Friday, September 14, 2018

How to connect with Oracle deck? -II

II. How to connect with an Oracle deck?

         The oracle deck is like an amazing friend – that you can invite in your life, connect, have relationship, share things. Oracle will be in your service for many things, and specially for increasing your psychic gift of clairvoyance. The key is – the more you practice, the better you become. As with everything else. Few people came to the world with very special gift of clairvoyance that doesn’t need practice. And this is a gift. But all we are given the same, if we just choose to receive it, to improve it. Also psychic gifts need nourishment, care, love and dedication of energy. That’s why try and devote your time – the results may surprise you.

      For anyone who is already familiar with the oracle decks, he/ she knows how to deal with them. There are so many ways of cleansing and recharging the decks – more complicated and more simple, depending on your personal preferences. But any deck needs to be cleansed first when you take it (from post package or from the shop). The deck should know it enters your home, and that he works specially with you, not someone else. The first thing to do when you receive your deck is – to enjoy it! :) view each card slowly, review the guidebook, touch each card and carefully gaze in it. That is your first contact with the Oracle. Then shuffle the deck. You may try to pull a card right away or you may wait for later time.
Your deck will be cleansed – if you say just a simple prayer and invite your angels to work with you trough this deck, or (as in Doreen Virtues decks) you may just knock with your non dominant hand the back of the deck to cleanse its energy. I personally choose to light up a red candle (symbolizing the light and fire element),  and then make a circle with it above the deck in the air. Before that I say short prayer to the angels, while gently covering the deck with my left hand – like:
“ with the help and guidance of my angels, spirit guides, fairies, elementals (according to the deck energy) – and archangels Chamuel, Haniel, Gabriel, and my Higher self, I give blessings to this oracle cards. May it reveal true messages with love and wisdom and help me in my path of ascension and spiritual growth – for the highest good of myself and anyone involved in the readings. Thank you, and so it is.”

This is the whole ritual for introducing the deck to my energy and space. You can choose to cleanse your deck with frankincense, or a crystal (any clear crystal or selenite will be very effective). Do what you feel its right for you.
A very good approach is to sleep with the new deck – but for me “under the pillow” doesn’t work for many reasons. So I felt to put my deck near to my bed, on the night stand – but you can place it in any place in bedroom, or in front of mirror, and I place many crystals around it and one clear quartz above it. In this way the deck`s energy connects with my sub-consciousness and dreams in the night. And it really does, so don’t have doubt about that. So in the morning your deck is cleansed, recharged and connected and you can start working with it, and saying a short prayer before you start shuffling.

The Oracle (and Tarot) deck is like your very close friend, as he knows all your hidden secrets on very deep level. So the more you work with it, the more you look to it, love it and ask help from it, the more he will give you love and support in return. That’s how it works.
Its not a rule, but usually more “lonely” souls or people who like to spend time alone, contemplating, meditating and connecting with inner peace, tend to be more attracted to oracle/ tarot cards. Some even start to be “obsessed” by having many cards and create huge collections. That’s of course very good and wonderful thing – but have in mind –in any collection intention is to “increase” so the spiritual work, cleansing, recharging and connecting with all decks will be much harder –or impossible. Any collector chooses to have just a few decks that are in handy to him, and just “keeps” another as a part of his memory or collection. So there is no need to hurry to possess many decks, even if you feel attracted to. Slow down. Work with all cards that you have, love them and dedicate time to readings. Then they will give you the same – true messages.

Connection with a deck will need some time, as any other relationship – for me I spend around 9-10 days with one deck after recharging it, in form of daily drawing cards for meditation. One daily card practice is very useful if you want to create deep connection with the deck and understand its essence. Each day you draw just one card – then look to the image, see how it feels, what speaks to you, what are the colors, what are the symbols and general impression. Then write it down in a card journal. In such way you will have 10 cards observation. Reading the guidebook for me is also obligatory in the beginning, even if I don’t use it after that. The most important is the energy from the deck to become closer and familiar to your energy, to your home atmosphere and your psychic qualities. Then you can be sure your readings are accurate.

Oracle decks have more open codes” and variety of different programs compared to Tarot decks, which have already archetypal interpretations and meaning. So both are very useful for your clairvoyance. But in order you to become really good, you cant stay only in “one card reading”. Then you may start to practice simple three card reading, in order to feel relations between cards in the deck. See what will happen, try to read for many different people – regardless who – your friends or family, just to practice. In such way you can have self-lessons on how the cards are related and what are the messages you can read. What are the weak points in that readings and what you feel? Just after this second period you can proceed with bigger spreads of 5, 6, 9 or 10 cards.
And you are invited to use your imagination! Be creative –don’t depend only on the spreads in the book – make your own spreads –they will work specially for you, even if they can look strange for someone.

(In next articles I`ll share some of my favorite spreads with Oracle cards).

Card from the Oracle "Soulful woman" by Gemma Summers

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

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