Sunday, December 10, 2017

Kabbalah portions V

Binah – Understanding – Reason – Intelligence

    Binah is the feminine energy sephira, situated below Keter (Crown) on the left side of the Tree. Binah planet is Saturn. (Supernal mother, the Womb). Binah is the first sephira after the abyss, beginning of Spiritual realm. Binah forms a triad with Khohma and Keter balancing aspects of three forces: Spiritual awareness and love (Binah), Spiritual will and purpose (Khohma), and infinite realized Self (keter).

   Binah is sephira of unconditional love (of angels and God);
Angelic realm in Binah – Azrael, Seraphiel – archangels of transition.

Binah is situated in the primary world of Briah (Creation) and represents the divine intellect and feminine power of the creation. Binah is the initial Breath, it implies good and little evil potential.
Potentials of Binah: developing self-control, control of feelings, silence, seeing things in their real light (objectivity), compassion and understanding.
Binah manifest itself as rational intelligence, science, research, rational philosophy, writers; developers; In Binah hidden pattern of the universe reveals and achieves form, while the sephira Khohma is still formless.
Binah color is light, or absence of light (darkness); white and black.

Fragrance of magical associations of Binah- Myrrh
Gods – goddesses of Binah are: Maya, Shakti, Juno, Virgin Mary

Binah human organ is: left eye, left part of brain – heart
Binah is linked with intuitive understanding, palace of “mirrors”, that reflects the pure wisdom of Chohma, giving it new form. It increases and multiplies the wisdom in many different ways. Binah gives a shape to the formless.

In Bahir (book of Illumination) is stated: “For you shall call Understanding a Mother.” Binah has two partzufim (aspects) – the higher is “Imma Ila`ah (the higher mother) and lower is “tevunah” – comprehension.
The name of God in Binah: Jehova Elohim
Angelic hierarchy: Aralim (Thrones)
Quality that human need to achieve in power of Binah is: full repentance
(acc. to Rabbi Moses Cordovero in “Tomer Devorah”)

Binah is conceptual analysis and reasoning, inductive and deductive.
This sephira is quite important in understanding the truth and recognizing the falsehood in any idea.
Binah is derived from the Hebrew word “bein” meaning “between”. That’s refers to distinguishing between different ideas, between true and false; positive or negative.
There is eternal union between Binah (higher Mother) and Khohma (higher Father) that are never separated.
The spiritual state of Binah is that of Joy (simchah).

Binah is the mother, giving birth to all down sephirot from the Tree of Life, giving form, thought and distinguishing in all levels and worlds. 

nina Lea-nour *

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