In this article I`ll focus on explaining concept of time, what are the spiritual parameters of time, how we create different timelines –with the help of my angels and arch. Zadkiel.
Q: What is time from higher perspective?
Time can be seen as a fractal of energy that is presenting simultaneous
moments of multiple realities, unfolding within your consciousness. (that means
the time exists only in your consciousness and the way it is created). All
things that are time related consist in your thoughts, feelings and senses as
Let`s imagine the paradigm of time as existing in different levels and
dimensions. If you are playing a game, you are not the avatar”, but you are
choosing the character, outlook and the movements of your avatar in the game.
You choose also the ways your avatar moves, how to interact with other players
and so on. The same is valid for the “reality Matrix” in which you are. You can
see, there are 2 different perceptions of time – one is related to the player
(you) who is out of the game, but who still is not focused on (or can`t
remember) the reality out of the game; and another is the time inside the game,
which is experienced by the avatar. This reality in the Matrix (game) has
different time-lines, or the avatar is able/ forced to make different choices.
Now imagine that you have the ability as a player to play many
characters and to have many avatars in different games at once. This is what we
call “parallel realities” or parallel self. But notice that they are related to
the avatars, not the original player.
This player is actually your Higher self, and you Monad –or you can call
it Source. You as a player are eternal Soul connected with the Source.
If the player himself is in another video-game” and he is been played by
someone “above him”, then the concept of time becomes even more complicated.
Have in mind that the time is always related to the space. And space is
almost always connected with the time.
Your timeline trajectory that you experiencing now is related to the
Space. You perceive your character in the space as a fractal of existence in
your Solar system, your planet, your galaxy. All of them are interconnected,
before you can feel the time. Therefore, all things are related to the space of
this time-frame of the planet, galaxy. But in the same time, you are living in
a “double reality” –not as an avatar (on physical plane), but as a Creator being
(or soul), who is out of the space and time, which you program by yourself. All
that is created with your soul knowledge and for you, to help the evolution of
your Soul.
The higher you go in the dimensions (realities), the fastest becomes the
speed you are moving through the time-spiral and the more characters or avatars
you are going to play simultaneously. (That means – the higher dimensions you
move, the more parallel versions of self you will have).
All time” is related to your space, the level of frequency and the layer
of reality you operate from as a consciousness.
Time on earth moves in circles or spirals, they are endless spirals
–which are related to the space, dimensions and frequencies. In different
spaces and dimensions the time will look/ feel differently.
One of the these dimensions is the Astral plane (or where we go in state
of sleep, dreams or transition after death for most souls). That’s why when we
sleep we lose feeling of time as we are in a different reality when we dream.
We connect with the Astral realm through opening the spiral in our
sub-conscious mind. That is like going in deep waters. (dream within the
The higher in the dimensions we go the more complex the time-frame
becomes. (as we can have states of dream within the dream, within the
dream…multiple times).
One of the ways to exit the time-frame of the Matrix (and dream) is
through meditation or other spiritual practices, that can connect you with your
higher Self (like hypnosis, astral travel, NDE, channeling, rituals)…In this
states we connect with the Super consciousness (or Higher Self, Monad, with our
angels, Archangels, Masters and beings of higher dimensions.
So, the state of connection with your Super-consciousness is the only way you can exit the Matrix, and reach to your all-seeing self or true essence. In this way you are connecting with the creator being who is playing this avatar in the dense physical reality. From the concept of time in the reality you reach to your current life, past and future life frames.
But from the higher dimensional point of view you can be one player
(creator) who plays with 2-3 or more avatars simultaneously. That’s how you are
created, to be focused on one fractal of time (time-life) in one dimension.
Unlike that view, higher beings and souls of Light can multiply in many
creators (players) in different time-lines and dimensions. (Like angels can be
many and countless players at once, and can be in all places doing different
missions simultaneously. (Which is called projection). They not only play with
different avatars, but they see the higher perspective and dimension, and they
can perceive all spaces at the same time. (Because they are not bond with
time-space reality box).
★Humans are individualized creators who can be only one consciousness.
But they are like a stream belonging to the river. They are included in
different Monads (groups of consciousness) with certain mission, color,
vibration and outlook.
What determines your
time-frame reality?
Things that determine which time frame reality you are experiencing
(now) or which game you play are Planetary karma, focus, intention, will and
action on certain mission. (The same as in a game your aim is to go to higher
level, to be more experienced and advanced. If you fail (or die), you start
again). Every soul gains spiritual gifts (bonuses) by developing different
qualities (like patience, love, forgiveness, resilience, letting go, releasing
past trauma…)
The higher level you go, the more qualities you need to master. (if you
don’t realize this need” you will be forced to master it by the Matrix) and the
more challenges you will have in the game. In the same time, the more you will
gain spiritual points and gifts.
Your goal is to master your avatar in any way possible, in one
particular plane (existence) before going to the next level (or in another
dimension out of earth).
🍧 Thank you for tuning in!
Nina Nour Bluebell
medium, crystal healer
Jan. 2024 ©
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