Thursday, April 25, 2019

Development of Chakras I (Aura formation )

       In this article I` discuss the main cycles of chakra development in human body throughout different ages. I hope this information is useful for you, and thank you to archangel Chamuel and Michael for helping me to deliver that message with love!

I.             Chakra development
As the physical body grows and changes through the ages and cycles, the energy bodies also undergo process of transformation, change and development. The first thing that starts to change and expand is the aura field that wraps the body. Chakras also have special development, which i`ll observe now, as well as meaningful transformation for each cycle of 3 years.

      About Aura
     Aura is the energy field, surrounding the body in specific perimeter and shape. Most human auras have egg-shape and white or pearl white colour. However the main colours in aura cant be seen by physical eyes, but they can be observed with psychic abilities, clairvoyance. Aura is a complicated and multi-functional field, that serves also as protection of the body. Aura is the energy resource, and it contains information about the blueprint of the person, about his past lives, karma and identifications. So only from the aura we can have clear picture (as angels do) about the main characteristics of human.
More about the specifications of aura and colours you can read here …../

    Auras don’t appear immediately after the birth of human. There is a process of acquiring, formation, personalization and development of aura. Chakras and aura grow, expand and add more characteristics during the whole life of the individual. That’s why they are not fixed in time, they undergo many changes, just like the physical body.

II.           Formation of aura

      First stage of formation is when the physical body is born. There is a tiny and very fragile shell of aura field around the baby. It looks like cocoon and has soft white colour. The baby looks like a little cloud. However this auric cloud has the shades of the main aura colours of his mother. (in rare cases also of his father aura field). The baby is vulnerable individual not only physically, but energetically. The baby will start to form and develop his aura just after his third year. When the little soul is 3 the mother continues to support him energetically and that appears clearly in his auric field. The baby has the shades of the main colours of the mother field, they look like a bubble or shield around the baby aura. The colour of aura after age of 3 becomes more clean and translucent. The aura will stay like that until 9 years of the soul. The chakra system of little baby is not developed yet, but there is such system since the womb period. Baby will have formed small translucent grains of light, that absorb and transmute easily all energies around. That’s how baby is extremely vulnerable for outer influences. The chakras are very fragile too, and they don’t yet have a colour, they are transparent light. The heart chakra also can have the shades of mother heart chakra and get direct influence from the mother and father heart centres. That’s how baby feels all attention, feelings and thoughts of parents, even though he cant express.
That inner feeling will vanish later, when he start to have the first personalized aura field -after age of 7 to 9. Then the aura starts develop with specific personal colour and more pearl-white light. In this time after 7 years the child will gradually separate from the influence of mothers aura. As the child is able to pick up any negative emotions, specially from his mother (if mother is not available, he will do that with whoever is taking care of him). The child of 7 will have a thin ethereal layer around the aura that will separate any influences. In this time he can become more closed in his inner world, or start to show individual qualities, opposing, can be more stubborn or fighting. The child now realizes he is separate from his parents, and that he has individuality. This realization though is in very subtle level (sub-conscious), and doesn’t appear clearly. That’s why also the parents wont be aware of that.

     The aura at 9 will have very little expansion, in the same time chakras will become more visible spheres (in energy of course). They look like inner stars that have whiter core and translucent sparkle (like orbits around). That`s the state of chakras at 9 years. Between 9 and 12 the child will develop the main first transformation of his energy. He will start to feel his individual characteristic. This is the age when he start to appear his future Soul stamp, and the age when his crown chakra can expand with light, if he has psychic abilities. He will start to show interest in some fields (which are never by chance, but influenced by past life experiences or contemporary soul mission).
     In this age -9-11 the child will start to appear with specific colour bubble in the aura, which is the first recognition of the soul. These colours are likely to expand, transform and become clearer in later ages. Now they just start to appear. Another interesting fact is that the child will still pick up very easily emotional information from his environment. That’s why his ethereal body, and astral body will be connected with emotions, forming a huge emotional cloud. That means he will keep is his aura many different emotional clouds in colours. That stage will affect him and can make him over excited or moody. The child still don’t have the protection needed against negative energies. That will form later with chakra development.
    Until the age of 7 all of emotional clouds of mother will be directly affecting the child. This is the time when his aura starts to build slow protection that will separate him from his mothers energy field. To not forget also that since birth the child has many energy cords connecting him with body of his mother – specially heart and second chakra, but also the Third eye. That means in this years the child develops real attachment to his mother (or his father). Usually the father connection develops later in years, during the process of formation of first chakra – Muladhara.

Thank you for tuning in! Feel free to share, ask question, or write a comment! Sending you blessings on your Spiritual journey!

© Nina Lea-nour *
   { Angel`s medium 
   { Reiki healer 

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