Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Process of spiritual Transmutation (Part I)

 In this article I will look into the details of what we know as process of transmutation and explain some aspects of it.  

What is Transmutation? *

The term transmutation is linked with spiritual alchemy and esoterism, and it means a kind of transfiguration of the elements, qualities and aspects of one substance into the elements, qualities and aspects of another. In this process we “transmute” the first element or substance, which becomes as a result a totally different element.  

We should be aware that transmutation is not the same as “transformation” or change. Because in this process there is no coincidence, and the change is not simple. What we need to understand is how this happens and in what way it can be applied in spiritual science and alchemy.  

In order to transmute one substance, we need to have certain conditions. In the first place, what exactly can we transmute? Why is transmutation so important in Alchemy and what is the symbology behind this process?

1. We can transmute only elements or substance that has the same ROOT, or the same crystalline (cellular) information in its structure. That means, we can transmute only elements with equal background. Otherwise, the process will be shapeshifting, not transmutation. For example – as alchemists we can transmute one mineral into another, completely different crystal. In the same way we can transmute one metal into another metal of higher octave (like lead into gold or silver). We transmute one crystal into another, or one state of water into another, or one plant into another.

So, all the elements and organic substances from the same structure or family can be transmuted.

2) We can't transmute silver into crystal, we can't transmute a flower into stone, or water into fire. 3) We can transmute fire in all its forms, qualities, colors and octaves. (Colors represent the different spiritual levels and octaves of the alchemical process). We can transmute for example yellow fire into blue or purple fire. This is the real process of transmutation. We can also transmute water elements in all its various states – fluid water, snow, snowflakes, ice, clouds, rain, mist, steam. All these parts of the same cycle, and water (and earth) are the only natural elements that are transmuting by themselves in cycles.  

Most alchemists attempt to transmute low frequency metals (lead, iron) to higher frequency elements – gold. This has deeper spiritual meaning, if we can realize it. The process is part of the spiritual and soul evolution and is connected with many attempts and failures. Because in the spiritual sense what we need to transmute is in ourselves. We are becoming “transformed” and reborn to a new level of consciousness with multiple transmutations within us. They are the keys to becoming closer to your divine essence, God, and your higher Self.  

What can we transmute in the inner plane?  

All souls have the ability (a priori) to transmute part of their essence and inner elements. But very few souls need to do that, or see their KEYS, or know how to use their key of transmutation. That’s normal and it is part of the plan, as we are on the way to evolution.

What we transmute on the inner plane are parts of our Soul, mind (Consciousness) and Psyche (sub-consciousness). We transmute qualities, abilities, emotions and feelings, thoughts, habits, perspectives, even memories.  

All of these are part of the complex inner system in the body and chakras. Another important thing to know is that transmutation often happens in opposition elements. That’s how we can transmute negative (feelings, qualities, habits, thoughts) into the opposite positive feelings (qualities...) The process of course can be in opposite direction -from positive to negative. (But then in spiritual science it is called deterioration, not transmutation). So, alchemical transmutation we always go from lower to higher frequency of the element, and that is essential.  

🍧 Continue to part II here... >

Nina Nour Bluebell

psychic medium, healer

Jan. 2024 ©

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