Saturday, February 11, 2017

What is a curse? -III

  * Continue from part II ~

   * I`ll give an example – the brother who raped his sister from previous example, is born in good family, he has one brother. His father will die in strange circumstances, his mother may be ill. He will suffer in love life, and when the sign of curse appear, he may meet the woman (who was his sister in his past life). I wont speak about others karmic relations, as all are of course involved in such. The brother will sleep with this girl, who will be also forbidden for him in another way. Then she becomes a messenger of curse”. That means a magic sign (like event, spirit, ghost), will be given to her, that she should go away from this person. After her appearance the curse will start to work, as the events seem like repeating in another way. She was again with the same person who left her in past life, now she is leaving him, or under the flow of impossible circumstances. When the curse starts in the family will appear fast events – illness, death of member; No matter of other events, the curse will be existing invisibly during all life of the man. He can marry and have children, but depending on the curse, death will occur again possibly to his most love people – wife and child. The curse cant be stopped once it started. (after the magic sign). It can be slightly only deviated from the person, but will remain on his family and space. There can be cases of people with multiple curses and bad energy from around, that are not aware of that, and think all bad happens to them.

   Have in mind that not all negative events are curse already! And there need to be a very special sign and messenger (who to come and go) from it so to start working. But after it is unlocked expect the worst things in span of years. It doesn’t happen once or at once. People will suffer, die in hard way, or the person itself will spend last days of his life alone, forgotten or die from hard illness. This is the case of curse.
The messenger of curse s not directly affected from curse, but she/he will be under reflection of the karmic relation, which is usually a relation repeated in a cycle.
What can be a magic sign for a curse? Many things like – ghost appearance in real or in dream, spirit saying words, that appear truth, appearance of an animal (cat, rabbit, crow, owl..), meeting someone who say unusual words related to your life; accident which you escape as miracle. Anything which seems very unusual, extraordinary and not from the world to you. The situation you are involved during this time will be hard, like a closed circle, without visible end, tortuous.

These are the visible signs of a curse.

When the messenger see the sign she/ he should walk away quickly and immediately. The sign can be also a broken mirror. To walk away, means to leave the person, place and situation one is involve in, no matter how hard that seems.

[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0210 -1-

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