Friday, February 23, 2024

Full Moon in Virgo 🌕- Healing and Rejuvenation (+Ritual, Journaling)

 This full moon in Virgo is aligned with cosmic portal of healing and cleansing your emotional, ethereal and physical body. It is related to our ability to let go of things in our surroundings and within us) that no longer serve our soul.  🌕

Full moon of rejuvenation, self-reflection and deep healing, we have planets of power, which affect us in all levels – Mercury (planet of Virgo), Neptune (planet of Pisces), and they are both in sign of mystical Pisces.  

What this full moon is about?

We need to acknowledge that all Earth signs full moons make ark of ancestral karma cleansing, healing of physical body, connecting with earth, grounding, nature, elemental, fairies, persistency, making meaningful progress, daily habits, organization of space, home, family, money and material world. This is time for connecting with your body, inner self, reflecting on your diet and eating habits, gardening and plants.  

This is not a time for transformation, drastic changes, or putting pressure on yourself to achieve certain goals. 

It is time for planning, self-reflection, deep understanding where you are now, what is ahead of you and what strategy you may need to reach your “destination”. What is the first step you need to take in the right direction? 

This full moon can feel emotionally charged, tension, inner or outer conflict, as the moon is opposite of the sun, Mercury, Saturn (in Pisces) and the Sun is conjunct Saturn –planet of shadow self, restrictions and self-criticism.  

Moon in Virgo urges you to release fears, doubts, restrictions and self-sabotage related to money, work, family and your home environment. Think about what you can de-clutter and remove from your home? What no longer resonates with the person you are? 

Here are some questions to journal and ask yourself

  • - What can I do to amplify the positive energy of my home? 

  • - Do I feel safe and peaceful in my home? (Why?) 

  • - Do I feel fulfilled in my work? (why?) 

  • - What are the challenges I`m facing in my work?  

  • - Do I feel fulfilled and going in the right direction? 

  • - What in my diet do I need to change?  

  • - Do I have a healthy diet and nutrition?  

  • - What is the state of my health? What can I do to improve my health now? 

  • - What is my relationship with time? Do I have time” for myself, reflection and meditation? 

  • - What do I need to remove and de-clutter from my home? 

  • - What are my negative emotions now? (If I allow myself to observe my emotions) 


Ask these questions and make a short ritual with candles if you want. 

Full Moon Ritual & Meditation 

Light up 1 (3) green candle on your altar. You can surround them with green crystals (jade, aventurine, green fluorite). Then write down 1 or 2 fears or negative qualities you want to release in this full moon. Observe how you feel when you write them.  

Feel amazing emerald green light enveloping your whole body. This is the light of AA Raphael, who is here to heal you. See his wings around you, see and feel brilliant sphere of green lights open above your head, in your Crown chakra. Archangel Raphael then pours liquid green light of healing in your Crown chakra, which flows down to your Third eye, Throat, reaching your heart. See your heart expanding and opening with warmth and love. Your heart is the center of healing and forgiveness. You connect with your inner self through your Heart. See the light travelling down to your lower chakras, Root, and then flowing in your legs, feet, arms, and hands. The green light reaches under the ground, connecting with your Earth star chakra, grounding you to the wisdom of earth.  

Stay in this place and feel how all negative emotions are leaving your body. You are whole and rejuvenated again.  

(Now you can burn the paper with the fears or negative qualities you have written in a safe place) feel the sense of freedom when you do that, and trust the universe is supporting you on your new way.

Healing crystal – green Fluorite  

Nina Nour Bluebell

angels medium

February 2024 ©

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Snowdrops (poem)


Returning to the silence

within your heart 

traveller of darkness

Your roots are growing 

stronger, deeper 

with each new day ...

until the little butterfly

inside you 

becomes unfrozen, 

Her wings spread 

in quiet flutter 

And you realize again 

the spring has come 

The scent of innocent 

snowdrops growing from 

the edges of your hair. 

Nina Nour 

Febr. 2024©

Monad and Higher Self - your Programmed Natal chart (Part III)

(This is part III - please read part I and part II > ....)

   The third part of the cycle are lives that coincide with 7, 8, 9 houses on the astrological Natal chart (with whole sign calculation). If you are in one of these lives, you are integrating your energy bodies and acquire knowledge. This will be useful for your spiritual or life mission. If your soul group is working on scientific discovery, during this life you will be given more chance to have education and gain knowledge in certain direction. You may become a teacher, assistant, a professor, or work in the field close to your life mission.  

If you have spiritual mission, in these lives you will be more connected to your Third eye and develop psychic abilities. 

In these lives you are learning to expand your horizon, travel, education and mystical wisdom will be the focus of your soul. *Note that doesn’t mean you will not have a family, love and children. In fact, you may encounter your soul mate and have very strong bond in your relationship, if both of you are on the same journey. But for many souls the focus will be on their knowledge, education and development. In these lives you can be artist, director, writer, teacher or student, musician.  


IV. The final three lives – in your 10, 11, 12 houses, reveal your Soul mission and service in the world. That means, if you have spiritual mission you need to make it visible to the world, and to spread your knowledge. You will know at some point that is truth.  


Not all souls have spiritual mission, and that is given to some souls. Even in recent years this number increases.  


In These lives you are invited to shine your Light and follow your purpose. You are dedicated to your spiritual /life mission more than anything else, and these lives will affect your Monad and soul Family. This will be sometimes challenging, but you are given many bonuses and benefits during past 3 lives, like clear mind, connection with angels and archangels, imagination, and psychic gifts. You will be able to influence others, be healer or spiritual guide.  

You have at the same time individual soul experiencing physical body and density, and at the same time your Higher Self, which experience all your past-present and future simultaneously.  

In these last 3 lives cycle you need to connect to your Higher Self and be aware of your vibration and your planned spiritual mission here. Your guides will always give you steps how to accomplish it.  


What happens when the whole Monad exists the 9 cycles of 12 lives each?  

When all the souls complete and exist their 108 incarnations, they have special reunion with their spiritual family. They unite their light together in the Monad, then the archangels and special Angels of the Monad program” (plan) their next Soul Monad mission. That means – they infuse their Divine essence fully into the Essence of the Monad, (like Sun) and dissolve into it for a period. Then the Monad exists as an enormous energetic cloud, it records all into Akashic records, and transforms into another unlimited potential, according to what is needed on earth.  

Then your Monad spreads again and another Soul family appears, in which will be also your energy, but transformed in higher level.  

So, when you come after 108 lives you start totally new Monadic cycle, which again has 108 lives.  

Usually, most souls have 9 times by 108 Monadic cycles of their soul. That means around 972 lives, but that is not fixed number. Because many souls need to repeat certain lives (after suicide or other event), so they usually have between 990 and 1060 lives. That is approximate.  

If you are fast learning soul, you can also skip some lives on earth (which happens very rarely) and stay with the angels in the Angelic spheres. Also, if you are lost soul, or trapped in the Astral, you may prolong your incarnations for more than 500 years, which also happens. That’s why the souls who are born after being in the Astral for long time, have very depressing and lower energy, they can also become energy vampires, as that’s how they used to live in lower dimensions.  


Nina Nour Bluebell

angels medium

February 2024 ©