Monday, January 20, 2025

The Perfect meditation for Grounding with AA Sandalphon 🧘


   Grounding is a very important practice to connect with the earth`s energy and have a healthy flow between you and mother earth. We need make grounding a daily practice, as it helps us to stay more focused, to be present, to enjoy every moment, to feel into your body, removes emotional stress and anxiety.

 Here I offer you this beautiful grounding meditation with archangel Sandalphon, angel who connects the most to the crystalline core of Gaia, she /he has silver and turquoise light around.

    Preparation of the space

As usually before every meditation make sure to cleanse the space with incense of your choice. I find very good to work with Paolo Santo or Sage, or sandalwood. Pay attention to the corners of the room as well as the doors where the most negative energy can be stuck.

      Breathing and relaxation

Now sit in a quite place, you can dim the lights, and make your room comfortable by lighting up candles. You can also work with the following crystals for grounding: black obsidian, bloodstone, red jasper, kambaba jasper.

Breath deeply 4 times in and out and imagine with each breath white light is entering your lungs and circulating around your body. This light is cleansing and removing all negative thoughts, stress or anxiety you may have.

       Connect with AA Sandalphon and the earth

We call upon the light and love of archangel Sandalphon, to be with you now and surround you with shining silver and turquoise light. Feel the presence of AA Sandalphon next to you. (How do you perceive him/ her? What is his appearance or attribute in your mind?). Feel the turqoise and silver light expand around you forming a glowing sphere. This sphere encompasses all of your body and aura, it removes instantly all negative energies from others, all entities and brings rejuvenation into you. Feel how dark energy is cleaving you now. The light of arch. Sandalphon is protecting you and your space and all people or animals that are in your space.

See yourself in a splendid garden, surrounded by tall blossoming trees, plenty of beautiful flowers in different colours and rose bushes. There is a river bubbling nearby and you sit by the river, feeling relaxed and refreshed. Now you focus on the earth below you, feel its magnetic pulling under your feet. You send energetic roots of light growing from your feet, and your Root chakra deep into the earth.

See these roots growing deeper and deeper into the Heart of Gaia. You feel more and more calm, releasing any thoughts about your life….Just rest and be in this space. Your roots now connect to the crystalline core of earth, and you feel how your energy is flowing into it. Similar to the roots of a tree. See the energy from earth moving into your roots back into your body. This energy is glowing in pure golden light. See your body slowly filled with the golden light of Gaia.

Then you focus on your Earth star chakra (20 cm below your feet). See this chakra in dark bronze colour. You send roots from this chakra to the core of earth, while releasing all dark, stagnant energy from this chakra. See how greyish liquid is flowing down to the earth from your Earth Star. Them you drink in” the golden-copper light from the earth core into your Earth star chakra.

While you see this flow, breath deeply four times into your Earth Star. Imagine it expanding bigger and bigger, like a vortex of golden -honey and bronze light. Stay here for a few moments feeling the process.

Then focus on your Root chakra, in the base of your spine. See how you send roots of energy in dark colour from this chakra into the earth. You are releasing all the unclean, stagnant energies from it and the earth has the power to transmute them.

Now you see how you take in the golden and ruby energy from earth into your Root chakra. It becomes bigger and bigger like a vortex of beautiful golden-ruby light mixed together. Stay and feel into this light for a while.

Then you send your roots from your Sacral chakra (in your abdomen, below the belly) into the earth. Feel how you release and remove all negative unclean energy from it into the earth. See in your roots flowing golden and bright orange light into your Sacral chakra. See the increased love and warmth inside you, when you take in this light. Your Sacral chakra is perfectly cleansed and filled with golden-orange light of rejuvenation and creativity.

Finally you focus on your Solar Plexus chakra (in your stomach), where you see yellow sun..Pay attention if the sun is clean and bright or has any dark energy or dullness in it. You send energy roots from this chakra into the earth`s core, to be transmuted. Then feel how the earth is flowing its pure golden-yellow energy into your Solar Plexus, filling it with love, vitality and abundance. You are in your own power now, you are free being and it is safe to shine your light now.

See the radiant golden-yellow vortex of light in your Solar Plexus chakra, spinning and being perfectly cleansed.


Angels are inviting you to say some affirmations and feel the renewed energy in your body: “I am grounded, safe and protected. I m filled with abundance, love and gratitude for all that is. I live in the present moment. And so it is.”

     Coming back into reality

You can slowly return back to your day, feel the energy of arch. Sandalphon around you at all times, helping you and protecting you.

You can ask this angel which are the best crystals for you to work with, as he will send you divine guidance. Be open to receive it when the time comes.

Take a few deep breaths and centre yourself in your Heart. See the glowing green sphere in your heart, opening more and more. You are back and can welcome a joyful day or quiet night.

Thank you for tuning in!

Make sure to make this grounding practice daily ★

For more information you can read: 

  -What is Grounding and why is it important

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal reiki healer

January 2025

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