Wednesday, October 8, 2014

About Purity -5-

Purity of spirit:

To understand perfectly what does it mean Purity of spirit, we have to clarify what is Spirit. The word initially comes from Latin "spiritus" -meaning "breath". From here we can understand the spirit nature is opposite of nature of the material body. The spirit is the mental subtle invisible body, which is eternal and in which we remain after death. Actually the spirit is the main substance of human. The material body is related with element of earth, as it`s developing and the time changes it quickly. Material body is like a box for the spirit and soul. The heart - as source of all life and blood in us - is related with element Fire. It has function of warming and preserving love and identity. The mind - as intelligence and understanding, as we say "open-mind", is related to communication and self-acceptance, and to the element of Air. Mind is flowing and has the function to travel and to visualize. The spirit is the mental body, which is actually the essence of us. Through it we can connect with God and angels. It`s eternal and can`t die. 
After all one can think, that the spirit doesnt need to be "pure", as it is from beginning. But it`s not so. Spiritual body is strongly affected by all other elements of the "chain" in body, so if just one element of others is missing, we would feel that lack in the spirit. In one word it means- we can`t have pure spirit, if we before that don`t feel to have pure heart, pure mind, pure body. In this way our spiritual body goes back to the "darkness" - which also means ignorance, and lose the precious connection with God and angels. Anyone, who has pure spirit, is already totally connected with God- nature spirits - angels - nature sources. Pure spirit means in this way to make strong these connections with the spiritual world. 

1.First of all train and learn how to talk with your angel- guardian or anyone, which is with you.
2.Second u should study about nature of God - from Holly books and sacred texts. even if u can never understand it fully. 
3. You need to have perception of your own spirit. (to "investigate" where it came from - this could be quite hard -what were our past lives of the spirit, in which place) This will make ou much more clear and confident what u should do here, in the current body and place. 
4. You need to investigate connection with the different natural energies and sources, such as precious stones, colors, trees, plants, animals, herbs. You need to study how they can work in our life to improve your own spirit and energies. 

(most important - if it seems hard, do not give up, because this aim is high, and wont come for one day. But finally god will listen to you!)

(* and again we have to add - people, who live extremely in material world, can`t accept or understand the idea of angels, God and nature sources existence. That why they are not so likely to go in that way. But from another side, they are likely to achieve many of their material goals: for example - having car, having wife and children, having nice house. So anyone who wants, it will be given to him, according to his desires.)


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