Sunday, June 3, 2018

Moon energy and cycles -III

~ Solstices 

On the opposite side - the energy of the Summer solstice (20-22 June) and winter solstice (20-22 December) holds the keys of releasing, cleansing, letting go, removing, cutting out the old habits, old patterns that no longer serve you. These are energies of endings, completion, bringing things to wholeness, deep contemplation. The energy of Full moons during all the year has the same characteristics, but specially in months of solstices (21 June, 21 December) it helps to bring combined energies of the solstice with Full moon for much higher vibrations.
So the energy of Spring and Autumn through all the months, and specially in March and September brings renewal, new doors open, recharging, reviving, connection with others. Energy of the Summer/ Winter months and solstices (June/ December) brings cleansing, releasing, letting go of old, balancing, contemplation, meditation, self-love, self believe. The energy of the full moons is important for spiritual growth and mindfulness, you can use the bright moon light for asking yourself questions:

-         where I m in the spiritual path?
-         What things I need to release and let go?
-         What qualities I need to change and release, that are bad for me?
-         What are the negative people, or someone who is no longer helping me to grow or pushing me back?
-         What habits and mind patterns I need to let go, change and evaluate?
-         What is the evaluation of my past 3 months on this life journey?

        The full moon in months of spring brings the special aspect of change, new direction and re-evaluation of the past. Now is the time to release all from the past, leave it there, change the emotional perspective. As spring is time of activated power (in Tarot cards represents Wands), also its magical time for manifesting what you desire. The formula of the Spring moon is: release, cleanse and concentrate on what is best for you. See the beauty of the present moment, be content with what you have. The best time for cleansing the home energy or remove clutter is spring. Remove all staff that you don’t need, feel the fresh new air. The spring moon is recharging, uplifting.

The spring new moon has the same aspects, but its more focused on manifesting the new start in reality, not just in mind, being active and pursuing your desires. This new moon is super motivator for the whole year cycle, and will give you boost of inspiration to create.

The spring Full and New moon energy is ruled by archangels Raphael (as. Master Lao Tzu -20. March), Ariel (assended Master Lakshmi -22 March), Chamuel (as. Master Hilarion, god festival Jesus -22 Apr), Haniel (with goddess Freya -20. May), Charmeine (ascended masters Heros and Amora -22.May). The corresponding totem animals for the spring are: donkey, green frog, elephant, caw, squirrel. The corresponding crystals are: peridot, green agate, amber, carnelian, rose quartz.
This energy also relates to the aspect of new self, and to the Root and Sacral chakra – security, safety, self-acceptance, awaken heart. That’s why after spring equinox in March, you start to feel need of grounding, of moving your body, need of fresh air, going out. All that is represented in the notes of Root and Sacral chakras – C and D.
Now is the time to make rituals for prosperity, abundance, new home, change of work and total change for anything old and stagnant. Meet new people and friends, be social, feel revived.

The autumn new and full moon have effects of rejuvenating, emotional balance, going with the flow, acceptance. Unlike the spring energy which is more related to others and social activities, the autumn is related with self issues and bringing balance in persons own body and mind. The autumn months have also recharging effect, but more for the mind (and less for physical body). 

Thank you for tuning in! Please continue to part four: Moon energy and cycles -IV

nina Lea-nour * 
Angel`s medium 
@ 3-12-18 

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