Saturday, February 10, 2024

How to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate your Emotional body (part III -practical steps)

 Here are more practical steps how to cleanse your emotional body

  1. Another important practice for energy cleansing and healing – especially of your emotions – is body movement. Choose whatever daily exercise, yoga, chi gong, yoga poses, body tapping or dancing for rejuvenation. This is the way you refresh your energy and enhance your emotional body. Most people after light yoga, dance or exercise feel joyful and more uplifted. They are back to a good mood and creative energy.  

  1. Kundalini energy activation.

  2. As mostly emotions are connected with your sexual energy, you can focus on cleansing and healing your Sacral chakra and Root chakra (for men). Many men have their sexual energy in the Root chakra, as this is the masculine source. You can awaken your Kundalini energy, which will change the flow and cleanse your emotions instantly. Be aware of your sexual energy, as it is easy to be trapped in your Sacral chakra. Suppressed sexual energy is related to your creative flow, and the way you express/ suppress your emotions. Thats why sexual energy will affect your emotional body and your relationships. For that reason, you need to work on your chakras of feminine energy – Sacral –Heart –Third eye. 

  1. Nutrition is the easiest way to maintain a healthy energy system, including physical and emotional body. For 3 days make diet for emotional detox. It is good for this diet to start on a new moon or full moon day, as it will support your intention for cleansing. Eat special fruits in a course of 3 days: morning: red fruits, berries, strawberries, cherries, apples, cranberries. Lunch: eat any vegetarian dish (especially dishes with Yin energy – rice, lentils, potatoes), in the afternoon: eat fruits of your choice at 3.00 pm. Fast after 3.30 pm. Until the next morning. Make sure in this regime to have intention for healing your emotional body, you can bless your food and fruits before each meal and drink more water or fresh juice.  

  1. Aromatherapy.  

This is one of the most relaxing and beautiful ways to cleanse your emotions and energy. Make a ritual every evening with an aroma lamp and a few drops of your favorite aroma oil. Some very good options are lavender, rose, orange, frankincense, neroli, lemon, lemon grass, grapefruit, pine. Just lay down and relax, feeling the scent. This will create space and uplift your emotions, infuse your aura with joy, love and positive emotions.  

  1. Letting go.

  2. This is one of the best practices for cleansing and healing your emotions. You can't receive something new if your cup is filled already. Our emotions are like overflowing liquids in a cup. We need to regularly EMPTY the cup and that happens with letting go. This is an intentional process, and can't happen for just one day, one hour or even one week. We need to do this regularly (and it is the same as physical exercise). How do we let go of negative emotions? We need first to understand and acknowledge these emotions within us. Or to understand from who we picked up these emotions. When we know the source of them, we can let them go (if they are not serving us). One way is using the ritual for the full moon (or on a day like 11 of each month). Light up a candle dedicated to energy cleansing and emotions. It can be white, pink or orange color. Write on a piece of paper the emotion you feel and their source (for example you can write sadness; or frustration because of work; sadness from –write name of a person...). Then you can observe these emotions inside of you and feel them. See how they feel, accept their presence. Understand why they are with you? What do they want to show you about you or your life? Next you can say out loud or whisper: “I now acknowledge these emotions and let it GO. I no longer need it in my field.” (You can add –with the help of your guardian angels or archangel Chamuel or any other light being, you like). Next step is to burn the paper on the candlelight (use safe place for that!). Sit down for a while and notice how you feel now. Are there any changes or shifts in your emotional body? What do you notice? After this exercise you should feel much better and more refreshed in your emotions.  


All these practices, when done regularly, will create amazing shifts and feelings of lightness in your emotional body. We are beings that need to FEEL emotions. This is the beauty of human nature, but many times we feel ashamed, vulnerable or don't want to deal with our emotions and suppress them. Then we create damage to all our energy, especially our physical body! Depending on the negative feeling or fear we suppress, it has reflection on certain chakra, organ of the body, cells and tissues.  

Angels recommend regular energy cleansing and healing with a waterfall of pink –golden light, which you can do for 15 minutes, to keep your energy flowing. They recommend daily practices of self-care and self-love, because they are related to our personal wellbeing and sense of JOY. Angels also advise you to have very good energy protection, as this will keep you safe from unwanted interferences in your aura and chakras 

Thank you for tuning in! 💗

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

angels medium

channeler, reiki healer

February 2024 *

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