Saturday, February 16, 2019

Weekly Tarot spread (2-16)

[ Tarot spread with Ceccoli Tarot ]

Welcome dear children of Light! This is my weekly Tarot spread for the week from 17 to 23 February. The reading starts from bottom to top and from left to right.

I.             Home and space energy ~ XX. The Judgement
You are at this point, because you wanted to; There is a karma or an ancestral vow, as you are in that exact place. Trust that this is your right place to be. You will receive soon a clear signs about your mission or anything concerning your path. There is energy of awakening around you now, consider to redecorate something at your home, or change some wall painting with new one. Home is an important place for you.

II.           Love & Relationships ~ Three of Wands ~
Now you need to pause, look around and evaluate the situation with all positive and negative sides. You can align with your present moment, if you wish. Don’t hurry to come to big conclusions about feelings or behaviour of your partner or someone important in your life. Be patient about others, some truths will come to the surface. Just be sure to stay calm and filled with optimism.

III.         Creative energy, work, projects ~ Knight of Swards 
You have brilliant new ideas and inspiration for new projects. (even you could be a bit absent minded this time and change quickly from one project to another). Don’t keep all in your mind or dreams – make sure to take practical steps to fulfil your desires. You ll be filled with inspiration, bliss and unique creativity. Take chance now!

IV.         Spiritual path, end of the period ~ Three of Disks
You are at this time, when you need more help and collaboration with another person (or people), who has similar ideas and life approach as yours. Don’t feel you are alone and separated on your unique Soul journey, but rather you ll feel immense benefit if you search for like minded friends, or community to share your creative projects and passions. Let your soul free from the Shell.

V.           Thoughts (conscious mind) ~ 8. Cups
Feeling vulnerable, insecure in many respects and that feelings may hinder you from your goal. Don’t focus your attention on what you don’t have. Don’t let your momentary feelings imprison you, or the shadows to become bigger in your mind. They are illusions.
VI.         Intentions (desire) ~ 9. Disks
You feel peaceful and comfortable in the serene atmosphere of your home. This is like your magical castle, separating you from the not so nice environment and flow outside. You choose to live in your quiet and solitude zone, where is your sacred space, and where you surround yourself with all what you love – people, books, music, flowers.
VII.       Actions (what you need to do?) ~ IV. The Emperor
Now is the exact time to put all things in action, to move forward with your current projects and obligations. They were in a stand still, but don’t wait for more – wake up, take back your power! Consider mastering qualities like: self-discipline, being direct and honest, fearlessness and looking the truth in the face.

VIII.     What do you need to let in? ~ VIII. Justice
Truth and moral values are very power assets for you now. Let go of fears and insecurities about which way to go. You are powerful to create your own world in the way you wish, using your mind. Make sure that you are going through all situations and challenges with truth, open heart, honour and sense of responsibility.
IX.         What you need to let go? ~ Seven of Cups
Let go of your confused mind and imagination that creates illusionary pictures. Things you see in your fantasies are not real. Living in a magical world is quite beautiful, but you need to return back to the solid ground. Let go of your conflicting desires.

X.           Heart centre ~ Your energy now ~ 10. Wands
Too much passion or enthusiasm without foundation can lead to burning. You feel emotionally overwhelmed by many things around; Hardly you manage to keep up with all your obligations and tasks. Step aside and let things settle down. Take a little rest, nap. Nothing will be good if you are overloaded or out of balance. Make a schedule and work things one by one, while taking brakes and time for yourself. That’s quite important for your sensitive energy.

This week the keyword in the reading are: active power, motivation, letting go of insecurities or unrealistic desires that no longer serve you. Start to make plans and get things done, as this is exact time to move on. Don’t delay and don’t diminish your power with unnecessary worries or hesitation. Take a lead, you have great creative energy now.

Thank you for tuning in my weekly Tarot reading! Stay blessed and healthy!

Nina* Lea-nour
Angel`s medium
Reiki healer 

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