We all have dreams...even if we dont succeed in something, our thought and willing about that still exists. We can count several stages until the dream come true:
1. Interest
2. Thought
3. Desire
4. Willing
5. {dreaming}
6. Activation
You can see we have developing of the categories, as anything in nature grows and develops. For example if you want to become writer, first of all you need to have interest in Literature and poetry. Without interest is not possible to become (for example as many times happens in world, you could be a trader or economist, without this to be our dream, that wont lead your life to happiness or satisfaction.) Then secondly, you need to think about that. What does it mean "to think"? it doesnt mean to dream. But to activate your mind in direction of your interest. If you want to become writer, you start to think about what kind of writer you could be? what you are more successful in? poetry, prose, or else? You start also to read more works of others and compare them with yours. All that is in process of thinking".
Then you have little by little bigger inner challenge, to complete your dream...You feel desire to write. From that desire is actually the fire, lid by your mind. Desire appears in heart, and then is followed by willing. If you have desire, you start to see unknown and unnoticed paths for accomplishing your dream. you start to meet suddenly people, who are writers, start to attend classes, start to get familiar to this surrounding and to be with people who are the same as you. That is the ground/ rock for building more...and it comes willing. Willing is never alone, when you want something passionately, it comes with "dreaming" of it. In any sense. You could dream something totally "unreal" for you, but which you just imagine and visualize your success. That dreaming and "will" start to connect in higher emotional levels, where they reach certain point to be complete. The moment comes like a big wave and you`ll feel it, and then you`ll say, as all inner body of you say "this is the right time to happen". Then the dream and willing combine their forces to boost creative energy stream into real world. This is the moment the "work" to be born, the time to create, to activate your abilities. Then you`ll feel this perfect energy flowing with all colors and elements of your being., and it will give birth to the future great novel, and great writer. Thats the process ,growing of tree.
All the aspects are needed in this growing and not anyone should be missed, because then the process wont be complete and we`ll ask always "why this boy is so talented but he wasnt recognized?" Take care you to be dreamer as much as activist.
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