Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Channeled message from AA Zadkiel and fairy Amethyst for February (2024)


Greetings children of Light!

  We are here to encourage you, protect you and send you healing codes of light and love. We are the angels of the Violet flame and amethyst fairy encircling the whole planet with the beautiful energy of transmutation. Expect changes and a huge shift coming to you soon. 

You are in times of turbulent transformation of your consciousness. For that most Light workers are prepared or still preparing with inner work and connecting to their deep wisdom and intuition. Your planet is in the third phase of ascension, and more star children and star-seeds are being born. 

   You need to understand deeply your life mission, your desires, your goal and what brings you here on this 3 D plane. This is because every one of you has a special blueprint and it is an important piece of the puzzle of your reality and your ascension.  As your soul and consciousness ascend, the whole planet will shift too. Don’t worry about the “dark reality” and dark agendas that are playing out for this time. They will resonate only with the permission of the lower-level souls (or souls that are not awaken and will not awaken in this life). You need to accept the duality and division of your reality now. Accept yourself as you are, and know you are Divine power. Accept your reality as constantly moving, shaping and CHANGING. Be aware that nothing what you see, feel or experience here (in this place) is fixed or constant, all things are undergoing inner and outer transformation. Because this is how the expansion of consciousness works, this was planned and for that you came here to help in lifting the vibration. 

Here we have a message for you about your specific choices and how you can make good choices when you are in doubt. The first thing to do before you make any choice is to be still, connect to your heart, connect to your inner self. Choices you make are like doors or portals that are opening for you at certain times and closing in another times. Choices are reflections of your past karma, of your free will. You can understand that you attract special choices and special circumstances for a REASON. For a higher-level soul nothing happens by chance”, as your way in moving in synchronicity and events are almost like created especially for YOU. 

That means – it may seem you didn’t choose” some events, people and circumstances, but they are attracted TO you because of something. You need to be still, sense and observe carefully your situation and ask the question WHY am I in this situation? What do I need to study and learn? What is the message from my higher Self? The doors that are opening for you will resonate in different ways with different parts of you. Some doors can look like darker tunnels, but they will show you the purpose of who you are, and that you need to tap into your personal divine Power. You are here to use this power, and not to let any control, manipulation or opinions of others hold you back. You need to uplift your spirit and feel the connection to your angels, your Higher self and God. This is how you will know what to do, which door to choose, and if this is what you truly want. 

Some very clear signs that you made the right choice are: 


-           You will feel uplifted and in much higher vibration than before. You will have feelings of joy, lightness or fulfillment. 

 You will not feel any regrets, doubts or illusions of the choice you made. 

★ You will feel more connected with your spirit, and negative people, situations or toxic environment will fall away 

 You will feel “in the flow” and the things will move easily forward, without push and pull. 

-         ★ You will not be burdened by heavy thoughts, insecurity and negativity 

 You will implement your values, beliefs and principles in the new choice. 

-      You will start to experience synchronicities and people from your soul tribe will be attracted to you. 

-      ★ You will radiate love, confidence and divine power. 

-   ★ You will know what you want to do next and be devoted to your purpose 

 You will not have a feeling of heaviness and remorse every time you wake up. 

 Your negativity and fears of the past will fall away. 

   Most of that is a process and you won't see the results quickly (as many souls expect). All things are unfolding for you naturally like change of seasons. That’s why you can’t expect to transition from one state to another, or to go to a new path without any change or turbulence. These are part of your “planned game” on earth. These changes strengthen your will, shape your personality and make you the authentic soul you are. 

Accept challenges as steppingstones for building your strength, will and resilience. 

If you feel there are too many obstacles, look at yourself, and who do you want to be? Are you the person who you want to be? Do you live always according to your values and principles? Do you let other people control your life or take advantage of you? 


The first thing to do as a light worker is to create your personal BOUNDARIES. This is a very important step if you want to connect with the world in an honest way and still be in your power. Do not do something out of fear, or when you don’t want. You hold the power, and you will decide what is good for your soul. Before making an important decision, ask yourself – is this what I really want? Are there some red flags with people, places, situations if you make this choice? This will show you always where do you need to be. 

   Boundaries are your special energy protection that you can create, shape and make it stronger. Work on your energy and boundaries every day, so you will achieve results. The first thing to do, to set your boundaries, is to be clear on what you accept as good and appropriate in behavior and connection with others, and what you don’t accept. If you have some people around you, which you feel like burden (even if they are from your family or friends), make sure to act or say clearly to them what is acceptable and what is offending you or insulting you. If these are unknown people do the same. Write a list of things you do not accept or tolerate and follow it. 

   One such way is for ex. to refuse to be in the place where there is smoking or people who smoke. If you are clear with your intention, and if you accept someone to smoke in your presence, you insult yourself. Do not accept someone offending you in any way – or laughing at you or ridicule you. The thing you need to do is to show that person why you feel that way. If he doesn’t understand your ways are separated. Be mindful of what you let other people talk about and behave in front of you. 

Because all of that can take from your personal power, and you give it for free. 

Creating boundaries is related to 3 main chakras of your energy -the Root, Solar Plexus and Throat. (these are chakras of activation, power and transformation) Chakras of calming, cleansing and soothing are Sacral, Heart and Third eye. Through them you can feel and strengthen your divine feminine energy. 

   People who are not rooted and connected to their place and belonging, are easier to be manipulated. People who don’t have strong willpower and confidence are easy to be controlled. People who can't speak their truth and express their position freely will have hard times with boundaries. That’s why you work daily on your chakras.  Feel that you are being of Light that has nothing to do with the dark beings, false matrix. 

Feel that nothing and no one can take away from you your divine Power and blueprint as you are IMPORTANT and working on many levels with your Monad. 


Sending you activating and healing codes of violet light! 

AA Zadkiel and fairy Amethyst 

You can read the full energy update for February 2024 here..!

channeled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell *

angels medium, healer

January 2024 ©


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