Thursday, February 22, 2024

Monad and Higher Self - Your programmed Natal chart (Part II)

(Please read part I here...)

 Lifetimes and Soul family  

Here is something interesting: All the souls in one Monad (Lower Monad) incarnate at the same timeline, usually they are born in the same month, the same year or difference in 3 years. That means, you could meet your soul family, and they can appear as your brothers, sisters, cousin. But they can never be your parents.  

For most people it's likely they never meet in reality their Soul family (or what some people call Twin flame) in this lifetime 


Meeting your Soul fractal  

Regardless of the gender when you meet the soul from your Group of 12, you will have very unique overwhelming feeling and inner knowing that “you know them from before”, and that they are part of you.  

This sensation is what some people describe as a Twin flame – but in fact we have many twin flames, and they can be the same gender.  

However, meeting your soul fractal is not easy and certainly it's not given to everyone. It is given as spiritual bonus after you accomplished many life missions (together). That’s why it is special honour and privilege to meet your Twin flame (soul fractal) in reality.   


Your programmed life cycles and Natal chart  

As I wrote in another article, each soul is in a cycle of 12 lives that forms exactly the look of our astrological Natal chart with 12 houses. Your current life is the one in the house of your sun sign. For example, if your sign is Libra and Libra is in your 10 - house, then your current life is 10 from the cycle of 12.  

That also means – each of your previous and future lives are programmed and look like in your Natal chart – but to some extent. In my case –I am Libra, and this should be my 11th life from this cycle, so in my previous life I was Virgo (it was my 9 life) and in future I`ll be Scorpio (it will be my 12 life).  

(Note – in this case you need to use whole sign method of calculation of the houses).  

* Have in mind that this is related only to ONE cycle, but your soul has many cycles.  

Now, what is interesting to know is, your Soul family of 36 has the same natal chart as you, but only with different planetary aspects, and the date and year of birth may be different.  

That means –if you are Sun in Libra in the 11 house, all your soul tribe will be the same, and their life will be the 11 incarnation of the cycle; OR they can be exactly opposite sign – Aries, and still should be their 11 life, so their Natal chart will look like mirror of yours.  

That means also, that if your Ascendant is Sagittarius (rising) they will have the same ascendant, or the opposite sign – Gemini.  


When you come to Earth plane, you and your Soul fractals have special mission – that can be life mission or spiritual mission, but you all share this together.  

You and your Monad (of 108 souls) come together at the same timeline and accomplish totally 9 cycles of 12 lives each –which makes it totally 108 lives.  

You can see that there are no coincidences in this earth – the number of incarnated souls in your Soul family is equal to the number of lives you experience here (108). In all these cycles you have the same soul family of 12, you incarnate by “program” and have exactly the same Natal chart (of houses) the same karmic lessons, and the same number of life as you are now.  


In your last life from the cycle -12 –you will be given the special spiritual gifts and rewards (no matter what) from previous lives. It means in this life you are expected to make something bigger for all humans or for big group on earth.  

Of course, not all humans have spiritual mission to accomplish. Some can relate to science, discovery, teaching, or establishing something new, invention. That’s also called Unity mission.  


Be aware that your soul fractals of 12 will have not only the same vibration, colour, mission, but also the same fears, qualities, karmic experiences, relationships, spirit animals, crystal guardians, the same taste for clothes, style, interior, fashion and so on.  


Now I want to explain the nature of the 12 lives in a cycle. (similar to Natal chart). The first three lives you are here to gather soul information and wisdom about Self. You will accomplish personal desires and learn lessons about feelings and your own energy and ego. These lives are related to material world, so you are given keys to material world manifestation, how to build foundation of something – for example a house. Your focus is meant to be on yourself and material reality. (that does not mean you are not spiritual!). Some souls have much difficulty in this life. The higher level of the Soul, the more she will have challenging first 3 lives.  

In the first life your Sun sign will be the same as your ascendant –as this is the first house on the astrology chart.  


The second 3 lives (represented by 4, 5, 6 houses) you are learning how to deal with your emotions, relationship and love lessons. Here you may have some dramatic experiences with your love partner, you may meet a karmic partner, soul mate and so on. You will become aware and drawn to raise children, or to work with your inner child (they are interconnected). You will be more closely connected to your family, partner and children, or if there is an emotional trauma –you will be disconnected and in need of healing.  

Have in mind that almost all hard issues, trauma, fears, resistance and negative patterns in your relationships now, come from past lives unresolved, unhealed experiences. This happens within the same cycle of 12 lives. That means – if you have karmic loop in relationship and love that was not completed, it will transfer to the next life in the cycle …until you resolve it.  

Please read part III here...

Nina Nour Bluebell

angels medium

February 2024©

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