Thursday, April 25, 2019

Meaning of Power II

Part -II

Positions and roles of Power

      In society there are many position of power. In fact everyone has to transcend and deal with some kind of power, which was determined for the Soul in her contract. Positions of powers are socially related – that of the parents over child, teacher in school, child over parent, child over teacher, director of company over employees, manager of company, business positions of hierarchy and more. The roles are well assigned, so the power is given to the one with more abilities to implement with positive qualities, more experience and growth. That means usually elders have more power. But due to many psychological factors in society now, there is a huge switch of power roles.

      Psychological relations of Power are visible mostly in personal relationships. The partner in relationship who is more attached (or love more) another is in position under power. He is like driver who gave the keys of his car to another, as he decided to be so. So in other words, he gave freely the keys of his control in hands of another, who is now in position to manipulate him. Most parents due to full spiritual and emotional ignorance give freely the keys of their power in hands of the child. Child is already in position of “low level student” who needs to learn from mistakes. He cant use the keys of Power properly, as he is inexperienced, ignorant but in his subconscious mind he has the memory of what manipulation is. So the child (or even baby) has the power to manipulate in best way through feelings and emotions. This is the only way he knows. He will cry, or shout or do anything that annoys you, in order to achieve what he wants. Even so, if you are not from the part of “totally ignorant parents” you will see that his methods of manipulation have repeated pattern. So the child will cry in the same way (which is obviously fake behaviour), over and over again when he notice that this works with you, and you are quickly giving the keys of power to him. He becomes good manipulator because of you.
And because of how ill-minded many social structures are.

    The love partner who feels loved or needed more, he will use this power in negative way and manipulate his partner by feelings and emotions. That means the partner who feels love, should also practice detachment, releasing and letting go, in order to feel free and not to give keys of his power.

      That’s how people can use power as a tool for creating positive actions, support, love, understanding, charity, generosity, and cultivate respect. And in the same time they can use Power as another side of the coin, to create manipulation, stress, obedience, slavery, jealousy, submissive minds …Some of the very good examples of such kind negative, offensive power use are Political power, governments, status of presidents or kings in Islamic societies (creating dictatorship), political elite power of the developed countries of world Power”, that create world hierarchy of forces; Religions and religion leaders power control over the minds of majorities; power of social and mass media and internet over the mind and subconsciousness of people (as majority). Power of the most developed economy sectors: banks system, petrol industry, food industry, electricity industry, water supply industry…over the mind of majority. These are social economic factors of Power, they are gradually developing like a big snowball, that can smash a persons mind. They are such by opposing categories of Dominant and inferior, and by the rule of social rules stamps in society. The position of two forces are one of co-dependency.

     Because not all powers of the world can be only Dominant and controlling, or sovereign, nor all population can be only inferior, dominated, enslaved…They both need each other to coexist. But the majority who are inferior (out of power control here in sense of richness of goods), are allowing others to be above them. Without their agreement, their blindness and ignorance, that would be impossible for the elite. That’s how majorities continue to be exploited and elite continues to maintain Power. It creates all from that power – they choose the rules, control the social values and mechanism of peoples mind (social media), control even people`s emotions on a very subtle level. (here I wont give detailed examples.)

Nina Lea-nour *
 { Angel`s medium
 { Reiki healer

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