Monday, February 25, 2019

Tarot Portions III ~ High Priestess Symbology

  In the Rider Waite decks the card of High priestess is quite mysterious. She represents tuning into the Subconscious world, invisible reality, hidden knowledge, wisdom, feminine energy, Moon connection, deeper understanding, Moon goddess, going beyond social norms, seeking spiritual expansion, understanding symbols, being aware and awaken.

    the Archetype ~ So this will be person with amazing potential given to tap into invisible world, she has  psychic gifts, clairvoyance, chance to develop spiritual abilities, connecting easily to higher realms, feeling others, seeing auras and colours, hearing angelic messages, being channel of Light (or darkness, as per his choice). This person will be naturally drawn to world of spirit and unconscious power. He will have also healing abilities. In addition he will have need for freedom and independence -in order to expand his knowledge. He will not stop from social disagreement or norms, as he follows his inner guidance.

The main concept here is: Subconscious mind, Invisible world, wisdom and magic. All these show that invisible world is powerful, it has authority. High Priestess knows what is beyond human understanding. She sees into the past and future of others. That world is called Mystery, but it is quite natural ability, just humanity is still not awaken fully to it.
Basic symbols in the traditional Tarot of Raider Wait are: 

Torah (Sacred script) – knowledge, secret knowledge, wisdom that is not share with everyone, but just with chosen, need for deeper knowledge of the Universe, Kabbalah.
Moon crown ~ represents the high power and authority over the invisible world, moon connection, psychic gift, spiritual connection, feminine energy.

Two Pillars ~ Black and white pillar from both sides of the High Priestess symbolize the aspects of good and bad, which are always confronting and both are needed in the world. She sits between them, as she is in equilibrium of forces, and takes the middle path. She is non judgemental of others!

Veil behind with pomegranates and palms ~ We see the veil, which has stamps of pomegranates – symbols of passion, desire, sexual energy, also temptation to taste the forbidden fruit, fertility, abundance. She is with her back to the veil, which means she turns away from that world pleasures (for a time) in order to find deeper answers. Her aim and abilities are not from the visible, material world.

    Blue sea, sky and blue robe ~ all are symbols of the vast unconscious mind of the humanity. She can penetrate the world of that mind and go deep – as the sea, which represents depths of thoughts, power of mind, analysis, seeing details and seeing the big picture. Her blue robe is flowing in the edge like the sea wave, she herself has a deep and powerful inner world, and she connects with her own subconsciousness. The blue sky symbolizes freedom, flight, unlimited possibilities, child like spirit.

    New moon at her feet ~ That moon is symbol of new cycle of life, which also links to the beginning and end. She knows the secret that everything which has its birth, and living on earth, will go to its death point. But that means another cycle will start over. Nothing in the world is wasted, this is the power of transformation and wheel of seasons, moon cycles in nature. All things follow their natural flow. That means also High Priestess knows that everything has exact time. She is not the Empress, nor the Emperor, she doesn’t hurry, and doesn’t apply rules and restrictions. She deals with everyone equally, with truth and honesty as higher principles. (That’s how she connects with card XI. Justice.) 

Nina Lea-nour 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 

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