Friday, February 28, 2025

The Process of Soul Transition after Death in 3 D (Channeled, part III)

 With the help of my angels and arch. Gabriel I write this channelled information about the process of Soul exit from this lower dimension plane to the other side.

  1. The Golden-Pink Spiral of second transition

The second transition of Soul formation happens within around 20-30 days from leaving the physical avatar.

But these period is variable for more spiritually advanced souls. The soul is taking rest and may have some conversations in the Astral plane with her deceased family members, ancestors of relatives. That happens only if the soul wants that connection, and with the permission of the angels.

Then the Astral body (as energy form) is taken to a special liminal place – where there is second tunnel of light. From far this appears as portal of White light in form of a swirling vortex. The Soul needs to make the travel through this tunnel by itself. Guardian angels are always present with the soul, but angels of the Astral are bidding fare well to it, as they remain in this level.

The soul is “magnetically pulled within the gravitation of the spiral as it opens and travels through layers of higher dimension.

This tunnel looks like pink-lavender light with sparkles of golden white light. This is the Portal to the Ethereal spheres – which we connect through the Higher heart. This portal is leading to the Ethereal realm. We have to be aware –not all souls are going through this portal, but it is more common way for more spiritually awaken souls.

In this second travel the soul is much lighter and at the end of the tunnel she transforms into her Ethereal body. Entering this realm the soul will see again guardian angels, faeries guardians, crystal spirits, totem animals, tree spirits…All of them are abiding in the Ethereal spheres. The soul will be able to walk around and talk with flower fairies, elementals, nymphs, sylphs, mermaids, crystal spirits, elves, herbal spirits, gnomes. Here she is able to ask all kind of questions and see how they work. This transition is made only if the soul decides it is valuable for her and with the permission of her angels.

The time soul spends here is around 30-40 days in the earth plane. After completing this ethereal pink-golden Portal, the soul is safe to “return home” and go the higher Angelic spheres. That happens only after the Spheres of purification (where the soul reaches in around 40 days after her physical death).

(As we see until now, in this angelic revelation – there is no such thing as “quick incarnation” or coming in another body, before understanding where you are. That happens only in some extreme cases, when the soul contract did not finish).

The soul is taken care here too for while and here she can “see” her through colours in the “Mirror Portal”. The soul until this time keeps her memories, but is released all the emotional imprints of them. When she reaches the mirror portal in this realm, she feels cleansed from emotional baggage and past love trauma and she is ready to move higher.

  1. The Golden Spiral Portal

The Golden spiral is the third and final portal of Soul transition after her physical death. Now the Soul energy is cleansed from emotions and lower vibrations that come from her lower chakras on earth. The Soul is magnetized to travel into the 12 Dimensional golden tunnel of light. This is the last stage of transition, before purification spheres. At the end of this spiral the soul feels much lighter and releases all mental and energetic attachments, cords and hooks. Still she will have special purification in this realm.

[ if you want to read more about spheres of purification, see the article here. ]

After the purification of all energy levels the soul drinks from the “river of forgetfulness” that makes her memory dissipate and become like a floating far away cloud.

The soul has very little memory on her life experience, which seems like a dream covered with fog. (very similar is what we feel about our past lives when we are incarnated).

In the Golden spheres of purification is the last level before the Angelic spheres. Here the soul is given the chance to understand the life lessons in a very smooth and gentle way. She can gather with other souls with similar lessons. Very rarely the soul can see familiar people from her earthly life.

Then the soul meets the angel of transition (death) –that can be angel from group of Azrael, Sariel or Seraphiel. They give her a scroll and a flower which signifies her special achievements in this life time. If the soul should repeat the lesson of earth incarnation, she wont be given these attributes, but she will fill in a test.

Then the soul makes an energy formation together with her angels, angel of transition (Azrael) to the Angelic sphere, which has specific frequency band, colour, light and sound – depending on the life lessons, successful mission and Karma of each soul.

   When the soul reaches the Angelic spheres she will be able to transform itself into pure energy, or in a soul-form (human), or to choose her sacred geometry shape. Most souls look like floating spheres of light, but each other them has special auric colour and a star within.

They have also the sbility to shape-shift and change their form. 

This is all from the process of soul transition, which is multi-dimensional and not simple travel, different for each soul.

Thank you for tuning in!

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer

February 2025

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