Sunday, December 22, 2024

Meditation for Winter Solstice in the Blue sun Temple (December 2024) 🧘


This meditation is created specially for activation of your light body in the time of winter solstice – 21-12. The winter solstice is major cosmic portal related to energy and light codes of the Sun, which is connected through spirals of light to the divine Central sun in the middle of the galaxy. The solstice energy opens 2 times in a year determining closing of a cycle, and opening up of the energy to receive new flow from above. 

   Our whole sun system is actually moving very slowly in a spiral towards the central Sun. When our sun system (with the earth) reaches the central sun, at this point it will be pulled into the tunnel of void and the life of this system will end. At this time the life on earth will have a reset point and will be created afresh in higher levels of existence.

When the Sun portal is open we receive divine light codes and connect with our higher Self, spiritual guides and angels with ease.  In winter or summer solstice we are prepared for: 

1. expansion of our energy body and higher chakras, 2. opening the Soul Star and Stellar gateway chakra through which we receive the codes of the sun. 3. Receiving DNA upgrade and cellular cleansing and regeneration of the whole body. 4. Receiving guidance from our Higher Self.

That means, you need to prepare yourself and your energy, in order to receive the spiritual updates and light codes.

 I made this meditation with the help of angels to help in your ascension and receiving the light codes from the sun. 

Preparation for meditation:

1. Elemental breathing 

In the first step we need to prepare and cleanse the energy of your space. Use Paolo Santo, sage or any other form of cleansing. Then sit quietly in a darkened space. Light up a white or silver candle, if you like. Focus on your breathing and feel white-golden light filling your lungs and going into your Solar Plexus chakra. Breath in a out 4 times, as you see how this golden ball is expanding and cleansing your Solar Plexus. Then say in your mind: I activate my inner fire now. Breath deeply again in and out 4 times, and see the light travelling to your Throat chakra, where it expands in shape of golden sphere. Repeat the affirmation: I activate my Air now. Breath deeply and see the light expanding in your Third eye. See the golden ball of light spinning and cleansing your Third eye and mind. Say to yourself: I m activating my inner Water now.

Then finally see the golden ball expanding in your heart centre and repeat: I activate my earth now.

 2. Meditation with Archangel Haniel and Archangel Seraphiel - in the temple of Central sun

Now your energy is cleansed and you have activated your elements in the body. Imagine that you are surrounded by white golden light, it spreads all around you encompassing your aura and the space you are in. We invite the angels to you: “ We call on our spirit guides, angels and fairies, and the light of Arch. Haniel and Arch. Seraphiel to surround me with protection and Love.” You can tune into the the presence and divine frequency of the angels for a few moments. Notice the shift in your own energy field.

Then imagine you are travelling to the temple of the Central sun. This is magnificent temple of white, blue and golden crystals. See yourself in the temple, and above you there is magnificent light of Blue sun. For some souls it will be presented as light blue, pale blue, for others like rich indigo blue sun. You can observe how this light is spreading around the temple you are in.

Now arch. Seraphile and arch. Haniel create a pyramid of blue and white light around you. See yourself in the centre of this pyramid, prepared for your activation with light codes from the Sun.

On the base of the pyramid you see golden circle and within it there is symbol of the Metatron cube. You are standing in the middle of this sacred symbol. Now the golden circle and the Metatron cube start to move slowly clockwise, sending golden light to your chakras from Root to Crown, covering your spinal column.

Feel how this energy cleanses and activates your chakras.

Now you see how your above the top of the pyramid is a Gateway of white-blue light opening like a lotus flower. This is your Stellar Gateway chakra which receives the codes of wisdom and Higher consciousness. See this chakra as blue circle and within shining blue 12 pointed star of creation. This star is moving clockwise and so the portal is opening, sending light to your energy, higher and lower chakras and body.

Then Archangel Seraphiel sends brilliant white and silver light sphere in your Soul Star chakra. Within it you see a symbol of perfect snowflake. Just visualize it in any way you want. This giant snowflake is spinning slowly, cleansing and activating the codes in your Soul Star chakra – around 15 -20 cm above your head.

Archangel Seraphiel then sends white -silver light and forms a sphere in your Crown chakra, Third eye and Throat chakra, one by one. You see how they create the shape of spinning giant snowflake of white -silver light. Stay for a few minutes and observe how these snowflakes move, cleanse and activate your chakras and energy.

Then Archangel Haniel now steps forward and sends white and golden light to your Heart chakra. You see in it opening a portal and spinning snowflake of white and golden. It cleanses and activates your heart intuition and guidance. Then archangel Haniel sends white-golden balls of light in your Solar Plexus, Sacral chakra and Root chakra. You see snowflakes shapes in all of these chakras spinning with brilliant crystalline white light, cleansing and removing all stagnant energy, trauma and negative cords from these chakras.

3. Activation with the Blue sun rays of higher consciousness

then you see all of your spirit guides and angels surrounding you, holding hands around your body and the pyramid. Now they are focusing their light above your head and above the top of the pyramid you are in. You see the blue ray from the Sun starting to descend above you entering your Soul Star, then crown, then Third eye, Throat, Heart, and all your lower chakras, creating a divine tube of blue solar energy. This tube acts like a cleansing vacuum, it removes all small particles of negative energy from your body on emotional, spiritual, mental and physical level.

You see this blue light slowly spreading around your body, cleansing all inner organs, the blood, bones, all cells and molecules of your body. Stay here for a few moments feeling the strong energy of the Blue sun rays inside you.

Breath deeply in this process.

4. Final integration of energy

Your body is now fully activated, cleansed and rejuvenated with the new Sun frequencies. You see your angels smiling at you. Feel happy and supported by them. Now the pyramid is slowly disappearing around you, and you are travelling in your white golden ball down to the earth plane, entering the earth field and slowly merging again with your physical body and space.

The full integration of this meditation will happen in the next 24 hours. It`s advisable to drink more water, and eat light, plant based foods in the next 2 days.

You can journal and ask your angels for further assistance!

Sending you love!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

December 2024 

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