Thursday, February 20, 2025

Portal 222 - Divine frequency of Purification -Meditation


          What are the Portals? 

Portals are energetic vortexes of high vibrational light bringing activation, purification and higher consciousness to all humans. Every month different portals are opening on the ethereal levels, so that we can take in the beneficial energy into our body, mind and heart.

    Each portal has different frequency, and it pours in the energy in different colour, it is amplified by an angel and has special qualities that we need at this time. Portals have the nature of cycles and they are repeated (the same as seasons, full moons, new moons). But in the same time they have unique energy each time, as we change and evolve on a soul level.

              About the portal 222

The Cosmic portal 2-22 happens in February 22 each year, and this time it has stronger vibration. It opens as a vortex of swirling diamond white and golden light, and it brings deep cleansing, purification and releasing of all old energies.

This is Portal of Divine feminine, archangel Gabriel and white flame angels, bringing healing, letting go of any painful experience or relationship in our lives. This portal will connect you with your own aspects of wounded feminine energy and purify all of your aura, cleansing away the negative emotions. This is also a Moon portal connected with cosmic Water element and all water creatures in etheric realms – water fairies, nymphs, mermaids and mairmen.

★ Meditation for purification for the portal 222

Cleanse the energy of your space and light up one (3,6) white candles on your altar.

Sit in a quiet space and breath deeply. You can take deep breaths in to your Heart and then breath out all negative emotions from the day. Breath in your heart 3 times.

 ★ We call on your guardian angels and spirit guides to surround you in protection bubble of light. We call on archangel Gabriel and the white flame angels to stay around you and protect you with love and guidance. See yourself surrounded by angels, they stretch their hands and radiate healing white and golden light to you.

Feel the warmth and joy of this angelic light, it circles around your aura and enters your Crown chakra.

See and feel your Crown filled with white and golden light, it expands and hold the divine light of your Higher Self. See now how this beautiful shining light is flowing down like water into your Third eye (your forehead), then down into your Throat, and into your Heart. The white and golden light cleansing and purifies all of your chakras, releasing anything that is not for your highest good. Releasing past pains, sadness, un-forgiveness, trauma and offence.

Feel how this magical white light is travelling down to your Solar Plexus, washing away any negativity about yourself and your abilities to shine. The light is flowing into your Sacral chakra, healing your mother wound, down to your Root, healing your father wound and then your left leg and your right leg...into the ground.

This white light is washing away all painful memories, childhood trauma, feelings of victimhood, feelings of being alone or abandoned, feeling of unworthiness, any depression, anxiety or anger are flowing down into the ground.

Now see yourself surrounded by ball of brilliant white light, sparkling like a snow. This light is protecting you from any harmful influence, thoughts, feelings or darkness from outside world. Anything is easily dissolved when it touches the white light.

Archangel Gabriel is sending codes of golden light into your heart. See it as an orb of golden light entering into your heart and expanding the vibration of self-love, compassion and forgiveness. Now your angels and arch. Gabriel imprint a code of Divine love, joy and protection into this golden orb. See it as a special symbol to you. (Only you can know it and visualize it in your mind and this is special symbol to you!). (It can be sacred form, a star, butterfly, a key or anything else).

 ★ The angels are singing divine songs and imprint your aura with purity, lightness and ability to let go.

See how they are placing around your aura shining golden sphere, above the white sphere. This golden sphere contains the imprints of Flower of life symbol. You can see how this golden sphere starts to spin slowly, then faster, and emits healing vibrations and protection to your body in the physical world and your energy and spirit.

       Temple of White Diamond 

You can see yourself in the White diamond temple, in the middle of this temple stands a huge cosmic Diamond, its light shines bright like dazzling sun. You feel rejuvenated, healed and uplifted with new energy. Stay here for a while in stillness and feel the radiant light of the Diamond. Listen to any messages and guidance from the angels in this temple. Receive it with your heart and be thankful. Here you can ask any questions or help from your guardian angels, they are listening!

Say the following affirmation:

 I open now the diamond white and golden Flower of life around me and within me. I cross over the portal 222 to higher dimensions and receive the codes of healing (my divine feminine), purity, self-love, self acceptance, balance and letting go. These codes are for my highest good, and so it is!”

Breath deeply and slowly return back to your physical body.

Make sure to journal or write about your experience and the guidance you have received from the angels.

Drink plenty of water and ground yourself.

Happy Portal 222!

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer ©

angels channeler ©

February 2025

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