Sunday, February 2, 2025

Channeled message from AA Gariel for the Ascension (Feb 2025) ⭐


               Greetings children of the Light! 

We are here to send you light codes of healing, purification and deep transformation! Most souls who are awaken or choose their path in this time will feel the energy shift in February. There are multiple cosmic and energy portals opening in this month – one of them is with the Full moon in Leo (12.February), and the Portal of White light – 222. There is strong opening of your Heart and Higher Heart chakra, Crown and Soul star chakra expansion.

Many souls and light workers will feel the shift. You are receiving energy upgrades for your physical and spiritual bodies, cleansing of your Throat and Thyroid gland. Pay attention to any feeling or sign your body gives you. This is time of deep emotional cleansing, purification, letting go of the old energy, detoxication of your body.

You are on the verge to connect with hidden aspects of yourself. Some souls will go through soul retrieval process, they will travel (in real or in dream state) to many places from past lives on earth, and collect different scattered aspects of their soul. Be aware that this process can take time and it can be subconscious, but you may experience painful memories or past traumas which you wont be fully aware.

Your brain is reprogramming and “de-composing” with higher frequencies, as you are receiving new crystalline codes of Ascension for the new stage of your Planet.

Many things in your external reality can either change and transform, or you will no longer perceive them in the same way. You are different” person and your body was re-structured, so your perception of the world, yourself and people around you will be different.

We advice you to stay grounded in your body and pay attention to your daily food regime and schedule. This month is great for re-calibration of your digestive system and detox of your body-mind.

Do not use your logical” mind to explain some events in your life, or to understand your feelings or reactions of others.

In order the shift to occur you will need to free up space, to let go of something you were attached, and to free your mind.

Know that now you are coming into your power as Divine being of light and that no one can take away from you this power. You are in a process of awakening to your inner truth and to the false Matrix that was created/ imposed for you.

Observe, feel and understand all traps and illusions you were living and your reality will no longer be the same.

Don`t resist the waves of change and cosmic initiation as they bring deep soul purification and cleansing.

This is the time to let go and trust the Universe, you are on the right path, exactly where you need to be. This message is confirmation for you that you are doing the work of light.

Sending you waves of blessings of white, lavender and golden light!

AA Gabriel

and White flame angels

channeled by...

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal reiki healer 

February 2025  ©

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