Wednesday, January 29, 2025

New Moon in Aquarius (Violet flame activation) -Energy, Journaling & Ritual 🌙


 🌒The energy of this new moon is related to deep transformation, awakening and activation of the Violet flame in the human consciousness. The new moon portal opens on 29. January when the core of the Sun is in alignment to the crystalline core of the Moon.

This violet moon portal speaks to our mind and also has strong spiritual connection, opening our Third eye and Crown chakras. 

It is time for full reset and re -alignement of our energy bodies.

♒ Aquarius is sign of freedom, innovation, authenticity, speaking your truth, synchronizing with like minded people, sudden break-through, creative imagination, flying above the illusions, seeing the truth about other people and situations….

In this energy of Air all false masks fall away, you are seeing the illuminated path in front of you.

    🌙The ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus which is currently in Taurus (earth). As both are fixed signs we can feel tension, delusion, exhaustion, pulling away from people, feeling the need to understand more deeply, to visualize the potentials. Earth and Air are not harmonious elements, so it may feel for many is challenging to break free from certain patterns, to reveal the truth of something hidden, to feel free in many aspects of life.

At this time you need to ground your energy to the core of earth (Taurus) with simple daily habits, exercises, cooking, connecting with nature, trees and animals.

🦋check where are Taurus and Aquarius houses in your birth chart!)

 There is a trine (Portal of Harmony) between the New moon and Jupiter in Gemini which opens cosmic doorway of light, abundance, wisdom, knowledge, creativity, expansion of your spirit.

For some people with Aquarius stellium, or Sun (Moon, Uranus) in Aquarius, it may feel ethereal energy, being “out of the time and reality”.

   We have Black moon Lilith in Libra sign which can amplify the shadow work, realization of dark memories, or traumas from the past, your feminine power, connecting with your sub-conscious fears and instincts.

  This new moon is perfect time for: connecting with friends, communities, like minded people, travelling, creative ideas, starting of new job or project, studying, and perfect for change in the direction of your life.

At this time pay attention to your nervous system, thoughts and mind, and your throat and Thyroid gland, as they can be affected.

Angels of the violet flame recommend meditations with deep breathing, violet flame cleansing, Tibetan bowls, singing, chanting, affirmations.

These are some questions to Journal in this New moon

1. What do I need to change in my life/ and relationships?

2. Am I aligned with my highest timeline? Do I feel happy and fulfilled?

3. What are my 3 negative qualities that prevent me from being my best Self?

4. Do I speak my truth without fear of judgement?

5. What creative idea do I need to focus on? What makes me passionate?

6. How often do I meditate and connect with my spirit guides and angels? Can I listen their guidance?

          New Moon in Aquarius Ritual & meditation

 This new moon resonates with the Violet flame and all violet crystals. So you can use violet candles and crystals like amethyst, purple fluorite, charoite, Lepidolite, kunzite. You can place these crystals on your altar or hold one of them in hands while you make the meditation.

Cleanse the space you are in and light up 1 (3, 6) violet candles on your altar. (You can use white candles too).

Release all your thoughts and breath deeply a few times. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. Now we call on archangel Zadkiel and violet flame angels to surround you with high vibrational violet flame and to remove any negative energies, entities, cords or hexes that are in your field. Breath deeply and just imagine how the violet light surrounds your body and aura removing all darkness from you.

Then visualize you are taken to a magnificent garden, filled with trees, river and waterfall. The place is surrounded by beautiful white and violet flowers of all kinds. See and smell the fragrance of all the flowers.

Now you can see in the palm of your hand you are holding 3 shining violet seeds. These are seeds of your intentions and desires for the next 3 months or next lunar cycle. Think about the first wish or intention you have and plant one seed in the fresh soil in the Sacred garden. The plant the second and third seeds, while focusing on your intentions. See how your desires are fulfilled little by little, and water the seeds with collected rain water next to you.

Stay in silence and feel grateful for all the things that you can accomplish in the next 3 months. Breath the fresh air of this space and see how the seeds start to grow slowly, unfurling into amazing flowers.

Come in the next 3 days to water the flowers of your desires and look after them. This energy will be amplified with energy passing day.

We thank the angels of the Violet flame and AA Zadkiel for their love, help and protection!

Now you can return back and feel so much uplifted and cleansed.

Happy new moon! 

Nina Nour Bluebell

medium, crystal healer ©

Psychic Tarot reader ©

January 2025 

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