Friday, September 14, 2018

How to connect with Oracle deck -I

In this article I`ll reveal some of the aspects of deeper connection with an Oracle and Tarot cards. Some people are more attracted to the beautiful, artistic and vibrant images of the cards, and also to their amazing power to “read and see” the reality and the future. How this is true and how it happens I`ll try to reveal now.

~ What is an Oracle/ Tarot deck?

      Oracle cards are tools to recognize, connect and open to our psychic abilities. Anyone has some of the psychic gifts – in a latent state, as it is given by nature. But not everyone want to use it, or feel attracted to use this gift, or even believe it is possible. Oracle and tarot cards are not only a tool for deeper psychic connection, but they are in some way alive. They are a very special spiritual tool, that connects with the deeper levels of our sub-conscious mind and exposes what is there. You can be a fan of Oracle and Tarot decks and readings even if you are not on the path of spiritual ascension – as you may find it just interesting or curious. But the truth is – more likely people who want to develop consciously their psychic gifts and clairvoyance –will use the power of cards. 

One common misconception of the oracle cards is, they were just tool for “predicting the future, looking to the unknown, the other side” or that they are “magical instruments of the devil or demons”, that they hold negative energy…None of these is truth. Just opposite – oracle cards and Tarot – if used in a positive direction can be tool for spiritual awareness, and can truly open your Third eye and help you see clearly.

The reading cards are much like any other elements (what I call elements) like crystals, trees, essential oils, flowers, colors…Just they are different as they are made from human imagination and mind and are not natural. Even so, Oracle cards when chosen and worked well would uplift our energy, and they hold inside specific energy, related to the messages.

This special energy comes from the Intention that is put in the deck. And here comes the clue – if the cards are with positive messages and with intention to help you expand your mind, then also you will receive positive results. And opposite – if cards have very dark energy, then the result will not be positive on your aura – but even so they can relate and connect well with your Third eye. In both cases they will improve your clairvoyance – but the results after that improvement will be different!

That’s why is important to be careful when you choose your oracle and Tarot decks. Let your intuition, artistic taste and some angelic help guide you. Oracle cards are great, but not everyone will connect with them on deeper level.
That is so because of the fact that the deck has “separate life” after it comes to you – it has a program. Like: Oracle of the Lightworker” by Alana Farchild is dedicated to people who are Light workers and on the path of ascension; Oracle of “Shadows and Light” by Lucy Cavendish has the aim to connect with certain aspects of your shadows and reveal your hidden qualities, in such way achieving self-improvement; “Oracle of the mermaids” has the aim to connect you with the amazing ethereal realm of mermaids and water element…and so on. So the program of oracle cards are clear by their title and cards images, as well as from the messages on cards and the guidebook.

 Card from the "Oracle of the mermaids" by Lucy Cavendish

That’s how – oracle cards are in fact “separate energetic” creatures, that can connect with you, and like you, depending on your own attitude to them. You cant work effectively with an oracle if you simply don’t like it! It wont reveal anything. People who don’t believe in power of Oracle (or in their own psychic abilities) wont work with oracle cards. Yes?

Nina Lea-nour *
Angel`s medium 

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