This special black new moon in Capricorn opens and activates an etheric portal of copper light swirling from the core of the Moon to the crystalline core of the Earth. This is the final new moon of year 2024, and it sets the tone for a new chapter and positive alignment. ♑
Some major qualities we need to observe in ourselves and master at this time are: self-discipline, self-reflection, observation, organization, mindfulness.
The energy of this copper new moon is perfect for setting intentions for the next 3 months (until the new moon in Taurus), and this time frame forms an earth-triangle.
* The Capricorn moon is especially good for:
- home and finances organization, managing
- making a list with your priorities for the year
- letting go of objects and things or making free time in your schedule.
- decluttering and organizing the space
- observation of the past few months
- observing the relationship with your parents
- Ancestral karma cleansing and meditation
We are working with our feminine energy and the Earth element.
In this new moon and next 10 days find time for peaceful observation of your past year. Think about your biggest challenges and how you have overcome them, about your new projects, passions and inspirations. What makes you truly happy?
The planet of power aligned with the energy of the New moon is Saturn – planet of order, structure, karmic lessons, time frames. Now Saturn is in the watery sign of Pisces, that`s why you can have time for self-reflection, being alone, meditation.
Here are some questions for Journaling ✎
1. What in my home and space needs to be removed and decluttered?
2. Is my home feeling clean and organized? (What do I need to change?)
3. What in my daily nutrition needs to change? Do I have problematic eating habits?
4. Do I have enough time for self-love, meditations and rest?
5. What were my biggest challenges in the past year?
6. What are my priorities for the next month? What do I need to accomplish?
New moon Ritual with candles :
Light up 1 (3, 6) black candles on your altar. You can surround them if you like with black crystals for Capricorn season – black tourmaline, black obsidian, black opal.
On a piece of paper write down 3 intentions or desires and on the opposite side write the moon phase and the date. Fold the paper and place it near the candle or in a special place. Now close your eyes and breath deeply. Imagine that these intentions are brilliant seeds and you are planting them in the soil of your garden. Their roots starts to spread and grow deeper and deeper. They start to grow slowly to the light. Then see your copper light roots growing from your feet down to the core of mother earth. Feel grounded, safe and stable in this moment and time.
Let go of any expectations of how your intentions will come to fruition. We let this process in the hands of Universe.
Tarot for the New moon 🌙
This new moon Arch. Haniel is sending you peaceful light. You are invited to find stillness, balance and rest. Let go of your tasks, stress or schedule, free your mind from worry. You need to make space for yourself – practice meditation, mindfulness and have enough time for sleep. Temperance shows our process of Ascension, even if we are not aware of it, the energy is going higher. You are flying in the clouds of your dreams, visions and in the same time you are feeling safe, grounded and protected. This card is your sign that your angels are guiding your steps in the right direction!
Oracle 🌒
Cone of Power
Vibration: Solar Plexus/ key words: energy, focus, concentration
Cone of power signifies that you have energy at your disposal and that this can ebe utilized for the highest good. Focus upon your intentions, feed any creative flames with positive affirmations and consider and consider what you may like to give to others to help them on their path. Opportunity is available for fresh energy to illuminate an old or tired situation. Your energy will be required so expect a call.
If things become too serious or intense, find places and situations that will feed and nourish you. Let others lead sometimes, so you can rest.
Think about which element do you like to work with?
Affirmation: Energy is focused and activated.
Thank you for tuning in! 🍎 and Happy new year!
Nina Nour Bluebell ©
medium, crystal healer
December 2024
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