Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Weekly Tarot spread (3-03)

Hi dear Light workers and Tarot fans! This week I use the gorgeous Tarot
“Beautiful creatures” J.R. Coronel Rivera with the art by Jasmine Becket-Griffith and crystals amazonite and selenite. As usually the reading is followed from bottom to top and from left to right. 

I.             Home energy ~ King of Kups 
Now your home is place of renewed energy. You may leave some expectations in the past. Now is not time for regrets, but to have active mind and open heart for anything related to your home space and people around you. Be passionate and persistent about the changes you wish to see in your home. Then they will happen, a good time management is required.
II.           Love & Relationships ~ 10 of Cups
Contentment. This card shows a little princess surrounded by flowers and fruits. You feel happy (or satisfied) in the state you are, you are loved and cherished. But that is inner feeling, and doesn’t have influence from what others feel about you. Higher state of self-love and self-care. You are feeling grateful for all the beautiful things, people and lessons you have. Family gathering.
III.         Creative energy, work, projects ~ Queen of Swards
Fairness, mindfulness. You are in the time, when you need to make balance in all aspects in order to succeed. Balance your emotional and physical body, so that you can achieve results also in sphere of work. Trust people around you who can help you with your projects and tasks. Be mindful, start to evolve the creative ideas inside you.
IV.         Spiritual path, end of the period ~ IV. The Emperor
Sovereignty. Take things in your own hands, take back your power. You are the only one, who is in charge of the situation. So Take your responsibilities and start working to achieve your goals. Roaming in too much thinking wont help. Do what you are supposed to do, you ll see results quickly!

V.           Thoughts (conscious mind) ~ 5 of Pentacles
You`re not aligned with the very positive thoughts and well being now. Maybe a health issue is hindering your feelings and prevent you from being safe and happy. It could be experience of strong emotional pain or time of loneliness or separation, that affects you on deeper level. Now is the time to let go of all old and stagnant energies, that don’t serve you. Take time to recover, meditate, and be quiet. Don’t allow the “victim consciousness” to prevail.
VI.         Intention, what you desire ~ II. The High Priestess
Your desire at the moment is connected with expansion of knowledge and spiritual awakening. Feel and see everything around you. It`s a sign about your energy, You are in the right direction, moving to your goal. And contemplating about your dreams. Take time for going inwards, reading, writing and meditation. Connect with nature spirit.
VII.       Action (what you need to do?) ~ I. The Magician
Develop your inner skills and start to use them! You have acquired enough power and strength to manifest all what you want. Just be active. Start to walk towards the desires you want to see in real, focus on the goal, not on the results.
VIII.     What do you need to let in? ~ XX. Judgement
You have many new opportunities in front. Allow your spiritual awakening to take place, purify your mind, body and heart. Awaken to the new world and energy around you. Feel free to make choices. You are at the final phase of purification, and long period of pain will end.
IX.         What do you need to let go? ~ V. Hierophant
Morals – you need to let go of feeling of disbelieve, doubt in yourself, guilt and low self-esteem. You have the power to make your desired changes, no need to rely on others.
X.           Heart centre, alignment ~ 8 of Pentacles
Practice. This is the study and apprenticeship card. Your soul desires to put more dedication on work -inner and outer. It shows practical achievements. Realize that nothing comes from the sky without dedication, persistence and daily efforts, practice. You `ll be much higher in the field you want to succeed. Mastering is the key.

So the energy of this week is more practice, more self-esteem and confidence that you are on the right path, and less thoughts and confusion. Be active and make things happen! 
Thank you for tuning in this Tarot reading! Stay blessed and full of joy and abundance! 

Nina* Lea-nour 
Angel`s medium 
Reiki master 

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