Monday, November 27, 2017

Rituals of Ascension VII -a (Violet flame, arch. Zadkiel)

VII. Ritual with violet flame angels and arch. Zadkiel, arch. Raziel, master St. Germain, Buddha

Amethyst violet flame of ascension is the highest possible (on earth plane) degree of spiritual path, and requires special devotion. Some of the things the person need to practice and master (by daily practices and repetitions) are these:
~ self-discipline, courage and persistence (all the qualities of the Blue ray and arch. Michael)
    ~ spiritual devotion and service (that means person should be totally aware and conscious about his own spiritual path and development)
    ~ spiritual desire and love for service – person should be totally aware he is at service as Light worker and desire to pour his light” for increasing the light on whole Earth and humanity
   ~ mastering various spiritual ways (person need to practice various possible ways of ascension – like meditation, prayer, visualization, ritual cleansing, using crystals, oils and other elements)
   ~ acquiring spiritual knowledge – person/ adept needs to be devoted to grow and expand in many ways his spiritual knowledge –by reading certain books, discussing topics with other people who are awaken, writing, attending courses and seminars on spiritual development and so on) that part requires also social involvement, as spiritual person cant stay “isolated island” in the sea.
   ~ Creative ideas and missions – person should be aware of his spiritual path and desire ascension, so he needs to bring his creative ideas and presence into the “light”. That means he needs to spread his own “light” and knowledge to others. The spiritual mission always involves to be spread, shared and taught to others. That includes missions as spiritual writer, teacher, healer and so on. This is very important active position the master needs to take.

   These are most of the requirements about the Violet flame. On the question, if person needs to connect” freely with his spirit guides and angels, I will say, its not necessary, if he has increased “inner knowledge” and intuition on his path. Even so, the connection with angels, is one of the very important steps, if person is ready for it, and has very high value.

  Another important “connection” is that with the personal Higher Self and astral body” (or what we call so); Many techniques need to me trained and mastered during Violet flame ascension.

The most prominent angels of Violet flame are Zadkiel, and Jeremiel; Also Raziel can come in this group; The violet flame has immense transmuting and alchemical qualities for all earth and all human beings. It has the power to raise vibrations on earth for short period of time, and to cleanse all spaces from “dark energy” including home, city and country. It works in very high level. That’s why is so powerful and so many people like to use it.
Devas of the violet flame are: Ma`at, Psyche, Dana, Fairy Amethyst; fairy of the Iris flower and violet lotus also come in this group.

For the ritual you will need:
1) quiet place, 2) Pictures of arch. Zadkiel or arch. Raziel, 3) Picture of St. Germain, Buddha; 4) 12 white or violet candles, 5) 12 small pieces of amethyst and one bigger amethyst cluster (pyramid or sphere); 6) one glass bowl with pure water, 7) aroma lamp with lavender, rose oil;
Be dressed in white clothes or put white or violet scarf while making this ritual; Light up the 12 candles and put the crystal grid on the altar with intention. Make the aroma essence and observe for a while (or visualize if you don’t have pictures) the images of arch. Zadkiel, St. Germain, Buddha. Feel yourself surrounded by beautiful violet light. Visualize arch. Zadkiel with you – around you, spreading her loving wings behind you. Feel her uplifting and transforming presence. Smile and breath deeply three times.
Say the following:
Dear arch.Zadkiel, violet flame Angels, master St. Germain, master Buddha, please be with me now, let this space be filled with angelic Violet rays of Light. Amen.” – visualize the violet amethyst light embracing you.
Now say:
“ I call upon arch. Michael now to come and surround me and my  space with protection of Blue flame. Thank you dear Michael. Amen.”
Protection is very important before you make any ritual or meditation.
Make sealing of the space (room) in this way: (if you wish there are many other ways, so feel free to connect with your spirit guides and have more information!)
Now take one candle from altar, go to each corner of the room and make the sign of infinity in the air with candle (8). Say: 

With the power of archangel Zadkiel and violet flame Angels, master St. Germain and master Buddha, please cleanse my space now from all negative vibrations.” When you reach to the middle of the room make the sign of infinity and say: “Dear angels please create a portal of Amethyst violet light now, so my space is purified in all directions. Thank you, and so it is.”

This is sealing the space you work and meditate and opens portal of violet energy to descend. Sit down in peace and observe the flame of candles. Then wash your eyes with the water in bowl. Take one candle and make circular move above the water, saying “Violet flame angels, please purify and infuse this water with divine Violet amethyst flame. Thank you, amen.” 
Sit down in meditation pose and visualize ach. Zadkiel standing with you, embracing you with her soothing lavender and violet wings. Zadkiel has very strong energy that can transmute all things from lower to higher vibration. Breath deeply and adjust your energy to the one of Zadkiel. Feel her as your loving friend, who is always with you when you need.

nina Lea-nour
@ angel` s medium 

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