Sunday, April 9, 2017

What are ghosts (demons) -II

   [ continue from part I ...]
    * When ghosts will disappear? As all energy imprints they cant disappear easily. They are something like records in the space-time. They will be dissolved or “cleaned” from space only by raising the energy of the whole planet – with 10 octaves. That will be high enough for awakening of big masses of peoples and nations and stopping of all world conflicts. 

I have to add here, what I just described are only one kind of “ghosts”. There are three general kind of ghosts, namely
~  imprints of people died in tragic circumstances or unfinished matters;
~ demons and demonic entities
~ imprints of demons, who died long ago

You can see that now the understanding about what we call “ghosts” become more complicated and complex. If we understand well the first kind, what about others?

II. Demons
        Do demons exist? What they are? These are basic questions I`m asking here. Demons, sound more like fantasy, allegory, movies and myths, are real entities. They are non-human origin, and as all things connected with invisible, they are made of special energy. While the angels are made of light and highest energy vibrations, demons (as we understand) are beings made of darkness and shades and are with lowest possible vibrations. There are also many kinds and strict hierarchy of demons. They have many functions, and are out of the visible for humans “earth plane”. Unlike angels, demons have limited life-cycle. They are not eternal and they die. When they die, they leave energy imprints in time-space also called “ghost” which is the third kind. What we need to know about demons is, they are tied always to very dark, negative energies of humans. They feed from the negative feelings of humans, specially from fear, panic, depression, greed, lust, aggression, need to control. They are attached to the person (like shadow) who experience these feelings. Even so, not everyone who feels afraid, panic or depressed for a moment or while, is connected with demons. In order to be attached and living with the human, demons need constant, deep and unchanged atmosphere with these feelings. That means all demons are attached to people who are in not feeling “afraid”, but in constant state of “fear, panic, depression, greed, lust…”. They live with lowest possible energies from humans. Moreover, demons are much better tied to earth plane and human energies than angels. That’s so, because their density is much higher, they have shape and can be seen much easily from humans as “shadow imprint”, as their energy is intense in lower spectrum. They have very low vibration, which correspond better to earth plane. From another side, angels have highest possible vibrations and much harder to be felt or connected from humans in physical plane.

     More about demons – they are entities that have different groups and organizations. They are much more powerful than humans, but have very little power compared to angels. Demons have leaders, but there is not one main “devil” or anything like that (as we expect from religious point). Demons cant affect people without others to let them, or by special permission. Also demons can affect and correspond only to the physical plane on earth, and they don’t have any power over other plane after. Demons are actually much less number than what we may imagine. Big part of them are actually made from humans – by thoughts, negative energy and feelings. The same as ghosts, who are imprints of death beings, demons appear and are tied to place with high levels intense bad energy. Such areas are –war zones, genocide, massive graves, physical abuses, murders, as well as intentions for such. All areas of terrorism or murder are “energetically” darker little before the crime occur. If there is intention, and the specific place is targeted for example for explosion or killing, this will start to appear just before the event to happen. The energy of the place becomes more and more dense and low. If you are sensitive or medium, you`ll physically feel sickness in such place. Then just hours before the actual deed – there is a dark cloud in this area. From that the energy of the place becomes black and dark like smoke. That’s how in this time angels already know crime will happen.

       In such intense dark smoke in energy level, demons are attracted, so they are there. They stay more closely to the person who is going to commit the murder, crime, as they will make fog in his mind. That’s why in reality all humans who commit crimes are ill in mind. They live in a dark cloud, and cant see the real world. If these people die and still tied to the demons, their souls meet the demon after the transition spiral. Their souls meet their angels too and the demons from another side. In this way the soul should make a choice where to go. In most cases the radiance of angels is strong magnet for the soul and they naturally follow the angels. In this way they will be saved no matter in which sphere they are going. In case of dark energies and murders they are going to the lowest levels of darkness. Making this choice the soul will be eternal. 

לאה נורא
[ nina Lea-nura * ]
0408 -1- 

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