Monday, December 11, 2017

Heart chakra -relationships, illnesses -IV

Part IV (...)

    There is special ritual for doing that, but you also can make it just by intention in the way you feel. This is quite easy.
Karma cleansing ritual ~
      If you like to be more specific do the following: take a very small glass bottle (one with cork lid), and write a small note “I request Karma cleansing for me, name…today on…date, with love, appreciation and forgiveness, and help of my spirit guides.” Write with very small letters so you can have enough paper. Then place the note inside the little bottle. You don’t write any more specific things, because you don’t have knowledge about your past lives, or cant control which one to be cleaned. Universe knows better. Then take one of the following crystals: clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, green quartz, amazonite, calcite, emerald, peridot, prehnit. Say a prayer on this crystal, cleanse it with salt and program it for Karma cleansing (ex: “with the help of my angels and arch. Ariel (or Raphael, Haniel) I program you now to help in cleansing and releasing all Karma from my past lives. Thank you.” )

     The words you say are not written for the crystal, as they will be inside energy of the stone. No need to write. Take the stone and the bottle now with you; the last preparation is to sprinkle the newly planted tree or rose bush with “sacred” pure water. This water you can have: 1. from church; 2. you make Reiki water at home by yourself by recharging it; 3. you may recharge water with help of your angels (place your hands above it for few seconds, or recharged on Full moon. After the water is ready, take it and when you plant the tree, place the bottle in the ground near to the roots, also place the crystal in the ground (you can cover it with special paper), and sprinkle the water above the tree, and pour it little in the ground. This is all you need to do. You may also say prayer when you plant the tree like “With help of my angels…I plant this tree today on…(full moon) for purpose of growing Love and remove all Karma from my past lives and relationships. Thank you, and so it is.”
    The suitable days for such ritual of Karma cleansing are: Full moon (and 1 day after), energy portal days – (repeated numbers date like 1.1 (Jan), 10.1., 2.2, 20. 2…; your birthday, days of equinoxes: autumn and spring) Not suitable days are days of solstices (winter, summer) and New moons.
One day after the ritual (or 22 hours) you have to take out your crystal and keep it in special place at your home; this is the crystal of intention for Karma cleansing. The bottle with note will stay with the tree in the soil until it grows.

    If you don’t have crystal, or you feel this ritual is too long for you (even it is very useful) you can create your own, whatever you feel guided. The most important thing is you have intention of Karma cleansing and mention it in some place as a prayer.
There is also similar way to plant tree of forgiveness for someone who had died. Just in this ritual you plant a tree specially for this person, and your Higher self connects with the higher Self of another; you hug him and say “forgive me” and I forgive you, then depart. This is the way of forgiveness to someone who may hold karmic lessons for you.

    In conclusion of the long topic of Heart chakra, I ll mention some other ways to purify the energy of heart, which are also ways to nurture your inner child:

  1.  playing and feeling joy every day
  2.  drinking pure water, walking in the nature and observing trees
  3. playing with children – your own or others or baby animals
  4.  studying or using aromatherapy and oils
  5.  using the flower essential oils specially: Rose, Jasmine, Sage, Chamomile, Rosemary, Fennel, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli.
  6. taking care of flowers or drawing, painting flowers;

    Another aspect of heart chakra is power of Healing and self-healing. This is the amazing energy connected with arch. Raphael (Ariel, Haniel), that is given to you in order to cleanse and heal your physical body. That’s why the Heart center is very important for you if your profession is related with people in need of recovery or ill: like doctors, nurses, surgeons, dentist, and all kind of people who are in sphere of healing. They all are watched by green light angels and arch. Raphael. Also in any work connected with people, in need of help – for example orphans house, house for old people, and all institutions for help, including charity organizations like UNICEF, Red Cross and animal rescue organizations. The quality of giving and generosity is always part from Heart, that’s why all people who like and practice “giving” even little amounts and donations, really are in the way of paying back part of their Karma. The energy of giving is great mechanism, and its good to be made from heart.

     To heart center is related also all alternative methods for healing – specially Reiki energy. This is the energy coming from hands –specially from palms of your hands, that belong to Heart.
Physical illnesses and symptoms of ill or imbalanced Heart center are all diseases related to heart directly (they include forgiveness of someone close to you in family and Root chakra), lungs, arms, palms, skin of the body and face, fingers and hands. All they indicate weak Heart center. For example if you have problems with the skin, dryness or any other issue that stays for long time, including pimples, it is related to heart. This issue may be called inherited or in your genetic, but in real it is part from past Karma.

This is all on the topic of beautiful Heart chakra, and there is much more. You can read my other articles here: ….

The next I ll observe the aspects of Vishudha – Throat chakra and its relationships. 
Hope that the information about Heart chakra was useful and interesting for you! Thank you for reading, feel free to share, like or post your comment below! 

nina Lea-nour *

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