Sunday, February 4, 2024

What is the False Matrix - the truth exposed (part I)

  In this article I`ll answer questions about the false Matrix, what is it and what are the things we still don’t know, why it is created (with the help of my angels and Master Isis).  

Matrix is a place – artificially made template of reality that exists within the multi-dimensional world. That means we need to be aware of characteristics of the matrix. The matrix is artificially made – that means it is not authentic and inherent reality that people live in. In fact, not just our planet, but many more planets are living within Matrix.  


Out of the Matrix there is the vastness of our true authentic reality, where we have Soul plan and where we can have our spiritual development. This is God and angelic reality of the “evolution matrix”. So, we have 2 matrixes within each other connected on the Soul level. The first is the dark or Matrix of destruction, which is artificially made”, and the second is the Matrix of evolution – which contains the original God evolutionary plan.  

Now I`ll focus on the Dark matrix and that means I will observe why it was created and who created it.  

The Dark Matrix (template of destruction) is made with the aim of distortion, regression and simulation of reality. This matrix is also multi-dimensional and exists in many layers. But this matrix is made especially like a net – like a large and complicated computer program that stores the information and creates “games” for the players within the reality. All humans born currently on earth level and on any physical reality are born within this Matrix. 

That means for everyone are valid the same rules and regulations of the games. However, this Matrix holds special keys to the existence, which are keys opposite of the Original (Angelic) matrix. It creates and programmes dark games of enslavement, attachment, fears and illusions. That happens through artificially created authority.  

The Original matrix holds the keys to the a-priori creation of humans – which are freedom, free choice, unconditional love, truth, clarity and knowledge.  

The Dark matrix is false – but it is totally real for the ego, and we can see it everywhere –because it is easily employed in the 3 D world.  

However, one of the wrong ideas that most people have is that the Dark matrix doesn’t exist in higher dimensions like 4 and 5 D. While the matrix is functional and operating, it is like a large computer. Even if you delete files from it, the whole system is still working.  

So, the false Matrix will exist until the time comes when the whole system will be destroyed.  

The Matrix is artificially woven as a template –above the original Matrix of reality. It contains all things for human devolution and destruction. The main purpose of this matrix is Devolution of humanity. The reason for that is simple – only through devolution and destruction of spiritual power in humans, can “Dark powers” continue to exist. Only in this way they can have control over the humans. This is the way for human slavery and the way they can impose inhuman patterns, mind and behaviour on humans. 

That means, the Authority who created this artificial Matrix with dark games and slavery –is in fact non-human, but also not related to animals.  

 So, this authority can be found in demonic spheres and the Entities.  

Demonic worlds became more and more powerful as the main principle they work with is expansion through war, control and power. Demons and entities exist in lower Astral spheres. So, they are real, no matter what you imagine (in the same way as Angels).

In fact, the battle between Darkness and Light is real and allegoric in the same time. How? There is no such “battle” which means demons exist in totally different plane and there are no angels or Light beings who can reach” them practially.

On another hand, human soul has Angelic origin, and we are made of all celestial elements. In the same time humans are a-priori made of pieces of dark matter as well.  

SO, what we call “battle” between Dark and light is actually battle for humanity. And that’s allegoric. Humans are indeed entangled in the dark matrix, as they are imposed with false ideas, believes, false authority systems and structures.  


Now pay attention that all the structures of imposed authority in this matrix are artificial and created with purpose of destruction and enslavement. These structures are in government, institutions of law, banks, country, pharmacology, medical care and hospitals. They are created with the purpose of going away from the original plan for humans –which is spiritual evolution.  

So –at this time we live in an artificially made (imposed) reality where the aim of all structures of authority is enslavement and de-volution of soul.  

This de-volution is the soul forgetting of its original plane, talents and abilities and not just “forgetting” but being put in a template that is too hard to awaken to its angelic identity.  

Therefore, now on the planet we can see many layers and structures coming together and forcing more power and more enslavement on humans, as they want to let them live in place of imprisonment. All the authentic power, truth and freedom of the soul has been taken away. (and that was within the system and how the life functions).  

Notice –that is NOT the original plan of the creators of the Matrix of light and not the original plan of re-incarnation in the planet.  

Continue to part II here....>

Read about what is time and timelines (and dimensions) >

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer

Jan. 2024 ©

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