Saturday, February 9, 2019

Weekly Tarot spread 209

Weekly Tarot spread – Nicoleta Cecoli Tarot ~ 9.Feb

Welcome again children of Light to my weekly Tarot reading!
In this spread the key energies are: motion, active force, new creative start, feeling the joy with your soul family. 
The positions are organized from bottom to top and from left to right. 

I.             Home energy ~ The Magician ~
All the power you need is within you. In order to manage the multiple tasks at home, you ll need focused intention, care and willpower. Then watch how all things transform in front of you. Needed at this time are cleansing and declutter.

II.           Love, Relationships ~ IX. The Hermit ~
Now is for sure not the time to indulge in romantic feelings. You need to stay alone for a while with your own thoughts. Take time to repose, meditate, in order to figure out your inner desires and how you feel about person or situation. Stay in your sacred space, the answers you seek are about to come when your mind is quiet.

III.         Creativity, Work, projects ~ Eight of Swards ~
You are feeling a bit stuck now with your projects, out of fear or insecurity. Your own mind puts restrictions, which are only to provoke your active energy. Don’t feel trapped in suspicions, rather attempt to look the truth in face. Consider planning on your next step, even without rush.

IV.         Spiritual path/ end of the period ~ Knave of Swards ~
You ll be infused with very positive, refreshing new energy of mindfulness. All your solutions in this time will come from awaken mind and higher consciousness. You are going on a new journey with boost of creative energy, imagination and need for acquiring new knowledge -courses.

V.           Thoughts/ conscious mind, alignment ~ XVIII. The Moon ~
Waves of psychic energy, increased sensitivity, moon connection, dreams, signs and clairvoyant messages are flowing to you. Take time for meditations, and immerse yourself in subconscious mind. You feel drawn to world of mysteries and spirits, that`s in your “own waters”.

VI.         Intentions, desire ~ Knight of Wands ~
Your desires at this time have the passion of fire energy. Now is not the time to stay still, but set all things in motion, move your projects forward. There is inner need to travel and explore new places and people.

VII.       Actions, what do you need to do? ~ Three of Cups ~
Let your worries behind, and lift your spirit with meeting friends and joyful activities. Consider going out of your shell, share, feel loved. Your soul mates are here to let your heart open! You are not alone.

VIII.     What do you need to let go? ~ VI. The Lovers ~
Let go of something in your life that it can be labelled as “safe” and secure. A choice is offered to you in this time, that could change everything. Be mindful, follow the path of Love. But know that you cant have all in this same time. You need to choose, carefully.

IX.         What do you need to let in? ~ Three of Discs ~

You cant do everything by yourself, even if your energy is high at this time. Consider to ask and receive some help from close people. Accept collaboration and share your efforts. Divide the everyday activities. Dont be stubborn to do all alone.

X.           Heart chakra, what is your energy now? ~ Knight of Discs ~
You have active energy now, ready for an adventure and “journey” in any aspect of life. You have inner passion to fulfil your goal and very focused intention. You are on a special mission at this time. Just feel also the need of others, don’t be overly self-focused or egoistic. All you want is in front of you, and you just begin your quest.

Conclusion: this is time for more action in sphere of creativity, work and social connections. But it`s not a good time for any steps in your love relationship, you need a pause, observation and taking decisions. Be mindful more than emotional, and pay attention to your dreams, psychic visions and signs from spiritual realm. And don’t forget to feel the joyful side of life with your friends!

Thank you for tuning in! Many blessings and have an amazing, energyizing week! 

Nina* Lea-nour 
Angel`s medium 
© Copyrighted text 

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