Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Channelled message from AA Zadkiel for the Ascension (January 2025)


                   Greetings children of the Light!

  We (the violet flame angels) are here to send you blessings of Love and transformational energy of Ascension in January! We are covering the earth with powerful violet and golden flames, activating and cleansing your spiritual bodies, heart and mind.

 ★ Your state of mind and body is changing and evolving, gradually. In the past year 2024 you went through the muddy and turbulent waters of cleansing and releasing the old karma and programming. Many of you let go of the past experiences, people and trauma. It was also a year of deep emotional healing, connecting with your roots and cleansing Ancestral karma.

★ As you went through this year gateway, you have gained spiritual rewards (in many different forms), and have cleansed most of your karma; many of you experienced soul retrieval, travelling to different places (all of the places had karmic knots in your energy), other souls had astral and dream scapes travels.

Please know, either ways of travelling are able to release and cleanse deep shadow aspects from your soul (also from your past lives).

This month will bring to you fresh Air of initiation, blessings and awakening of the truth inside you and energy activation.

  Vibration of January (as well as October 2025) is shifting to different dimensions, going higher through spiral of time and Ascension. You can feel the shift in your body and energy as many souls will have physical symptoms in the body – aches and discomfort, dizziness and exhaustion. This is because your bodies are shifting and de-composing all things of lower vibration, darkness or dis-ease. You need to thank your bodies and cells for all the work they did.

 ★ This month you will receive deep cellular cleansing, rejuvenation and release of the old energy, especially old mind programs in your sub-conscious mind.

★ The violet light is moving fast and clearing all of your chakras, your blood, organs, tissues, all of your energy field. This is the highest light on earth of transmutation, so we are sending you the gift of Violet flame now. Just be open to receive it.

The angels invite you to open your Crown and Third eye chakra like a petals of violet lotus flowers and receive the flow of violet fire. See it pouring down in your Crown chakra, Third eye and into all of your chakras, aligning you with your highest timeline and connecting you with your soul purpose.

 ★ You are going (individually and collectively) through portal of swift changes and transition. This is a process, so you need to let go of fears and expectations, and set time for rest and relaxation, so your body can integrate the higher frequency.

Be in state of flow, be open, don’t resist change, and realize that you are Powerful.

AA Zadkiel 

Blessings of violet fire

You can read more > 🍊

... January - Energy, Angels, Portals (1) 

.. Energy and Ascension of the year 2025 (channeled)

... Meditation for Winter Solstice in the blue Sun temple 

Channeled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal reiki healer

January 2025 

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