Wednesday, October 8, 2014

About Purity -4-

Purity of body ~

      Very important level in respect of 'purity in life" is purity of body, or physical purity. when we say that, we have to understand many levels again, connected in chain, as with purity of heart and purity of mind. Purity of body is significant for anyone, who respect himself and wants to lead life in connection with God. It`s important, in order to have good results in all spheres of life, first to look inside yourself and try to eliminate anything, which can cause you illness. Because truly, when body is unclean (inside and outside) that surely can cause you illness and unhealthy life, which will affect on all other aspects : mind, heart, energies. Body is representation or "cover" of our spirit on the earth, so it`s mainly also representation of our deep 'self". Means not all what you are is Only body, and not all what you are is only soul and spirit, but have understanding that they are strongly connected! The body has evidence for reflection of the spirit, it`s like like, which reflects the real shine of you. that why we should take care of it, as it`s also a gift from God. 

The purity of body 2 main aspects: - inner purity/ cleanness and -outer purity/ cleanness. 
They are also connected. Any religious doctrine, if you observe the main rules and principles, you`ll discover how much they underline both : inner and outer physical purity. The inner purity includes: 

- healthy nourishment for body;
- healthy sexual life ;
- avoiding harmful ingredients (as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes)
- maintaining balanced body regime
- healthy live with training and sports. 

The inner purity is something which sadly a few groups of people can understand or observe. The fact that in our fast life, everyone forget about all kind of purity, lead to catastrophe also in healthcare. Simple example: the more your heart is feeling depressed, the more it reflect in your mind, full of bad down thoughts. The more your mind is depressed, the more your body becomes "down" in the level of purity, and very likely to follow the bad way of harmful habits like - indiscriminate sexual life, alcoholism, drugs, cigarettes addiction. Don`t understand that in wrong way, that anyone who has this kind of addictions, in little or big degree, is unclean! That`s not truth, as the human, as we said- has so many levels of mind, heart and spirit, and is a complex nature. But it surely means that this person should REALIZE and admit this addictions as his weakness points, which is better to be healed, than to stay so. If he just realize that, it`s the first step to the Good and light. Again, I want to underline, as physical body is gift of God, we are free to decide what to do with "it" but the consequences are for us! Many examples can show that. 

First of all, try to maintain your body clean from inside with the healthy food and balanced regime! It`s really easy step, which will help you to be more healthy and also light in mind. Don`t eat too much fat, or any food in big quantity is dangerous for health. Try to accept more water, and more juice, as it purify your body inside and improves the stomach work. Try to accept more fruits and vegetables, as always nature is the best choice! and less "preserving agents" of artificial foods. It`s up to your choice, if you are vegetarian or meat-lover, but in both cases, take care of the source of production products. If the animal you eat lived in bad conditions or was killed in specially cruel way..It`s preferable to think about, before eat! That why we have to choose the variety of natural products, visible everywhere. 

- About sexual life, anyone can recall in his mind the gods commandments, one of them is related to "transgression" in sexual life and desire. I want to make now the following statement, so to be more clear: if any human on the planet start to devote himself to his first-signal sexual desire, it`s absolutely sure, that we all will lose the real connection with God. That`ll be equal to causing "bad energy" and bad spirit inside, equal with infections, uncleanness of both -body and mind. and total fall. That why the so called "fallen angel" can`t exist, as it`s called "demon". Sexual life has the rule to be clean, and this cleanness is visible with legal relationship, only in front of God. For those, who don`t believe in God, they surely have their own inner heart principles, to follow. the fact is : all deviations from the rule of sexual life lead to suffer for both parties, sadness, guilt, aggression, self-aggression and bad instinct to possess. We have to know- our sexual partner should be the same as we are- if he is totally different, just the "sexual attraction" wont be enough for our happiness and peace. Then in many cases we`ll have fights and frequent conflicts, which surely will lead to betrayal. The way is to be CLEAR and true to your partner. If you have any deep misunderstanding, or in case of mistreatment, hassles and other bad feelings, the best way is separation, in good way. Remember : no matter how much you love someone, or how many lives and karma you have together, anyone finally is ALONE in front of God, and there is no 2 persons in one body. Means, with the love, you allow your inner self to be truly connected with inner self of other- your beloved, but you don`t have to allow any unclean action towards yourself! Have confidence, self-respect. Many people suffer to find their real partner in life, that has so many reasons, that one book wont be enough. All in all, the main are - we have to learn how to love ourselves first, and respect ourselves, then to be on the "right way", to have connection with God - and only then, we can see our "other part" or our relevant partner in life. 

The outer purity is easy as anyone can guess, remember what Jesus said about the cup, which some people clean from outside only and then stay dirty inside. Here you could have deep understanding of what actually he wanted to say. The inner purity requires much more efforts and training and will than outer one. The simple physical purity of the body requires only simple acts of being clean, have good self-hygiene, maintain each part of your body clean. Even a child knows that should take daily showers, clean his hands anytime, before eating, brush his teeth and hair, and make all to look "nice" as he is from inside. You can see about connection between spirit and body, when you think about depression. When someone feels much depressed, he usually forgets about some kind of simple cleanness of his body, he may seems gloomy and not nice not just inside, but also from his look. The first thing anyone should do is try to "go out" of this situation by shower, as water has not only purifying effect, but also relaxing. it`s important to remember that. Otherwise anyone can see what is beautiful for his eyes and what is not. the same is for God, who see all of us. 

July -2013

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