Saturday, February 18, 2017

Karmic Relationships -1

Part I  ~
* Here I ll try to bring clarity to one so important and discussed topics about Karmic relationships. What is Karma, I already wrote before many times, and what are Karmic relationships? I think we are slightly away from the deeper meaning of that term.
Many people believe in the wide spread idea, that Karmic relationships are just connections with people from our past lives. If this has some truth inside, it`s not complete. truth. We have so many and different kind of relationships during one life time. We are related to people in ways –

-   emotionally – by sympathy and connection of soul (these people may become our soul mates, r may not)
-     by way of heart – or love –these are people who we connect from heart, and we have strong feelings in a special point of life; this is one of the strongest connections, as it leads to spiritual growth.
-   By way of mind – or wisdom, common values, interests, fields of art (these are people who we can relate to as “friends” even they can be not so close to us on emotional level. We may have many common points, interests and treats, but we are not together by heart. Even so these people could become also our love-mates, love-flames or soul mates. Connection of mind is one of the very strong and meaningful, so we should search for it all the time.)
-     In physical way – attachment of body. This connection may seem strange but there is underlying emotional attachment in it. When someone “needs” another or longs for another one –this may be also in different ways, mixed together –sexually, emotionally, in way of strong attraction. This connection is one of the symptoms of Karmic relationship, that i`ll observe later on.
-    Spiritually – this is not the strongest as intensity connection, but it is the longest in time. We have to consider people who we connect spiritually, our most closest friends, who we really can share, and who can be aware of what we are and see our soul. The feeling of soul is more important than any other attachment on physical level.

    Consider this basic net of relationships and soul-connections, we can see how little we know about humans. Each net of these can form and unfold other little nets, as the human nature, feelings and kinds of connections are so many as many are the shades of colors. What is the Karmic relationship?
Opposite of what we may think, Karmic relationships are not one of soul-mates, or emotional, or spiritual relations. They have very high intensity, bring strong emotions, passions and longing, but usually are not persistent. They don’t last for long, and cant last forever.
That`s why the concept of Karmic relationship is always confused with the concept of so different – Twin flames. There are not one and the same! Karmic relationships are clearly * relationships from past lives, that come to the current life of individual to help him in expansion, spiritual ascension, and second –to help him learn and lesson from the past, and third – to help him to close the “love mirror” opened in the past. Here are some basic treats that characterize the Karmic relations:
~ they are always with people known from the past life;
~ they are usually with people who we used to be in family-relations with as mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, child; rarely they can be also with immediate relative –uncle and aunt (sister or brother of father); sometimes can be too with a spouse or lover from past.  
~ they are usually with people with who we had traumatic, painful, or deeply emotional love relationship in past life (from both sides or from one side).
~ Karmic relationships are not between people, who had very strong or perfect relations in past lives or build a family and had children (even they may meet now as soul mates).
~ Karmic relationship comes with the aim to close the cycle, that was open in the past, and was not closed.

Consider all that information, we can see, it`s little what we actually know about this kind of relationships. They come from mostly painful, traumatic or hard experiences, connected with love and physical (sexual) attachment, with unclear, opened or unfinished affairs or relations with someone close to us – husband, lover. From another side, Karmic relationship comes to open the cycle again and repeat it again, in order to be closed. Don’t think that always if in the past you had one relation, now it will be opposite and the roles will be changed. Its not so. The roles may be the same, but people will learn the lesson and realize truth about themselves, that they didn’t know before. If the lesson in one relationship from the past was not learnt, there were no forgiveness to yourself or to others, it` s most surely this relationship will happen again. And again for more than one life time. This is actually Karmic relationship. The cycle repeats in the exactly same way, as when we don’t learn something in our current life, it will repeat again after some years and again. 

(* Please read the second part : Karmic relationships II )

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0216 -1- 

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