Sunday, December 22, 2024

Archangel Seraphiel message for the Ascension in 2025 ( 5 Major Themes)


                   Greetings children of Earth, 

The earth is entering into a completely new cycle in 2025 – and this is year of huge shifts, transition, transformation and deep revelations. There are major cosmic events and portals that will bring more influence and determine powerful new beginnings for all souls on earth. For most people major changes have already started in 2024.

I archangel Seraphiel greet you for completing a hard cycle of karmic cleansing and releasing during the past year (and few years).

You are on earth with energy of many spiritual and universal laws playing, and you are always going through tests, until you understand the rules of the life- game. When you live from your heart and be full authentic, when you acknowledge others as much as yourself, then this game can become much easier.

   Year 2025 has vibration of the Air element – 9 – and it will be year of fast movement, unexpected changes, revelations and truth coming to light. The cosmic principle of the year is Divine Truth. So many souls will understand and clearly see the truth about themselves and aspects of their lives. As Air element is flexible, fast moving, changeable, unstable, intelligent, wise, light, you will need to adapt to most qualities of air during this cycle. See what are your positive qualities of air and where do you have air signs in your Cosmic map (chart). Here are the major themes for year 2025:

  Removing blockages from your Throat chakra, speaking your truth 

Air element is amazing for bringing clarity, truth and authenticity in your life. Now is the time to think about what are you hiding from others or the world – did you diminish your own personal power in last years? Were you speaking the truth without fear of judgement? What are your blockages and fears that hold you back from being truly who you are? What do you feel is your mission, what are you here to do? What are you proud of in your life? Take time to observe and think about all these questions of journal, so you can reach to the truth in yourself.

 ★  Major transformation and changes 

Year 2024 prepared humanity for many important changes that will be implemented in 2025. You are still in period of transition, as transformation happens gradually and on stages. That`s so because most humans have sensitive energy and they still need to adapt and integrate new light frequencies for the planet. Be prepared for changes in one of multiple aspects of your life in 2025. You need to have your fire warrior energy and remove fears from your past, so you can be on the most aligned path for your soul. For some souls the changes will be swift and unexpected. You may not feel like you “want these changes” because they always bring discomfort, something new.

But the new beginning and embracing your true self, are connected with changes and transitions. 9 is year when the old cycles are closing out, you are going out of the loop” of old habits, past trauma, and being stuck in a negative cycles. That`s why this year will bring you a fresh new beginning.

  New ideas, inspiration, beginnings

In year 2025 you will have many opportunities for expansion – in sphere of knowledge, creative talents, so you will reach to many new ideas and make detailed plan how to start implementing them into the reality. Most souls had already waves of inspiration, but the energy in 2024 was little more confusing and clearing, it was like heavy waters, so you couldn`t start to work on your talents and ideas.

In this cycle your Soul star chakra will open up together with your Earth star, so you can clearly see the path in front of you. You will be guided to make choices and steps to manifest your creative energy.

Because you are creator beings and you have the energy of Source within you.

 Cleansing, clearing, de cluttering

During the next cycle one of the main principle is cleansing, and purification. In order to reach to the truth you need to be clear in your mind, to remove all blocks, stagnant energy, old trauma, past events or childhood trauma. That`s why it is significant for 2025 to keep your energy, mind and space clean. On an emotional level – you need to let go and remove past emotional wounds and offences that are preventing you from being in your power. On a mental level – you need to let go of old mental baggage and mind clutter, your fears, negative assumptions and negative self-talk. Being open to have positive and brilliant new energies requires first you to empty your own cup. De clutter, clean and organize your space and home. That will be one of the most important aspect of your preparation to create. Realize that your space is mirror of your inner self, and the energy of your home revels who you are on a soul level. Your space cleanness has direct impact on your energy and indirect on your body and health. (the art of Feng Shui). Thats why you need to let go of old objects that take space and dust without bringing you joy. You need to think about your own space and what is it you have too much, what makes energy unclean and confused. Making free space in your home will free space in your mind and energy too.

★  Being in your power, using your talents and gifts

Year 9 will have great impact on the spiritual journey of most souls. Many will realize personal truths and talents they were not aware before; many souls will finally start taking steps to fulfil their mission or what they are here to do. This is not time for compromising, playing small or hiding behind masks and veils. This is your time to shine and to be the person you always wanted to be, to reveal your power and light of creator. You are not here to hide under the table from fear of being seen, being misunderstood or judged.

All people of the Light are now working as powerful force, and everyone has something to give. Even if you think your talent is so small or insignificant – know that you make a difference, as the small drop of water is making up the ocean.

Overall, you can see in the world around you even more conflicts, war, confusion, opposition and separation… before truth is revealed.

You can feel like living in a very different world than before. Communication and system of knowledge and learning will start to change. The planets of power in 2025 are Uranus, North Node (South Node), Pluto. Uranus is in Taurus and making slow transition to sign of Gemini – then fast changes will start to happen. North Node in Aries will be moving into Pisces (ocean water), you will receive spiritual guidance, start to connect with your higher Self and be clear about your path. What you need to overcome will be energy of Virgo – being too much available and in service of others. The successful energy in 2025 is being more self-centred and making your own needs and desires first priority. Neptune is moving slowly into Aries (double fire), which signifies new beginning, motivation, enthusiasm, being able to trust your highest divine plan and expanding your energy.

In 2025 most souls will start to feel and think more about what they truly want and desire and will see clearly what they do not want, what aspects they don`t accept in their lives.

This is the beginning of the new consciousness and preparation for the New earth.

Archangel Seraphiel

Sending you light!

(About archangel Seraphiel - she is the angel of brilliant white-silver and golden light, who is in charge of transition and transformation of higher level souls or souls with spiritual missions on earth. She is coming on the verge of change, to give you guidance on your path.) 

You can

* Energy and Ascension of year 2025 (Closing Major cycle, channeled message) 

Meditation for Winter Solstice in the Blue Sun temple (2024)

Channeled message from Arch. Gabriel and Arch. Raziel for the Ascension (December) 

channelled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer 

December 2025 

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