Monday, February 6, 2017

Astral Body - II

Astral body has the perfect structure of human body (of yours), has gentle flow of light and energies, depending on the spiritual and soul level of each individual. Astral body can be visualized and met in state of meditation, when your mind is empty and open.

       Now I`ll explain how we can meet our astral body and connect?

     We can meet astral body in the following ways: - through meditation; through astral travel” ; in a dream, in a state of soul experiences on the edge of life (like koma), when we interact with spiritual beings or ghosts. The best way of all to connect is in state of meditation – visualization. You can sit or lie down in a peaceful place, close your eyes and allow yourself to be relaxed for about 10-20 min by listening special music or Tibetan bowls. Then imagine your Astral body – as image of your perfect self – this is the appearance you wish to have in higher level – surrounded by light, and glowing. See yourself with beautiful dress of light, gossamer, shining in light or transparent. Your astral body is your-self in state of full peace, love and devotion to Gods will. That’s how you ll easily see and connect with it. This is you but very high you. Then you can imagine your astral body in loving dress of light, even with accessories, to stay in a quiet place in the nature. Let this place be a beautiful garden, with fantastic flowers, trees, a spring and little fountain nearby; This is the garden of your spirit. All flowers are flourishing and with amazing colors. Your astral body also can do all what you cant – as I can fly or meditate in the air, and many more things. When you connect with your energy body in this way, feel how all peaceful mind of that body is actually yours and flowing into your body. This is the first step of connection. In order to make strong connection with it, you should meet in meditation daily and make short walks together to a nice places, but always start point should be the beautiful garden. Meet there and walk around, or fly around. Your astral body is aware of your inner state, health of all organs and energies more than you are. And this is not by chance! Any energy issues or broken cords or illnesses start in the higher level before they transfer to the low level of your physics. That’s why actually your astral body knows more and better about something in the future; in this way it can give you warning signs or look strange or not stable – if there is a hard situation for you in life. With the practice and many connections your astral body will be more and more shining, as you make it cleansed by your care of it – and by energy work. You`ll start to see it more beautiful, strong and bright looking, and knowing more things in the higher levels. At this point you ll start to receive straight messages from your angels and spirit guides. They ll be said to you in meditation with your astral body.

One amazing ritual you can learn with your astral body is how to make “purification of the soul”. This may sound a little weird as how the soul to need purification? It is always in state of purity. This is so, but the soul can be annoyed, confused and lose many of its abilities if it`s not in normal state. Energies and aura field affect on the astral body, which from his side affects on physical body, which affects on soul and spirit – and the cycle repeats. That’s why we need to be very careful with our physical body along with all else. It is a cycle, and if our physical body is unclean this will affect on the soul. (many cleaning rituals in religion practices point out that). So all depends and starts from our Astral body and connection with it. The qualities that astral body possess are amazing: it is everlasting, source of light, balances our energies – chakras, source of peace and love to the world, source of motivation and self-worth. It is one of our gifts from God. Sadly not everyone can connect (well) with his astral body, or realize it, until he reaches the certain level. 

[ nina Lea-nura * ]

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