Saturday, February 11, 2017

What is a curse? -IV

* Continue from part III ~
* Can we remove a curse? 
  In reality you cant remove a curse, as it`s something from your karma stamp on the way. But there are ways to turn it aside for this life time. The first thing you need to do is to realize and be certain that you have curse. That is not so easy, simply because majority of people still do not believe, or if they do they wont be easily convinced they have a curse. Even this is wide spread phenomena, people tend to not think of it or underestimate its power. Curse is not a magic, so it cant be removed by magic. Its created from yourself and logically is directed to yourself –and your close related people. The same as we cant remove the fact of the sin (or the blood of the murder, or rape), in the same way we cant remove curse entirely. Once unlocked it will stay with the person who provoke it. Here I speak just about curses made by crimes and sins in past lives. But there are well known curses of sacred places (specially ancient tombs, churches and monuments). Whoever made a malicious act of entering a forbidden for him place, he should be ready for the consequences. They may not come today or in this life time. How to turn curse aside, after you realize it exists for you?
You need to do simple steps of the following acts:

~ repentance
~ prayers and connections to the divine Light
~ feeling humble, involving in charity and help for others
~ making a ritual for turning the curse with planting a tree/ flower

    These are the steps. The same as after committing a crime, for what you deeply regret, you need to realize it, to feel sadness and to repent. That include having open heart – as without it you cant repent, or being sorry. In the case of curse, there is an obvious issue –that you simply don’t know and cant remember your past sin so to repent. There is no problem, as you can repent for what you did now, and realize your mistakes; as usually this action will happen after you receive the magic sing about curse and after the messenger will walk away, your situation will be more clear. If you are still not sure, try to ask angels, god, spirit guides of you (or even totems) to help you by bringing clarity about your curse in a dream. This will appear very soon. After you know about existence of the curse, you need to make cleansing of yourself. This don’t happen at all – as many claim – with turning to the left, or spewing behind you…or so on; don’t trust so easy answers specially about serious issues like curse. For that you need repentance for long period of time. Be humble, read about the topic, understand where you made mistake, and if you didn’t make simply go to place of prayer (any place of your religion, or spiritual views) or light candle at home. Devote every day time for prayer and ask for help from god. Nothing is answered fast or easy, with some exceptions. You need to devote 9 months to the repentance and prayer. During this time make an amulet for yourself and wear it in any comfortable for you place (bracelet, necklace, ring, crystal in a bag). This will help you immensely. The next nine months you should wear this amulet, and be careful who you let close as your friend. Notice the events, people and things around you. write a diary and be aware. After the time ends, make a commitment to help poor or old people, involve in charity and volunteer work. Do that around 12 months. During this time plant one of the following trees or flowers, depending on your personal choice, intuition or guidance from spirit, plant and grow: white rose bush, lilac tree, mulberry tree, pear tree, apple tree, white magnolia, lily of the valley, white narcissus, white bell flower. You should grow the tree alone, until produces fruits, or flower until it blooms. After nine months from this event you can be in peace as the curse wont follow you in this life time. Mean while your soul will feel transformed and you wont go to bad way again. The calculation is after all that period of time you start to repent and plant a tree it will go three years and three months. While planting the tree, take a little curl from your hair, put it inside a small paper of green color, write on it your name, date and the words: “I let the curse go away from my home, be dissolved in the light of the divine plant (name of tree – mulberry, apple, rose..) Let darkness be transformed in light.” Then put this note in the ground or in a tiny bottle for potions. If you don’t want to write your full name, its enough just initial letters or your magic name. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0210 -1- 

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