Friday, September 14, 2018

Ethereal energy of cycles and seasons -I (Spring)

In this short review I ll observe the different periods of seasons, the energy portals created in each season and month, angels you can  work with, and the flow of energy.

    Each season is a cycle that repeats yearly, and the whole year can be seen as an energy wheel, that accumulate cosmic energies. During one year (one full circle of the Earth around the Sun), we experience many changes, we have also many updates in our bodies – emotional, mental, astral, spiritual. We can view one year as a time of change, growing, and acquiring new abilities, qualities and strength. As cosmic children, we are using our consciousness to expand, and in order to do that we are already given many tools. We just need to be open to the flow of light – to open our mind and receive information and wisdom.

    Seasons and cycles are not by chance part from the universal pattern of the Solar system, as well as they are part of many more galactic systems. What we need to realize is that they have a special purpose and relation to our process of spiritual growth. We need to understand – people not just grow older – they become closer to their Higher Selves, they become wiser, more open and more sensitive to the universal energies. Specially in the last 50 years (2018) humans start to fully awaken to many universal truths. They start to surrender to the flow of cosmic energy, and realize that we are part of the much bigger picture. The whole process of earth awakening will take many years, but it already started!

I`m very excited as I see and watch how many people spread the knowledge, how many people are on the spiritual way, and how many want to connect with their higher self, and develop their Psychic gift.

We are amazing children of Light, souls of Light, and we have to fully live in this way.

I.                   Seasons energy – Spring
Expansion of ethereal light – Rejuvenation, awakening

     Each season brings to our planet different energy, which has specific purpose for the earth process of ascension. We are aware of that now. Season is not just a natural change, redecoration in natural world. It has higher mission on cosmic level. That’s how in the time of spring Equinox and autumn Equinox there is a certain shift of vibrations – related to all natural world – plants, animals, stones, mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, seas, and humans. In this time in cycle between 20. March and 20. April, there is angelic presence to observe the planetary changes. Archangels make a special council during this time (even their time is not linear we have to remember that). They already know about what is the process of ascension of whole humanity, so they can direct and send new waves of energy to the earth. That energy “update” happens on a very subtle level – with changing slowly the ethereal pattern of our DNA structure and molecules structure. This change is related to all humans, that are ready to accept it – and who were prepared for that.

So the Spring equinox from 20. March brings to earth flow of Awakening, recharging, rejuvenating energy, which flows directly into the “Heart” (ethereal light in the heart center). Awakening in this time is absolutely required for all mindful beings on path of ascension. The ethereal body (and heart) is fully awaken. In this time we may feel more emotional, sensitive to the energy around (we may hear sounds more clearly, and feel our senses more sharp), we may also experience problems of focus and concentration, sleeplessness, being more vulnerable in our emotional body. That all are symptoms of spring awakening process. This special time and energy will activate in our molecule structure ( and specially the ethereal heart) codes of awakening. We may feel we want to connect with nature, we have deeper sense of belonging to (family, nature, others, groups…), and we may need to experience shift in our relationships and change in our love life. All seasons of course and all times can bring changes in life, but spring is the time for activation for these changes. Its time for preparation and start of action, if anything needs to be done.

This is the time to feel your personal power and write down a list with all what you need to manifest – 1. positive qualities, 2. objects that will help you in your spiritual journey; 3. people you need to attract in your life.

That are some of the tools you can use to align to the universal energy of spring and equinox. On 20. march or in any other time suitable for you, write down a list with 10 or more positive qualities that you have. This is the way to attract and affirm your future success, by using these qualities. It is also a process of your self-love and self-believe. You need to know what you have, in order to attract more. Now look around and see how many things you already have, that are given to you as tools on your way. They are not part from you, but they hold pieces of your energy. Be thankful and write down a list of gratitude describing all (material) things that you already have. Feel how much you are blessed and rich – the God and universe has already given you all that you need. Even if you realize it or not.
Next step is to make list of all people in your life that you are thankful for. – that may be family members, parents, friends, beloved, partners…anyone who you feel is adding to your life. That list is also an affirmation of your gratitude and will open your heart to accept new energy of abundance.
This is just one of the many ways and practices to open your ethereal light in heart. Another is –to take care of animals, children, people in vulnerable state, to connect with nature, go out to the forest, part, mountain, lake, be close to trees and listen to their sweet whispers. That’s also a way to of your expansion. The spring is time not to be alone – to be more with others, to appreciate their energy in your life, to be more connected, more thankful. This is the time of joy, awakening, recharging and building new patterns, new qualities that will serve you.

This is the energy of Heart expansion – feeling of love, self-love and forgiveness to others are so significant in this time. Your energy is updated to give to the world, show compassion and support to other beings, show your appreciation and love. Act from your heart and from place of Love.

People born in period between 20. march and 20. April will be given (in energy planes) the golden keys of “awakening and expansion of heart”. These are keys in ethereal plane, that can give opportunity to person to add to the world – his spiritual mission will require more social activities, spreading knowledge, helping others in process of awakening, integration, being in service to others. Please know that such spiritual workers can be in any religion or any believe system available in the globe. They already do their mission, and are helped, if they have the intention for that – no matter of their religion or believes. In the same way the social status does not affect or change the mission of any light worker.
So people of spring are actively working in expansion of Heart, reaching out to others, and spreading. Expansion of heart requires self-believe, strength and determination.

Archangels you can ask for help in this time of awakening of heart are: Raphael, Ariel, Chamuel, Haniel, Charmeine.

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

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