – including taking care of herself, her children, family, and work, and still have time to connect with spirit realm.

She needs to make very good and balanced management on her finances and property. Being independent has its price. But High Priestess manages to make balance of her everyday activities with grace. That’s because she is not overly possessed by material world. Her abundance flow from within. She will always make balance of what comes and what she spends, as she wants to have the sufficient to fulfil her mission. That’s why in most cases High Priestess will not be a rich person (with the world meaning of word rich). But she will have always enough resources. She also wants to be perfect manager of two or more tasks that she needs to see in balance – usually they are related to carrier, money flow, love life, and diving into spiritual world. All of these take time, devotion and many practices! She also needs to adapt to any change in terms of finances, resources and security. The approach of joy is important.
And the final challenge and blessing is in 2 of Wands – expansion of horizons, passion for travel, meeting and observing other cultures, love for the lands beyond (foreign lands). Passion for traveling. Again here High Priestess needs to make her decision – which direction to go? What are her passions? What she feels attracted to? That’s about planning ahead, moving and progression. Take steps in one direction. The 2 of wands indicates a man who still didn’t took decision on which direction to go. We can see the sea (water) and land in front of him. Plans are great to make, and she is good in planning, but final manifestation of things is not the high power of High Priestess. She is more a quiet observer, and will have a bit challenge to take an action into reality. But she can overcome that -she needs to take the power from the Queen of Wands.

    Now she needs to take the risk -leaving her comfort zone, her security, and go to the world of unknown but beautiful adventure. Exploring new lands will be one of her missions too and its quite possible she to find herself in another foreign country. (if she accepts to overcome her hesitation and fear to take risks). Good luck! (and this card is in perfect alignment with my ascendant sign -Sagittarius and need for travel!)

© Nina* Lea-nour 
    Angel`s medium 
    Reiki master 

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