Friday, April 26, 2019

Souls with Karmic debt -I

Acquiring Karmic debt

 Dear Lightworkers! Here I want to write on the interesting topic that I received recently – about Souls and entities that acquire / accumulate karmic debt. What is Karmic debt? Are all our actions payed?
I want to explain this with more details here. 2. I`ll discuss about souls that commit hard transgressions and what happens with them in energy level.

I.             What is Karmic debt?

      Karmic debt is called the accumulated consequences of our intentions-thoughts- actions pattern in the distance of past-future lives. This kind of Karmic debt can be related to positive intentions and actions or to negative ones. Every soul acquires from his life experiences many karmic debts in both directions. (Except the souls of demonic entities that incarnate, and they are out of account, as they don’t have relationship with the Source more). So Karmic debt refers to something that you did in the past, which was like open wound” for your Soul and it stays as a stamp in your auric field. Until it is payed of. Every action and intention is highly important in the universe, and specially when it involves other people. Every action and intention also has consequences, and there is nothing for free in all multiple frequency levels.
So consider that all things have price, and reward. All things have effect of the boomerang, that is send out in space and is available to return again in any point. When this will happen is not up to the soul to decide. Just we need to have awareness of this price. All positive actions – intentions acquired in life time will give Energy bonus or boost your energy and give you real privileges among other souls in next lives. In similar way all negative or highly negative actions -intentions will have also pay back” recite and will acquire Karmic debt for the soul. Except from the karmic debt, some special cases of actions-intentions, that I`ll observe here, will make you step down from your frequency level, and will diminish your Energy power in next life.
What happens is like repeating a class, but for some cases repeating is more than 3 times. Which is really a huge set back for the Soul. For any soul, no matter of its level. What are these actions?

II.           Major set-backs for the Soul

      The major set backs for the soul, that will make it to repeat the level and come back in process of evolution are transgressions. I observed in another place types of transgressions. Anything that is related to harming with intention other human (or not human) being is accepted as transgression. This is rule of the universe and not only related to human laws and values. Acts and crimes like murder, torture of the physical body, and rape have the highest possible rate of transgression. They relate to heavy crimes and acquire strong Karmic debt. What is that mean? The soul that commits such crime (negative intention-action) is accepted already as an ill soul. Even so the ill Soul had the choices to make regarding that action, and she chose the way of harm. This kind of Souls are usually low level souls (1-3 frequency) and rarely middle level (4 fr). These Souls will have the major set back, and they will have to repeat the class several times. That means if the Soul committed a murder with intention, they will have these possible cases in Karma debt to experience:

1. In the next 3 life times the same soul will feel the same aspect of the debt – exactly the same – murder.

 2. In the next 3-5 life times the Soul will experience murder of someone who is very close to it  -beloved, friend, family member, a child.

3. In the next life time the soul will be deprived from her higher energy status, and wont be able to go away from hard and negative situations in all levels – it will acquire too life threatening disease (like cancer for ex.)

4. One of the scenarios for the soul is to be mentally ill or some kind of disability (acquired from accident or from birth)

5. The Soul will have special Karmic relationships with his victim in many life times ahead. He will also have to sign the role of saviour of the Same soul that he has killed. That can happen in different ways: for ex. He could be a doctor who make a life saving surgery to a patient (victim); he can save someone from drowning in water; he can save someone by other ways, or from doing something dangerous in life, or being the reason for saving the life of this same person, who he killed.

Thank you for tuning in! Please read the next part here: ....
image: Audrey Kawasaki art 
Nina Lea-nour *
 { Angel`s medium 
 { Reiki healer 

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