Tuesday, December 31, 2024

January - Energy, Angels, Portals (1) 2025 ⭐


January is a month of huge energy shift, it looks like oceanic waves in violet, silver and aquamarine colour. This first month sets the tone for the whole year 2025 and it has very uplifting, inspiring energy. There is much potential and power in January, as numerology 1.

Major themes for January

- deep transformation, awakening, realization of truth

(This deep realization is related for most souls to their own lives, their inner world, priorities and desires. Think about what do you need to transform, and what is no longer serving you at this time.)

- releasing and letting go

If you want to emerge as a new reborn Soul, you need to acknowledge the progress that you made and your past. Be grateful for all people and experiences in the past, but then let them go. You are starting a new chapter of your life.

- Organization and declutter of your home

Your home is reflection of your inner truth and who you are. The energy of your home has impact on your energy and on everyone living in your space. You need to take time to see some corners” or objects that are making your home cluttered and let them go or donate them.

- Balance between taking action and recuperation

January is great for taking small steps in the right direction, setting intentions or making list with your priorities. But it is not suitable for being over active and fast movement or doing things without thinking. You need to make balance in your energy and have time for meditation, sleep and rest. This is essential for restoring your energy system and healing.

                               Cosmic Vibration 

This first winter month of 2025 vibrates fast with energy of 1 – which represents Air element. It has swiftness, initiation, new beginning, connection with others, wisdom, intellect, process of thinking, intention. In January we are invited to cleanse and rejuvenate our energy system, especially our mental body. Make time in nature, away from social media and mobile.

One is energy of the Sun and Central sun which sends to the earth streams of violet higher dimensional light. This light is anchored into the core of earth and then pulled back into the energy roots and field of each human.

The planet of power now is Saturn – planet of Capricorn – of structure, discipline, karmic lessons, resolutions. At this time Saturn is in Pisces (spiritual wisdom, openness, awakening, astral travel) so you can feel the Piscean energy activated within you. (check in which house you have Pisces in your Natal chart).


The angels protecting you and amplifying the energy of the month are Zadkiel and Haniel. Violet flame angels are also surrounding the whole planet for ascension and transmutation of the old believes, old ego programs, past trauma and structures. Many things will be “programmed” on etheric levels for de-struction, falling apart and releasing. That` s why in this month you don`t have to hold on to anything. Practice detachment and realize the things – people or places you are attached to.

   The sun is in the sign of Capricorn (since 21 December) and Saturn is in Pisces, both bringing soothing, slow feminine energy. Being grounded, walking in nature, connecting with trees or tree spirits will be so uplifting this month. Piscean energy makes you to embrace tranquility , meditation and opens your psychic wisdom.

            Cosmic portals in January

The first major portal is opening on 11-1 -this is the Central sun and Violet flame portal of transmutation and cleansing. It is led by archangel Zadkiel and violet flame angels, and this is portal of higher dimensions, higher consciousness, oneness, connection to the Akashic records. On this portal every year there is gathering of the Angels of the Akashic records and your guardian angels to understand the progress of the soul.

This year on 11-1 there will be shift of the North (lunar) Node moving from Aries to Pisces and South Node, moving from Libra to Virgo. The North node acts like the North star for humanity lighting up the way forward and showing where we need to put energy and efforts. 

Make a special meditation to activate your violet Merkaba with the angels >>

On 13 January the Sun (self-love, willpower, inspiration) makes trine with Uranus (advancement, revolution, evolution) which can bring awakening, sudden changes or movement in the direction of your dreams, like orchestrated from above. Even if you don`t feel these changes there is always universal alignment taking place.

On 19 January Sun enters the sign of Aquarius, we can start feeling more open to our inner truth, to communicate our dreams and visions. During this portal you can feel burst of inspiration and creative ideas. Pay attention to your soul calling, know that are you unique soul and you create your unique path.

On 21 -1 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius – many deep changes, transformations are about to unfold. You have already prepared the ground for them, release any limitations from your mind. It`s good time for diet and detox. This is huge energy portal and most souls will feel it.

On 🌔13-1 there is a Full moon in Cancer, which brings very calming, purifying energy and awakens the dreamer in all souls. This is time for deep self-reflection, connection with your inner child and relationship dynamics.

On 29 -1 we have the powerful New moon in Aquarius – this is a very good start for a new You, understanding your directions and removing all fears that hold you back. Plant seeds of your new creation, be brave. This is perfect time to start something new.

Thank you for tuning in, souls of the Light!

Happy New year ! 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki crystal healer

December 2024 

Monday, December 30, 2024

New Moon in Capricorn - Ritual, Journaling & Oracle ♑


 This special black new moon in Capricorn opens and activates an etheric portal of copper light swirling from the core of the Moon to the crystalline core of the Earth. This is the final new moon of year 2024, and it sets the tone for a new chapter and positive alignment.

  Some major qualities we need to observe in ourselves and master at this time are: self-discipline, self-reflection, observation, organization, mindfulness.

The energy of this copper new moon is perfect for setting intentions for the next 3 months (until the new moon in Taurus), and this time frame forms an earth-triangle. 

  * The Capricorn moon is especially good for:

- home and finances organization, managing

- making a list with your priorities for the year

- letting go of objects and things or making free time in your schedule.

- decluttering and organizing the space

- observation of the past few months

- observing the relationship with your parents

- Ancestral karma cleansing and meditation

We are working with our feminine energy and the Earth element.

In this new moon and next 10 days find time for peaceful observation of your past year. Think about your biggest challenges and how you have overcome them, about your new projects, passions and inspirations. What makes you truly happy?

The planet of power aligned with the energy of the New moon is Saturn – planet of order, structure, karmic lessons, time frames. Now Saturn is in the watery sign of Pisces, that`s why you can have time for self-reflection, being alone, meditation.

Here are some questions for Journaling ✎

1. What in my home and space needs to be removed and decluttered?

2. Is my home feeling clean and organized? (What do I need to change?)

3. What in my daily nutrition needs to change? Do I have problematic eating habits?

4. Do I have enough time for self-love, meditations and rest?

5. What were my biggest challenges in the past year?

6. What are my priorities for the next month? What do I need to accomplish?

                     New moon Ritual with candles : 

Light up 1 (3, 6) black candles on your altar. You can surround them if you like with black crystals for Capricorn season – black tourmaline, black obsidian, black opal.

On a piece of paper write down 3 intentions or desires and on the opposite side write the moon phase and the date. Fold the paper and place it near the candle or in a special place. Now close your eyes and breath deeply. Imagine that these intentions are brilliant seeds and you are planting them in the soil of your garden. Their roots starts to spread and grow deeper and deeper. They start to grow slowly to the light. Then see your copper light roots growing from your feet down to the core of mother earth. Feel grounded, safe and stable in this moment and time.

Let go of any expectations of how your intentions will come to fruition. We let this process in the hands of Universe.

        Tarot for the New moon 🌙


This new moon Arch. Haniel is sending you peaceful light. You are invited to find stillness, balance and rest. Let go of your tasks, stress or schedule, free your mind from worry. You need to make space for yourself – practice meditation, mindfulness and have enough time for sleep. Temperance shows our process of Ascension, even if we are not aware of it, the energy is going higher. You are flying in the clouds of your dreams, visions and in the same time you are feeling safe, grounded and protected. This card is your sign that your angels are guiding your steps in the right direction!

Oracle 🌒

Cone of Power

Vibration: Solar Plexus/ key words: energy, focus, concentration

Cone of power signifies that you have energy at your disposal and that this can ebe utilized for the highest good. Focus upon your intentions, feed any creative flames with positive affirmations and consider and consider what you may like to give to others to help them on their path. Opportunity is available for fresh energy to illuminate an old or tired situation. Your energy will be required so expect a call.

If things become too serious or intense, find places and situations that will feed and nourish you. Let others lead sometimes, so you can rest.

Think about which element do you like to work with? 

Affirmation: Energy is focused and activated.

Thank you for tuning in! 🍎 and Happy new year!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

December 2024 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

2025 -Energy and Ascension, closing Major Cycle (channeled message) 🌟


Year 2025 will be major turning point for humanity. There are multiple themes in this time frame – transformation and change, truth and authenticity, soul purpose and new beginnings. The year energy is led by angels of the Aquamarine light and Archangel Haniel, and it looks like wirlpool of high frequency aquamarine, lavender and silver light. Beautiful and at the same time challenging. 

  Year 9 (2025) is closing out one final cycle for humanity (which started in 2017), many different aspects are closing, including karmic cleansing and releasing. 9 is vibration of ending, purging, releasing, cleansing, swiftness and changes. This year has more Yang, masculine qualities of element High Air, but also integrates the polarities; important aspects like movement, transition, initiation, change, travel, understanding, conflict are prevalent this year.

One of the most important things to do in 2025 is finding your true essence; feeling your soul`s calling and true potential, and knowing what steps to take in the right direction. You need to be true to yourself, because this year your voice will be so important and impact others around you.

   9 is also vibration of revelation and coming to Light. For many that means revealing their talents and spiritual gifts to the world. Do not hide yourself for fear of judgement, criticism of comparison. You need to be fully authentic and fully yourself. Only then your soul will shine with your own colours. 

But also year 2025 is year of unveiling the truth and disclosure about many things in the outside world which humans did not see or did not understand before. You can expect some shocking truths to come to light (especially concerning health and medical industry). But then some people in structures of "power" will still try to hide themselves under the mask of half-truths and creating more confusion and illusion. 

9 is very original and raw energy (planet of power is Uranus and North Node) – at this time you can choose to cross to higher timelines and acknowledge your past achievements and how far you have come.

Now is the time (in 2025) to look into your ideas, dreams and projects, which one do you want to follow and expand? Which one you want to leave behind?

Make a list with priorities for the year 2025 for each month. Just make sure to keep things simple as possible, because the recipe for success lies in simplicity and flexibility now.

Dont let your old stories and wounds hinder your higher path of awakening.

Vibration 9 is related to the Aquamarine light, which is amazingly good for releasing, healing and letting go. There can be people who need to stay in the past” situation, or will be pulled down by childhood trauma. That`s why you are invited to work on your emotional body and release any dark cords, attachments and blocks within your field. Only then you can reach to deep healing and letting go.

    9 is represented with the energy of the nine pointed star in silver and aquamarine colour and energy of archangels Haniel and Seraphiel. Major planets of power and karmic revelations for humanity in 2025 are Uranus (technology, discoveries, changes of direction, revolution, evolution, earth), and North and South Node. All lunar eclipses and New moons are quite significant this year. The first cosmic portal is happening on 11-1 (January) when the North and South nodes are changing signs from Aries into Pisces (North) and from Libra into Virgo (South). This change amplifies the spiritual awareness and downloads of messages from the beings of Light and angelic spheres.

So, year 2025 is one of spiritual and soul evolution for all humans, which will happen in fast pace every month.

   Uranus will change sign into Gemini in July 2025, which has strong impact on earths energy and it will stay there until 2032. This marks big technological advancements, discoveries and changes in all aspects, also related to communication, internet, robots and AI and social circles.

The main chakras that will be activated and integrated with new light codes are your Throat, Crown and Soul Star chakra (15-20 cm above your head).

January will be month (1) with the energy of Violet flame of purification and transmutation, which is very strong start for the year.

Angelic advice for 2025: make sure to have emotional balance and make schedules with respect to your inner self and feminine energy. Make time for meditation, rest and food for your soul.

 ★ Thank you for tuning in, souls of Light! 

You can read more ...

* Archangel Seraphiel message for the Ascension 2025 (5 Major themes)

Channelled message from Arch. Gabriel and Arch. Raziel for the Ascension (December)

Meditation for Winter Solstice in the Blue Sun temple (2024)

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

December 2024 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Meditation for Winter Solstice in the Blue sun Temple (December 2024) 🧘


This meditation is created specially for activation of your light body in the time of winter solstice – 21-12. The winter solstice is major cosmic portal related to energy and light codes of the Sun, which is connected through spirals of light to the divine Central sun in the middle of the galaxy. The solstice energy opens 2 times in a year determining closing of a cycle, and opening up of the energy to receive new flow from above. 

   Our whole sun system is actually moving very slowly in a spiral towards the central Sun. When our sun system (with the earth) reaches the central sun, at this point it will be pulled into the tunnel of void and the life of this system will end. At this time the life on earth will have a reset point and will be created afresh in higher levels of existence.

When the Sun portal is open we receive divine light codes and connect with our higher Self, spiritual guides and angels with ease.  In winter or summer solstice we are prepared for: 

1. expansion of our energy body and higher chakras, 2. opening the Soul Star and Stellar gateway chakra through which we receive the codes of the sun. 3. Receiving DNA upgrade and cellular cleansing and regeneration of the whole body. 4. Receiving guidance from our Higher Self.

That means, you need to prepare yourself and your energy, in order to receive the spiritual updates and light codes.

 I made this meditation with the help of angels to help in your ascension and receiving the light codes from the sun. 

Preparation for meditation:

1. Elemental breathing 

In the first step we need to prepare and cleanse the energy of your space. Use Paolo Santo, sage or any other form of cleansing. Then sit quietly in a darkened space. Light up a white or silver candle, if you like. Focus on your breathing and feel white-golden light filling your lungs and going into your Solar Plexus chakra. Breath in a out 4 times, as you see how this golden ball is expanding and cleansing your Solar Plexus. Then say in your mind: I activate my inner fire now. Breath deeply again in and out 4 times, and see the light travelling to your Throat chakra, where it expands in shape of golden sphere. Repeat the affirmation: I activate my Air now. Breath deeply and see the light expanding in your Third eye. See the golden ball of light spinning and cleansing your Third eye and mind. Say to yourself: I m activating my inner Water now.

Then finally see the golden ball expanding in your heart centre and repeat: I activate my earth now.

 2. Meditation with Archangel Haniel and Archangel Seraphiel - in the temple of Central sun

Now your energy is cleansed and you have activated your elements in the body. Imagine that you are surrounded by white golden light, it spreads all around you encompassing your aura and the space you are in. We invite the angels to you: “ We call on our spirit guides, angels and fairies, and the light of Arch. Haniel and Arch. Seraphiel to surround me with protection and Love.” You can tune into the the presence and divine frequency of the angels for a few moments. Notice the shift in your own energy field.

Then imagine you are travelling to the temple of the Central sun. This is magnificent temple of white, blue and golden crystals. See yourself in the temple, and above you there is magnificent light of Blue sun. For some souls it will be presented as light blue, pale blue, for others like rich indigo blue sun. You can observe how this light is spreading around the temple you are in.

Now arch. Seraphile and arch. Haniel create a pyramid of blue and white light around you. See yourself in the centre of this pyramid, prepared for your activation with light codes from the Sun.

On the base of the pyramid you see golden circle and within it there is symbol of the Metatron cube. You are standing in the middle of this sacred symbol. Now the golden circle and the Metatron cube start to move slowly clockwise, sending golden light to your chakras from Root to Crown, covering your spinal column.

Feel how this energy cleanses and activates your chakras.

Now you see how your above the top of the pyramid is a Gateway of white-blue light opening like a lotus flower. This is your Stellar Gateway chakra which receives the codes of wisdom and Higher consciousness. See this chakra as blue circle and within shining blue 12 pointed star of creation. This star is moving clockwise and so the portal is opening, sending light to your energy, higher and lower chakras and body.

Then Archangel Seraphiel sends brilliant white and silver light sphere in your Soul Star chakra. Within it you see a symbol of perfect snowflake. Just visualize it in any way you want. This giant snowflake is spinning slowly, cleansing and activating the codes in your Soul Star chakra – around 15 -20 cm above your head.

Archangel Seraphiel then sends white -silver light and forms a sphere in your Crown chakra, Third eye and Throat chakra, one by one. You see how they create the shape of spinning giant snowflake of white -silver light. Stay for a few minutes and observe how these snowflakes move, cleanse and activate your chakras and energy.

Then Archangel Haniel now steps forward and sends white and golden light to your Heart chakra. You see in it opening a portal and spinning snowflake of white and golden. It cleanses and activates your heart intuition and guidance. Then archangel Haniel sends white-golden balls of light in your Solar Plexus, Sacral chakra and Root chakra. You see snowflakes shapes in all of these chakras spinning with brilliant crystalline white light, cleansing and removing all stagnant energy, trauma and negative cords from these chakras.

3. Activation with the Blue sun rays of higher consciousness

then you see all of your spirit guides and angels surrounding you, holding hands around your body and the pyramid. Now they are focusing their light above your head and above the top of the pyramid you are in. You see the blue ray from the Sun starting to descend above you entering your Soul Star, then crown, then Third eye, Throat, Heart, and all your lower chakras, creating a divine tube of blue solar energy. This tube acts like a cleansing vacuum, it removes all small particles of negative energy from your body on emotional, spiritual, mental and physical level.

You see this blue light slowly spreading around your body, cleansing all inner organs, the blood, bones, all cells and molecules of your body. Stay here for a few moments feeling the strong energy of the Blue sun rays inside you.

Breath deeply in this process.

4. Final integration of energy

Your body is now fully activated, cleansed and rejuvenated with the new Sun frequencies. You see your angels smiling at you. Feel happy and supported by them. Now the pyramid is slowly disappearing around you, and you are travelling in your white golden ball down to the earth plane, entering the earth field and slowly merging again with your physical body and space.

The full integration of this meditation will happen in the next 24 hours. It`s advisable to drink more water, and eat light, plant based foods in the next 2 days.

You can journal and ask your angels for further assistance!

Sending you love!

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer

December 2024 

Archangel Seraphiel message for the Ascension in 2025 ( 5 Major Themes)


                   Greetings children of Earth, 

The earth is entering into a completely new cycle in 2025 – and this is year of huge shifts, transition, transformation and deep revelations. There are major cosmic events and portals that will bring more influence and determine powerful new beginnings for all souls on earth. For most people major changes have already started in 2024.

I archangel Seraphiel greet you for completing a hard cycle of karmic cleansing and releasing during the past year (and few years).

You are on earth with energy of many spiritual and universal laws playing, and you are always going through tests, until you understand the rules of the life- game. When you live from your heart and be full authentic, when you acknowledge others as much as yourself, then this game can become much easier.

   Year 2025 has vibration of the Air element – 9 – and it will be year of fast movement, unexpected changes, revelations and truth coming to light. The cosmic principle of the year is Divine Truth. So many souls will understand and clearly see the truth about themselves and aspects of their lives. As Air element is flexible, fast moving, changeable, unstable, intelligent, wise, light, you will need to adapt to most qualities of air during this cycle. See what are your positive qualities of air and where do you have air signs in your Cosmic map (chart). Here are the major themes for year 2025:

  Removing blockages from your Throat chakra, speaking your truth 

Air element is amazing for bringing clarity, truth and authenticity in your life. Now is the time to think about what are you hiding from others or the world – did you diminish your own personal power in last years? Were you speaking the truth without fear of judgement? What are your blockages and fears that hold you back from being truly who you are? What do you feel is your mission, what are you here to do? What are you proud of in your life? Take time to observe and think about all these questions of journal, so you can reach to the truth in yourself.

 ★  Major transformation and changes 

Year 2024 prepared humanity for many important changes that will be implemented in 2025. You are still in period of transition, as transformation happens gradually and on stages. That`s so because most humans have sensitive energy and they still need to adapt and integrate new light frequencies for the planet. Be prepared for changes in one of multiple aspects of your life in 2025. You need to have your fire warrior energy and remove fears from your past, so you can be on the most aligned path for your soul. For some souls the changes will be swift and unexpected. You may not feel like you “want these changes” because they always bring discomfort, something new.

But the new beginning and embracing your true self, are connected with changes and transitions. 9 is year when the old cycles are closing out, you are going out of the loop” of old habits, past trauma, and being stuck in a negative cycles. That`s why this year will bring you a fresh new beginning.

  New ideas, inspiration, beginnings

In year 2025 you will have many opportunities for expansion – in sphere of knowledge, creative talents, so you will reach to many new ideas and make detailed plan how to start implementing them into the reality. Most souls had already waves of inspiration, but the energy in 2024 was little more confusing and clearing, it was like heavy waters, so you couldn`t start to work on your talents and ideas.

In this cycle your Soul star chakra will open up together with your Earth star, so you can clearly see the path in front of you. You will be guided to make choices and steps to manifest your creative energy.

Because you are creator beings and you have the energy of Source within you.

 Cleansing, clearing, de cluttering

During the next cycle one of the main principle is cleansing, and purification. In order to reach to the truth you need to be clear in your mind, to remove all blocks, stagnant energy, old trauma, past events or childhood trauma. That`s why it is significant for 2025 to keep your energy, mind and space clean. On an emotional level – you need to let go and remove past emotional wounds and offences that are preventing you from being in your power. On a mental level – you need to let go of old mental baggage and mind clutter, your fears, negative assumptions and negative self-talk. Being open to have positive and brilliant new energies requires first you to empty your own cup. De clutter, clean and organize your space and home. That will be one of the most important aspect of your preparation to create. Realize that your space is mirror of your inner self, and the energy of your home revels who you are on a soul level. Your space cleanness has direct impact on your energy and indirect on your body and health. (the art of Feng Shui). Thats why you need to let go of old objects that take space and dust without bringing you joy. You need to think about your own space and what is it you have too much, what makes energy unclean and confused. Making free space in your home will free space in your mind and energy too.

★  Being in your power, using your talents and gifts

Year 9 will have great impact on the spiritual journey of most souls. Many will realize personal truths and talents they were not aware before; many souls will finally start taking steps to fulfil their mission or what they are here to do. This is not time for compromising, playing small or hiding behind masks and veils. This is your time to shine and to be the person you always wanted to be, to reveal your power and light of creator. You are not here to hide under the table from fear of being seen, being misunderstood or judged.

All people of the Light are now working as powerful force, and everyone has something to give. Even if you think your talent is so small or insignificant – know that you make a difference, as the small drop of water is making up the ocean.

Overall, you can see in the world around you even more conflicts, war, confusion, opposition and separation… before truth is revealed.

You can feel like living in a very different world than before. Communication and system of knowledge and learning will start to change. The planets of power in 2025 are Uranus, North Node (South Node), Pluto. Uranus is in Taurus and making slow transition to sign of Gemini – then fast changes will start to happen. North Node in Aries will be moving into Pisces (ocean water), you will receive spiritual guidance, start to connect with your higher Self and be clear about your path. What you need to overcome will be energy of Virgo – being too much available and in service of others. The successful energy in 2025 is being more self-centred and making your own needs and desires first priority. Neptune is moving slowly into Aries (double fire), which signifies new beginning, motivation, enthusiasm, being able to trust your highest divine plan and expanding your energy.

In 2025 most souls will start to feel and think more about what they truly want and desire and will see clearly what they do not want, what aspects they don`t accept in their lives.

This is the beginning of the new consciousness and preparation for the New earth.

Archangel Seraphiel

Sending you light!

(About archangel Seraphiel - she is the angel of brilliant white-silver and golden light, who is in charge of transition and transformation of higher level souls or souls with spiritual missions on earth. She is coming on the verge of change, to give you guidance on your path.) 

You can

* Energy and Ascension of year 2025 (Closing Major cycle, channeled message) 

Meditation for Winter Solstice in the Blue Sun temple (2024)

Channeled message from Arch. Gabriel and Arch. Raziel for the Ascension (December) 

channelled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell  ©

medium, crystal healer 

December 2025 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Channeled message from AA Gabriel and AA Raziel for the Ascension (December)


                Greetings children of the Earth!

We are happy to announce and see you in the new frequency of earth! You have completed multiple cycles of both shedding and re-composing your energy bodies, since years 2017 – 2024. Now for most souls on the way of awakening, the energy bodies have expanded and transformed to match the higher frequencies of the New earth.

During 2024 you have received the keys to energy upgrades and shifts on many levels, which will continue to be integrated in your system during the first half of 2025. But be aware that your journey to higher consciousness has just started.

Before reaching higher dimensions humanity needed to re-structure, decompose, release and remove old energies and structures. You were in process of removing blockages from your body and chakras, and in the last one year you have received huge cleansing, purging and upgrade of your emotional and Astral bodies.

Many of you are already awaken to their new Selves, connected to higher spiritual presence or higher self, which will be more obvious with arising of your personal power, inspiration and motivation in the upcoming year. In 2025 your inner power in glowing golden light will be the driving force that you use to move forward and create the world of your dreams. That happens in stages of preparation and self-reflection time, which is usual for before big transitions.

This month you are invited to work with the diamond white light and white flame angels of purification, to cleanse your Heart and feminine chakras and remove emotional blockages. You will release negative sub-conscious mind programs about being not powerful enough, fears and resistance about change and moving forward, fears of being seen as your true self and expressing your spiritual gifts to others; fears of losing” people that you love, fear of being alone…

One of the most detrimental energy program for your success is comparing yourself with others and their path. Let go of this program and understand that the only being you need to compare is your past Self. See how your life unfolds in the last 12 months like a spiral of petals of lotus flower. Think about what major blocks you have removed, what challenges you have overcome, what lessons you have learnt?

Remember that each challenge or obstacle in life comes with blessing, and keys to solution; the opposite is also valid – each blessing comes with challenge in disguise. Because when you can see one side (of the coin) you can`t see the other at the same time.

Thats why feel and acknowledge the light that you are, the blessings that you have, people who have helped you on the way, and the progress you have made during this year cycle.

Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raziel, We are here to cleanse your aura and cells with pure white, silver and golden light.

In 2025 your soul will appear transformed, rejuvenated and stronger, more committed to your spiritual path. This year all other people, communities and interactions will be crucial for you.

You opened the doorway to a new Era on earth, which will have reverberation through all time and space in the galaxy.

Sending you love and white flame of purification!

AA Gabriel and AA Raziel 

You can read more: 

 December energy - Angels, Ascension, Portals, Crystals  

 Meditation for Winter Solstice in the Blue Sun Temple (December 2024) 

 Archangel Seraphiel message for the Ascension for 2025 (5 Major themes) 

channeled by 

Nina Nour Bluebell ©

medium, reiki crystal healer

December 2024 

Monday, December 2, 2024

December Energy - Angels, Ascension, Portals, Crystals (2)


    December 2024, the final month of this year (8) is month of the Silver moon, resonating with cosmic energy of 2 (11) – Divine harmony. We make slow transition as humanity to higher consciousness with waves of sparkling diamond white and silver light. The energy this month looks like sparkling million stars in the vast sky and it is magnificent. In this energy we receive final light codes of purification and releasing the old patterns for the year.

Year 8 – 2024 was year of deep karmic cleansing and purging in many levels, also year of deep understanding, connection to past selves and past lives, removing negative experiences from the past. It wasn`t an easy moving year… What we can expect for 2025 – year 9 in numerology – is very fast movement forward, clarity and preparation for your spiritual mission. (I`ll dedicate another article for this year).

The main themes for December 2024 :

- Making peace with yourself – energy of self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, release of the pain, karmic knots and guilt from the past, or past mistakes.

- Awakening and deeper self-awareness – many souls are awaken to their higher light and more aligned to their mission on earth plane.

- Purification, purging and removing emotional blocks -

Many souls are starting to easily connect with, realize and accept their emotions. Increase in heart opening and heart connection.

- Energetic upgrades and light body activation with higher frequencies. (in month 11 – 2 for all souls that is different process of movement).

In December most of you will feel like being in stillness or cocoon (called point of attraction), and the world around you will seem to spin faster.

You will receive also the angelic gift (through your angels and guides), of spiritual upgrade for all of your chakras and energy bodies. It is important to meditate and connect with your angels, nature elemenals and crystals during this time.

In December we have a big energy shift and moving through many levels and portals of Divine light. The energy is activated and ruled by the planets – the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Pay attention to your feelings, physical body healing, dreams and astral travel. Expect to connect with different planes of multi-universe through astral travel at night (or intentional).

  11-2 is cosmic code of December and it represents the energy of Divine feminine, focus inward, self-reflection, balance of Yin and Yang, integration and harmony. It is also code of connection between two souls, love, or twin flame energy. Some souls will be called to find their twin flame or soul mates. Emotions will be amplified and you need to pay attention what they are trying to tell you.

The chakras to work on will be Third eye and Sacral chakra, which are receiving the codes of divine feminine energy.

Many people at this time can feel moments of increased energy (creative and sexual energy), imagination and new ideas. Take time to open your Third eye with beautiful indigo blue lotus flower of peace.

                 Spiritual exercise

1) Write down 5 of your feminine qualities and then 5 masculine qualities (regardless of your gender). Observe them and see which of them is more familiar to you, which you express the most? Which qualities do you like?

2) Imagine yourself wrapped in a brilliant white and silver light like a sphere. What do you feel here? Do you see your spiritual /life mission? Now release all your fears and resistance into this light. Keep the silver light as protection around you.

           Cosmic Portals for December 

★  On 1 December is the Portal of the New moon in Sagittarius, which brings the fire energy and golden waves of light. You will feel these codes on the Solar Plexus and Heart chakra like golden spirals of light. They are opening your highest potential and activate your personal power, also they have healing abilities.

 On 12. we have the 12-12 portal – which is huge portal of final activation, expansion of wisdom, update for the energy templates of the body and shift to higher dimensions. This is portal of the central sun and the Moon; We receive golden, white and silver codes, which open our connection to Source, Higher self and angels. At this time also some souls with spiritual missions will have their Gold star chakra (Stellar Gateway) with the symbol of archangel Metatron – the cube of Metatron. This portal opens as a double golden and silver 12-pointed star above your head in higher chakras – Soul Star and Gold star (Stellar gateway). All angels and archangels are surrounding you with light. To integrate the light codes the whole month you are guided by 3 powerful angels: Metatron, Sandalphon and Gabriel.

★  on 21. December is portal of the Winter solstice and Sun moving in sign of Capricorn. In this portal we continue to receive the energy from the 12.12 and there is global energy shift which will be special.

This is cleansing of past karma, cutting cords and ascension for all souls, who are on their spiritual path. This happens every year.

 on 6 December Sun conjunct Mercury (mindfulness, analytical thinking, connection, finances) brings awakening to who you have become and activation of your Throat chakra. Important truth in relationships can be revealed.

 On 7 December Venus (love, romance, self-acceptance) enters Aquarius – this is energy of new ideas, need for inspiration, freedom and desire to share with friends. On 7 also Neptune (ascension, dreams, Astral world) is moving direct in Pisces, having strong impact on any spiritual ideas or visions and dreams.

 on 15 December we have the full moon in Gemini – portal of illumination of wisdom, knowledge and higher mind. How do you want to connect with others and how do you want to express yourself? What ideas need to be shared with others?

★ On 30 December there is second powerful New moon in Capricorn (as moon energy is strong) – we are on verge of new era, new goals and dreams. This is perfect time for self-reflection about past, and evaluation of the last 6 months, from the solstice. You need to understand your higher purpose and start taking practical steps to fulfil it.

           Crystals for December  🔮

                  citrine  photo source: thegreencrystal.com

This final month of the year, we can meditate, make reiki or create crystal grids with the following crystals: clear quartz, milky quartz, selenite, aquamarine, white opal, celestite, snow jade.

Also crystals for Sagittarius season: citrine, yellow aventurine, yellow calcite, yellow fluorite.

Happy December, Happy winter holidays! 🎄

Nina Nour Bluebell 

medium, crystal healer

December 2024  ©