Saturday, June 29, 2024

July energy - Angels, Ascension, Healing, Esoteric Astrology, Crystals (6) ⭐


July has very calming and soothing energy – one of the most loving this year; it appears as waves of soft pink and sparkles of white-golden light. This is energy of divine love, compassion, integration, balance of giving and receiving, divine feminine. You need to open to self-love and self-reflection this time with all kind of nurturing practices for your body, mind and soul. 

                       Cosmic Vibration – 6

   This is month 6 in the year 2024 (8 + 7 =15/ 1+5) – which is number of archangel Chamuel and angels of love. This is vibration of divine feminine rising, emotional healing and cleansing, strong elements are earth and water. In this time we need to relax deeply, to let go of the rush in the daily life. It is amazing time to create something, to dream about who you want to be and to connect with all earth elementals – fairies, elves, undines, nymphs, tree spirits, water spirits. This is amazing energy of calmness, flow, rejuvenation and detox of your whole body. Also, this is perfect time to: 1) fall in love, to find your romantic partner, 2) to trust your intuition 3) to go out with friends 4) review of your past relationships, 5) work to heal your wounded inner child, 6) to be creative, 7) to make diet, or detox.

                              Health and wellbeing

You need to energize and open your Higher Heart chakra this month.

In July you need to focus on your stomach, intestines, colon and digestive system. Make little detox with healthy fruits and vegetables. This is perfect time for body cleansing and light yoga exercises. 🧘

The energy of your Higher heart brings emotional healing and releasing any past trauma of divine feminine, mother wound or inner child wound. This is also energy of transformation and coming back to who you are at a soul level. Higher heart also supports your immune system and makes you feel more open and vulnerable in your relationships.

                                   Esoteric astrology 🔮

   We have Moon and Venus as planets of power in July, that means their effect will be amplified in your personal chart. Moon – planet of Cancer – your emotions, inner child, imagination, psyche, intuition. For some souls the moon can enhance their psychic abilities and clear knowing; for others, many subconscious fears will be amplified, connected with childhood experiences. You can connect with your Akashic records and discover past lives and how they are connected with your current life. This new moon in Cancer (5 July) supports deep knowing, wisdom and nurturing. All aspects of divine feminine and Goddess are very strong in month of July. You can connect with your inner goddess, to Quan Yin, Mother Mary or any other goddess for guidance.

   Venus – planet of love, pleasure, luxury and relationships – is in sign of Cancer until 11 July. It brings you more emotions, need to feel closeness, more moments of sharing and vulnerability – and look to your past and present relationships. They can be romantic or mother-child dynamic. As now is the time for deep dive, understanding and releasing what no longer serves you.

We are in a very watery summer period -with many planets in water signs (Sun, Venus, Mercury in Cancer) – Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, both retrograde during the month. This retrograde means focusing more on your inner world, self-reflection and life review of important moments, especially related to your relationships, work, career and hobbies.

                                      Important aspects 

Sun square Chiron – some tension can rise to the surface related to your wounded inner child, your relationship with mother or siblings.

This tension is here to give you sign what to release, and what you don’t need to hold on in your life.

Sun trine Saturn -11 July – this trine gives you motivation, courage and self-discipline to realize your goals, to understand your mission and why you are here. But it`s not time to rush or to take fast action.

Sun trine Neptune -22 July – time to dream, relax and feel with your intuition where you belong, and where you don`t belong. What is your soul calling? What is something that makes you really happy? This is very uplifting aspect.

Sun in opposition of Pluto (planet of transformation, rebirth and sudden events, inner power), this aspect is more challenging, just after the Full moon in Capricorn, lighting the energy of warrior of light, always transformation takes courage and much efforts. Dealing with hidden aspects of others and yourself.

Be aware of people and situations that are fake, hypocritical and controlling.

                                  Crystals for healing

                                photo: rose quartz

In July archangel Chamuel (soft pink and golden angel) and Haniel (misty blue angel of the moon) are surrounding you with love. The crystals to support you in your soul journey are all pink crystals: pink opal, rose quartz, kunzite, morganite, pink calcite; also some light blue crystals – celestite and aquamarine. At this time connect with the crystal spirits (they are higher beings, like angels and faeries) – and ask for help and guidance from them.

Happy July, many blessings! 

Nina Nour Bluebell 

angel`s medium, healer

July 2024 ©

Monday, June 24, 2024

Meditation for full chakra cleansing and protection with Sacred geometry forms ⭐


Sit or lay down in a quiet space and take a few deep breaths. Feel how your heart is expanding as a beautiful white ball of light -in all directions. You are now in the sphere of your heart. Stay here for a few moments and feel the energy.

Then see or feel a stream of diamond white light flowing down from Source trough all of your body and into the ground, connecting you with the core of earth.

    Now focus on your Gold Star chakra (above your head around 60 cm) – and see your guardian angels, archangel Metatron and arch. Sandalphon surrounding you with bubble of golden light. You can see golden sphere of light shimmering in your Gold star chakra your divine source connection. In this golden orb see a beautiful golden Merkaba forming and spinning clockwise, protecting you on all levels and dimensions. From this higher chakra your inter dimensional travel starts, forming the field of your spiritual Merkaba star.

Now arch. Metatron touches this golden Merkaba and activates your divine connection to Source consciousness.

Stay a few moments visualizing your Gold star chakra with the Merkaba inside.

      Now slowly see the white beam of light travelling down to your Soul Star chakra (15 cm above your head). This is the place of your divine soul mission and blueprint. You can sense or see shimmering silver and opal white light in your Soul Star chakra expanding in all levels and dimensions. Inside of the sphere is beautiful dodecahedron swirling and activating the highest potential of your soul. Your guardian angels infuse this chakra with silver light of protection in Astral realms and activating your soul mission.

Then you can see the white-golden beam of light moving down and opening your magnificent Crown chakra with colours white and shining violet. See a sphere of white-violet light above your head -and symbol of the golden flower of life emerging in it. This is your connection to higher realms, to your wisdom, and soul family, your higher self and angels. See how the golden flower of life is activating your highest timeline for this incarnation.

Now see the golden-white light moving down to your Third eye chakra and brain, protecting your nervous system. There is shining deep blue light in this chakra, within it you can see another golden sphere of light and its centre the form of Icosahedron. This is the light of your psychic gifts, connection to the Akashic records and your soul records. The indigo blue icosahedron and the sphere of light are expanding like portals. You can go through it to understand and ask about your past lives on earth. The blue orb is spinning and releasing all negative dark energies or entities from your Third eye. Your highest intuition and wisdom are activated here.

   ⭐The white golden beam is travelling down to your Throat chakra, activating and protecting this centre with divine light. You see how your Throat is opening slowly with shimmering aquamarine, aqua aura colors; within the sphere of light there is spinning aquamarine- golden Merkaba star. Focus on this star for a moment, it activates your spiritual gifts and talents and your divine Truth. In this chakra you can receive messages and revelations from angels. Throat chakra protects your etheric body and purifies all your aura.

    ⭐ The white-golden beam is travelling down into your Higher Heart (Thymus gland area). You see wonderful shimmering soft pink orb of light expanding and in it the symbol of Vesica Pisces. You see it like 2 intertwined golden rings. Here you activate your potential to manifest miracles and be open to love of life. This pink light is activating the protection of your immune system and upgrading all cells in your body for optimum health.

Then the divine white light is moving into your Heart chakra, above your physical heart. It expands your heart with shining emerald green light, and you can see emerald spinning Merkaba in the sphere of your heart. This is connected to the energy of archangel Raphael and activates the deep healing, rejuvenation and DNA upgrade for your physical, emotional and etheric bodies. This is emerald Merkaba of self-love, self-healing and forgiveness.

Now the white golden light travels down to your Solar Plexus chakra, where you see brilliant yellow sphere of light. This is your inner sun, connected to the crystalline core of the Sun. Within this sphere there is spinning golden-yellow Merkaba, activating your inner divine power and confidence. Here you receive knowing of who you really are and what active steps to take in the world.

   The white-golden beam is moving down to your belly and your Sacral chakra -the source of divine feminine energy, of your inner child and your emotions. Here you see shining orange orb of light and within it orange amber egg. This is the egg of creation, of love and childhood, connection to your deep emotions, to your pains and relationships. This orange egg and orb are spinning and releasing all past trauma and hurt from your Sacral chakra, all of your unfulfilled desires, and wishes. Now this energy is unblocked and activates the highest potential for joy and creativity.

Then the white-golden beam is travelling into your Root chakra – the base of your spine. This is place of illumination, protection and safety in the 3 D world. See shining ruby sphere of light in this chakra. The orb is spinning and inside of it there is etheric ruby pyramid with four sides. The base of the pyramid contains the symbol of flower of life in a circle. Feel how this ruby pyramid is activating the highest protection, determination and self-discipline for you. See yourself as a ruby warrior of light -you are standing in the centre of the etheric pyramid, you feel safe and full of power. Now see the ruby light lighting up your spinal column and glowing from within. You activate the energy of flow and acceptance of your divine Soul plan for this life.

While the ruby pyramid is spinning, you release and let go of all Ancestral karma, negative ties, negative imprints from your ancestors and your father`s line. You are free and unrestraint, nothing is holding you back from implementing your goals.

Then the light moves slowly to your hips, legs, knees, feet, filling the feet chakras with golden light and descending into the ground. Below your feet about 15 -20 cm is your Earth star chakra: a big sphere of copper-white light, in the centre of it you see spinning divine octahedron. This sacred form makes you feel grounded, peaceful and connected to the core of the earth. This octahedron is made of the frequencies of your Spirit crystal(s) for this life. (it is different for every soul).

The octahedron in your Earth star is swirling and aligning your mind-body and spirit with all of your chakras above, holding you in the present moment. You are here and now, you are expression of infinite divine light on earth. Your connection to the magnetic core of the earth is essential for this life.

See your copper colour roots of light going down deep into the earth, reaching its core. From this place you can receive clear messages, wisdom and love of mother Earth.

Now archangel Sandalphon, who is charge of crystal kingdom and messages, touches your Earth star chakra and your aura and activates the pure light of knowledge and enlightenment for you. You are safe, cleansed and protected for your spiritual journey.

Slowly come back into the room, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer

June 2024  ©

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn 🌔 - releasing past trauma, Ancestral healing (+Journaling, Meditation, Crystal)


This full moon portal opens in the time of Solstice energy – 21. June, with swirling copper and golden light. This portal is one of the most healing and intense for the next 6 months, as it points to where do you need to break free.

   The full moon is in the sign of Capricorn – earth warrior, making our focus more on our earth qualities: motivation, persistence, taking small steps to the goal, planning, organization and self-discipline. Your daily habits and routine matter, as they are who shape you to the person who you have become.

We are already in the new energy of the earth and slowly moving up to another Ascension, as the sun influxes continue to rise. This is a great time to understand, release and let go of old negative believes, patterns, behaviours and habits that are holding you back. You are no longer the same or in the same energy. You are going through process of upgrade, so the release is important now.

Some things you need to consider in the time of the Solstice and full moon:

  bringing structure, organization and motivation to your routine

 understanding how to balance your time, so you can get the most of it

 making priorities and creating boundaries. Think about your sacred space (time) where no one can bother you.

 Take time outside in nature, connect with the spirit of trees and plants

 Deep ancestral healing

   The planet of power in this moon portal is Saturn – self-discipline, setting goals, intentions, grounding, obligations and time. You need to consider if your time is restricted for something you want to achieve; what are your intentions for the next month, what do you want to practice regularly, to achieve the best results?

Think more deeply how do you spend your time, what is the focus energy of your day? What things you need to re-organise and balance?

Saturn (daily routine, discipline, planning) is in the sign of Pisces (spirituality, other worlds, dreams) – which brings need on a global level to have time for spiritual practices, meditation and peace of mind. Restoration, energy upgrade and deep healing of the past traumas are part of this energy of the month.

This full moon portal will affect you more if you have Rising sign or Moon in Capricorn, or if your 7 th house is ruled by Capricorn. 🌔

       Questions to ask yourself and journal for the Full moon:

- How do I need to organize my time to be most effective?

- Do I have organized home, do I need to de-clutter and clean?

- What are the negative relationships impacting my life now?

- How much self-discipline I implement in my daily routine?

- Do I have any grounding practices – walk in nature, gardening, yoga, exercises?

- What is my nest goal?

- What do I want to achieve/ manifest in the next 3 months?

- How much am I motivated to do my daily tasks?

- What are the unhealthy habits that I need to let go of?

- Do I have unhealthy attachment in relationships?

- Do I have strong energy boundaries? Am I able to say No?

- Where do I need to put more efforts in order to have better results?

Answer these questions in your journal and read them again in the next full moon cycle. You may feel the difference in yourself.

On 20 June Sun enters into sign of Cancer ♋– we work with the archetype of divine mother, nurturing, loving and feminine energy. This is beautiful time to connect and heal your mother wound, heal your inner child, make priority for more time alone, practice self-love.

We are in the collective energy of Water, element of divine feminine. Many souls may focus on their spiritual journey, on their emotional healing, or mother wound healing, cutting of negative ties, and ancestral karma cleansing.

Angels for the full moon: Azrael, Jehudiel

Angel for the month: Sandalphon

                   Meditation with angels + candles 🔮

Sit in a quiet space and light up 3 (6) black candles on your altar. Focus on your breathing and take in a few deep breaths, visualizing how your aura expands, until it fills the room.

You can write down 3 negative habits that you want to release at this time (this can be negative patterns or food addictions).

Now close your eyes and invoke the energy of AA Azrael and angels of the transition. You can feel or see also your guardian angels surrounding you with love. Angels of transition are there to help you with ascension, with any transition in your life and going into the new phase. Imagine calming copper-golden light around you in the shape of egg. Feel how this light fills your aura, bringing peace, safety and protection. Now see above the copper light another egg shaped black light. This light has powerful qualities of protection, eliminating all negative energies or entities.

Say the following affirmation:

I call upon arch. Azrael and Jehudiel to please cut and remove from my field all negative cords, negative energies, entities and attachments, release them into the divine light. Please, protect me from any negative entities, thought forms and energies in all levels and dimensions, in all directions of time. Thank you! And so it is.”

Now see yourself in this beautiful copper egg light and above black light, reflecting all dark energy like a mirror. See yourself safe, free and relaxed in your own power. This egg shell light acts as your protection shield and boundary that no one can penetrate.

Then see how on your feet start to grow roots of copper light, they descend into the earth, connecting you with the copper-golden Earth star chakra, below your feet. Feel the connection and see golden octahedron in the core of this chakra. This is the sacred shape connecting you to the earths energy. Feel how your earth star chakra is spinning in even pace and the octahedron is spinning in it.

Trust that you are anchored, safe and divinely guided at all times.

Then you can focus on the negative habits or addictions you want to release, and burn the paper in safe place. Stay in meditation for a little longer, feeling the relief and release of all negativity.

We thank all the angels for their love and assistance.

You can repeat this meditation in the next 3 days after the full moon, focusing on releasing your negative habits and addictions, and cutting negative ties.

              Crystal for the Full moon: Black Obsidian

[ more about black obsidian read the article here...>

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, reiki healer

Tarot teacher 

June 2024  ©

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What are dark Entities and how to remove them effectively (+ proection with the angels)


In this article I` ll channel the message from angels and AA. Zadkiel about entities and look into what are they and ways to remove them from your field.

What are entities?

Entities are called low vibrational beings and forms that are unconscious or have underdeveloped consciousness; they can look like parasites, worms, insects or other different animals in energy form. These low creatures are real and they don`t have own energy field, but they need to feed off the energy (certain emotions, thought forms) of other conscious beings.

Entities can live in different lower dimensions and levels, other than 3 D, like Astral world and lower Astral, sometimes Ethereal realms. The most common entities that appear in human world are energy worms, lices, parasites, snakes, snails, spiders, cockroaches, even kind of bats. When you just think how these low creatures are attached to your field, you have feeling of disgust and fear.

Some entities can be very detrimental for your health and well being and make your environment with dull energy.

We live in a world, where there are many low vibrational spaces, people and layers of mind, and we are surrounded by different entities and dark beings. But that doesn`t need to bring us fear, because we always have the power as eternal beings of light, to keep these energies away.

We need to be aware that energy entities can come from the Astral, where our soul is in state of sleep and dream. Then our etheric and astral bodies can carry them into the physical (3D) world, while being unconscious of them. Most entities attach to different parts of your energy or chakra and they feed on sub-conscious fears, negative believes or dark emotions. Some entities can be attracted to disguised sexual desires or impure desires and feelings of anger, rage, jealousy.

This happens if the negative emotions or desires are persistently present in your field. That means if you just experience them rarely or sometimes, this is unlikely to bring entities to you. Also, the more you take care of your own energy and aura, cleanse regularly your chakras, the less possible is for the lower entities to find their way to you.

In order to protect your astral body before you sleep call on your astral angels (everyone has these angels) and ask them to surround you with egg shape of strong silver-white light. This is increase greatly your astral protection, while you are travelling in the sub-conscious.

Where do entities attach? How do they look like?

However, some entities of lower emotions, or unconscious sexual desire can look like octopus with many tentacles attaching to your lower abdomen and sexual organs. In long term that can bring health issues and feeling of being uncomfortable in this area of your body, while needing more and more of the same sexual desire.

Many dark entities come from ill intentions, curses, hexes, black magic, and from certain foods (meat and sugar). We don`t realize that, but many crowded places are full of entities, which we don` t see with our eyes – but we can feel.

Common cases that attract entities are addictions. Most cases of addictions can be caused by actual entities or/ and lead to entities attachment. For example, addiction to alcohol (or sugar) brings kind of dark energy worms, caterpillars or insects, that can attach to your gut, intestines, stomach and liver. They are energy forms, so you may experience different sensations in this part – like need to vomit, discomfort, and on long term different illnesses in this part. If you have addiction to cigarettes or smoking you can have small energy snake”, snails” or a tick” in your lungs, in your throat, nose, sinuses. This can bring even more discomfort and health problems or on the long term will lead to serious illness.

All kind of entities are unconscious and they don’t have developed energy. But they can be used for manipulation and affect the immune system in the body. On energy level, immune system, as well as respiratory system are related to chakra Higher heart and Throat. That`s how all low entities and energy parasites affect your sense of pure feeling or pure connection to the divine, or your guides and angels.

Are viruses entities?

II. I want to clarify something, which may be known to some people. Most viruses, including the C-virus and others artificially created – are in fact entities (they have manifested in physical micro form). They are made with the purpose to bring down the energy system and grid of humans and to make them lose their eternal source connection. Such viruses can be removed by energy cleansing of your aura and specially strengthening your immune system and infusing it with white and pink light. Some bacteria that exists in us is also kind of entity, but they are helpful and negative bacteria for the body.

III. Entities are creatures that can be manipulated by outer forces, but they are unconscious. On the other hand, they can be close to the dark energy of demons – which are totally different, and they are conscious beings of darkness.

(to read more about demons and different groups of demons, see the article here… )

       Can entities attach to the space?

There are many different entities and they are generally parasites. So, yes they can attach to your space if there is specially too much dark energy or if they are sent by another dark being (demon, or human). But we need to know, these entities have weak nature and they can`t stand the power of light. Most of them have dull black, dark gray or red colour, which starts to be “visible” in the space (for sensitive people or clairvoyant). They can be removed with the proper energy cleansing of the space, with ritual and candles. (The methods i`ll describe below). Entities can be also brought by other people, who come into our space, or people who are not spiritual, but live in our space. In this occasion, we need to cleanse the space regularly, and invoke the power of angels.

       How to remove dark entities?

There are many methods to remove entities – but here are the most effective once, given to me by arch. Zadkiel.

1. You can remove entities from space with energy cleansing – light up a black or white candle in the room, and dedicate it to the energy cleansing and removing all dark creatures. Then cleanse the space with Paolo santo wood, sage or sandalwood – especially pay attention to the corners, windows and mirrors in the room. You can draw in the corners of the room (with black obsidian or tourmaline) pentagrams in a sphere of light. Imagine how these pentagrams are moving and spinning clockwise. (You can do this also in visualization only, even if you are not in the space!). Then ask your guardian angels, Arch. Michael, arch. Jehudiel and Arch. Zdkiel to surround your space with protection and high vibration of love and peace. The entities will be gone almost instantly.

2. Removing dark entities from your field is best with meditation and energy cleansing. You can light up a candle and dedicate it to remove dark entities. Then sit in a quiet position and imagine streams of white diamond light coming down to your from above, moving through your Soul Star chakra, to your Crown, to your Throat and to all of your chakras. This light will remove any negative attachments from your field. See how the light is moving in circular motion around your aura, covering all your aura from the outside, like a pearl or eggshell.

Then above the white layer of your aura place a shield of golden light, which will seal the energy and prevent any other dark entities to be attached to it. Ask your angels for help, and call on violet flame angels, Arch Michael and Zadkiel to be with you and help you.

3. Removing entities from your chakras 

You can invoke the power of arch. Michael and Zadkiel to create a vortex of light, which draws in with magnetic force, all negative entities from one place in your body. When you identify the place of your discomfort (or illness), you can identify the chakra connected to it. For example, if you experience problem in your stomach, intestines, or liver, they are connected to your Solar Plexus. If you have problem with your lungs or throat, or sinus, they are connected with your Throat chakra. Then see how the strong vortex of light is pulling the negative energy from the chakra (or organ in the body) and feel this cleansing effect for a while. Do that every day for the next 9 days, to have best results. You will see after that how the chakra or organ are filled with white-golden light, which is protective and of highest vibration. This light repels all negative entities, feelings or thought forms from you.

You can also make additional aura cleansing by using Paolo santo, sea salt, washing your body or feet with sea salt water or crystal water.

 Can other people negative emotions or thoughts affect you?

Yes, most people are regularly affected by others negative thoughts and emotions. That can bring imbalance, negative feelings, even some health discomfort and pains in the body. Because of that most empaths, psychic and sensitive souls, need to place daily energy protection and to maintain high spiritual hygiene. Most people who reguraly practice energy cleansing and meditation won`t be easily affected by others emotions. 

You can see the person surrounded by bubble of deep blue light, and send this blue bubble away from your energy and space. Then you can ask angels to place energy protection around you, using 3 spheres lock around your aura -white, deep blue and golden sphere. See these spheres around you moving in different directions. In this way the negative thoughts, entities, or low vibrations won`t be able to reach you.

Pay attention to your feelings and thoughts when you are near someone, or just talk to someone via messages, or in any way. What do you feel? These feelings are not by chance”, they are revealing something about your energy and how you need to be close or far from the person. That `s why it is highly important to develop intuition and clair sentience, along with other psychic senses, so you can be in safe space.

🐇Questions to you: 

You can comment ,what is your personal experience with entities and low vibrational thoughts? Can other people affect your energy? How often that happens?

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell 
medium, healer 
angel spiritual coach
June- 2024  ©

Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Moon in Gemini - recreate your new world 🌙 (+Journaling ✎)


The energy portal of this new moon opens on 6 -6 with very beautiful light of divine feminine. This is the new moon bringing joy, optimism, many opportunities and being open to the world. The planet of power this month is Mercury – planet of Gemini -connections, relationships and new endeavours. You can meditate to connect with the crystalline core of this beautiful planet for support. The new moon portal opens as a spiral turquoise and golden light, moving fast, which will help you receive codes of healing and rejuvenation on etheric level. 

This is perfect time for:

- new creative ideas, going out from your comfort zone, trying new things

- travelling, discover new places

- Observing and thinking about your relationships – how they add to your life in a positive/ negative way?

- Being social, meeting new friends, communication

- Being honest about your feelings and desires, sharing things that you want

- finding unhealthy patterns in your love relationship – where do you hide your true identity?

- Detox of the mental body and working on your Throat and Heart chakra

You can feel the influence of this new moon in a very different way, depending on where is Gemini in your natal chart -this sphere will be affected.

In the new moon and 4 days after it, we feel the influence of new energy, lightness and optimism, we work with the element of Air (wind) in your body. Perfect exercise for this time is breathing meditations, deep breaths, restoring your respiratory system and lungs. (see the exercise below). We are also called to focus on healing and rejuvenation of our Mental body and higher mind.

Questions to ask in your journal for this new moon in Gemini:

- What is the quality of my relationships, do I have connections that are not in alignment with my higher self (soul path)?

- What do I feel about my current relationship and partner? Am I safe and protected?

- What do I need to do to improve my relationship?

- What is the connection with my friends? How can I improve the communication with my friends (if needed)?

- Do I have creative ideas, what inspires me the most?

- Which unhealthy pattern I need to let go of in my communication?

Answering these questions will bring you closer to your sub-conscious mind.

Meditation for the New moon

Light up 1 (3, 6) white candles on your altar. Sit in a meditation with your back straight and take a few deep breaths. Feel how you are connected with the white magnetic core of the earth, and see energy roots coming from your feet into the earth. Now we call on Arch. Sandalphon and angels of turquoise light to surround you with peaceful presence and protection. Feel the energy of angels around you, stretching their hands of light and forming a huge sphere of turquoise and golden light around you. They channel energy of love, abundance and prosperity into your aura. See this turquoise calming stream of light entering your Crown chakra, and flowing down to your Thrid eye and Throat chakra. This light is cleansing and rejuvenating your brain, nervous system, and all nervous cells in your body and mind. See the soothing light flowing down to your face, ears, nose, lips and throat area, cleansing and balancing your hormons and Thyroid gland. Then see the turquoise light moving into your lungs and heart, and in all your blood vessels and capilars. This is the light of full detox and cleansing of your cells.

See your whole body enveloped in this light like in a cocoon of love and safety.

Stay within this flowing stream of light for a few moments, (around 15 min) or as long as you need. Then slowly come back to your room and open your eyes.

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, reiki master

June 2024 ©

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Channeled message from AA Sandalphon for the Ascension (June 2024)


Greetings children of earth and Light!

We are here at this time to encourage you and help you in this special times on earth. Your planet is changing and evolving together with you. Gaia has energy body, she is sentient being who is awakening to the profound transformation. One of the important things to know is that your Sun system is moving in the direction of spiral and toward the galactic centre or the Central sun. You are in process of transition and alignment with your true path of Soul evolution. This process is unfolding but it will take many decades to reach collectively to more evolved stage. Now is just the beginning.

We are sending you in June special celestial codes of turquoise and golden light. All souls who are ready and willing to receive these codes, will have cellular upgrade, regeneration of the energy system and all multidimensional bodies and DNA repair. We want you to stay calm, focused on your mission at this time, feel the lightness in the air in the next months. You are not the same as before. Your body is in between stage of deep transformation from lower density to higher frequency.

What you will experience now can be closing of karmic cycle, cleansing and releasing of old programs, believes and stagnant energy from your aura. You are starting to feel the vibrations and energy around you more intensely, as you have hightent sensitivity, you may experience strange dreams or very emotional dreams. You will realize you have desire to create, to be seen and to connect with others like minded people. You will have desire to express your souls talents with others. This is what you need to do. But as the energy is intense and fluctuating, you need to make balance between your active state and rest and recuperation.

The earth is going through fast moving photons of Light, and this spiral field will affect the activity of your Sun (and its crystalline core) and all the planets. You may feel more the influence of certain planets on your life, your brain and nervous system. We recommend you to be grounded and connect daily with the crystalline core of Earth. This is the energy of deep wisdom, so you can be ready for the changes to come. Some souls who have it in their soul mission or contract, will start to channel more information and downloads from higher light beings, angels or Galactic beings.

Don`t be influenced by the outside world propaganda, stay present as much as possible. This is important as you need to accept the new light codes within your Heart, Crown chakra, and Earth star chakra. These are the codes of transition to your stage of butterfly and codes of initiation. Some souls will be drawn to expand their knowledge in certain direction, others will take time in restoration and healing the body and energy, different meditation practices. Do what you feel called to, and what you feel in your heart. When you are aligned with your heart and the core of Gaia, this is your inner true.

You belong to the infinite light, you are special and have eternal soul. You belong to your Monad and the Source of divine Light, infinitely expanding and evolving. That`s why you as a soul, are always expanding and evolving, as part of the Light. You are now in your earthly incarnation, like in a movie theatre, or a test. There will be many challenges for you, this is how it was programmed to be. But you need to take it as a fun game and start to understand your role of creator and person who can manifest his best life. Or you can feel it as endless burden, as if you are carrying a rock.

Trust that your soul has a plan for you and you are exactly where you need to be, for your souls expansion and learning.

At this time you are connecting to the core the Sun, core of Saturn and Mercury. There will be resonances from these planets to earth. And the earth is connected with the energy of your Heart. So, you need to meditate and open your heart (and your Crown and Earth star chakra), and receive the turquoise-golden light codes of Ascension. These are 5 and 6 dimensional codes according to the plan of each soul.

We are sending you channeled meditation for cellular cleansing and upgrade, to align with your highest path.

You are loved, you are bright light that will continue the planetary evolution and revolution.

Sending you divine light and Love!

AA Sandalphon 

channeled by

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, reiki healer

angelic astrology

June 2024 ©