Thursday, April 25, 2019

Development of Chakras -III

     Part III

      The next chakra expansion period is quite important  -from 20-22 years -Heart chakra. 

        This is the time for finding and understanding feeling of Love to self, and others, likes, dislikes, first development of higher compassion and empathy. This is the chakra of first relationships. Soul can feel easily attached to his first love experiences and love feelings, which will be kept for all life. That’s why this is crucial period about relationships and love. The way you expand the heart chakra, and how many relationships and what kind of connections you have in this time can have imprint on future life. Here is the first period of challenge of overcoming love sadness, broken heart, feeling of loneliness, being misunderstood, one sided love. Sadness and broken heart from love experiences in Heart, are first lessons for reaching forgiveness and acceptance. They are part of process of integration in life. The colour added in heart chakra outer sphere is deep green, it can be little brighter or dull depending on individual level. But it has “matt effect” and not shining colour, unless the individual choose to work specially with this chakra through regular meditations. Now the soul is vulnerable in his relationships and feeling of love and attachment. In this period there is multi-layered mixture of feelings to others, that are relevant – love, attraction, sympathy, attachment -they will appear as one complex sphere. This is the first period to develop self-love. However many individuals in this age develop self-doubt, due to not active or wounded Solar Plexus ch. That’s how their self-love stay suppressed until next expansion. In this period the soul needs to learn to let go, to accept without judgment any feelings of sadness, to release old relationship or memories.
That’s part of the heart expansion and working.

     The age of 23-25 is very important for development of Vishudha. That doesn’t mean Throat chakra doesn’t exist until then. But its not well expressed and its outer sphere will be not so big as other lower chakras. Expansion of heart is very important point, as it adds also colour and makes the inner core light of chakras more visible, with higher vibration. Now after 23 all chakras will have colour, but the upper chakras wont be well developed. For that they will need specially more meditation, spiritual atunment and rest. The Throat chakra is important for boosting the social and creative power of individual.
     This is period of personal freedom to express, to show the Self to world, to create things. If soul has any talents now is time to show them confidently -like singing, playing music, writing, art. The person will feel special desire to create and share things. This is period of intense communication with people, specially with like-minded groups. Understanding the life purpose and working in this direction. Making plans for future development and carrier. That are part of integration process in world. The vulnerable traits in Vishudha are separation between lie and truth, supressed energy – and expressed energy, creativity, purity. Throat will add purity to the Heart chakra. Which means enhancing the aspects of love for what you do, and love for the world.

      This is the time to actively express this love through help. In ages 24-26 soul will already start to realise his spiritual mission. He will have desire for creative inspiration. The most important in this period is to not suppress your voice, to speak out, to share your feelings without fear of judgement. Many obstacles in lower chakras can affect in negative way on the Vishudha. That’s why remember to speak with love, kindness and truth. Developing fear of judgment can have negative impact on Throat chakra, as it will cause hiding, saying lie, mischief, staying in shadow, and being underactive.

    Third eye chakra development and expansion starts between 26-28. This is also the final expansion from physical body chakras. The crown then has expansion from 29, 30, 31, which affects all lower chakras, bringing high vibration energy to them. Third eye expansion is related to increased intuition and discovering psychic abilities. Many people who have already psychic gift, but had ignored it for many reasons, now start to concentrate and tap into their power. Third eye is related to inner knowing, wisdom, understanding experiences, developing mind qualities (peace of mind), working on regular cleansing and meditation practices. Now individual will have more intense desire to meditate and connect with realms of spirit. But expansion of Third eye is quite different in individual souls. Some people have increased awareness, or feeling of “vulnerable mind”. They can have desire for deeper knowledge in any field. Enhanced psychic abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clear knowing. That`s center of subtle invisible energy. 
(Note: not everyone will be naturally drawn to clairvoyance or to increased psychic awareness. Most people in this period of Third eye expansion will simply acknoeldge their powers in any sphere, specially connected to science and visual arts.) 

© Nina Lea-nour *
 { Angel`s medium
 { Reiki healer 

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