Saturday, November 13, 2021

How the Soul connects to Past lives? -IV

 Part IV. 

    The Soul is born here and now, in this particular country and place and hour, family and parents, under exact astrological sky for a particular reason. So nothing is without a reason. The first one is 

1. to expand and develop by experiencing something totally new (which causes fear, resistance and pain to the soul). 

2. to expand, develop and reawaken her older talents, abilities and skills (which brings to the soul joy, love and happiness). All things that are familiar to the soul (except in relationships), are likely to bring positive feelings of joy and love. But that is in case the person has had positive experiences with the same objects, places, people or activities as in his past life.

Therefore, if you were famous composer, or Bethowen, or Mozart, or if you were famous artist in some era –like Leonardo da Vinci, Klimt or Frida Kahlo, your soul has grown to this level through multiple lives of artistic talents, developing them little by little, until the time and space and talents where totally aligned to bring the Blooming age of the soul.

It means, you are give your innate abilities, talents and qualities and you are divinely guided to use them for your best development. Not to throw them away in the dusty shelves or forget about them. If you love writing , write, if you love music, sing, compose, if you love painting, paint, if you love dancing ,dance.

Because these impulses and talents are part of your Divine imprint of the soul. You are here not just to “suffer” and be "punished" by "bad” karma, but also to receive your joy, love and rewards from the reward points and the Good karma!. And this beautiful karma is your spiritual bonus given to you now, you cant waste it.

What Past lives shows to the soul, how to heal by revealing past life trauma?

The past life knowledge, observation and vision can bring to the surface very special fears, but also special inner feeling of excitement, and heart opening for the soul. That feelings are impulses triggered from past life, in order to re-surface and understand some important situations in this life. Usually this are situations, events and people, who are heavy, difficult, or dark for the person, so he reject them or don’t want to understand them.

Past lives will bring light like a projector or a mayak to the particular situation, fear or hard feeling, that needs to be observed closer. That alone is process, the soul will then know “Oh, that’s why this happened to me, now I can connect the missing pieces of the mosaic”. In fact the past lives to present look like scattered pieces of a big puzzle, which needs to be put together in correct place.

We are not given all the pieces of puzzles in the middle, because that will cause to us immense confusion, headache and we ll easily give up making the whole picture. But the soul is given pieces of puzzle one by one, in exact configuration and time. When you travel to a place where you feel “at home” or when your soul feel very familiar and safe” is not by chance always. When you see a person who gives you this feeling is not by chance too.

Collect pieces from all these places, and people, they are meaningful.

Then you can feel, understand or See” clearly the image of how pieces of past lives and connected to this one. They have a chain, they have a main theme, they ll have maybe a repeated cycle or something very special. That’s what is your cause –to figure out the key, the main common theme between all of the pieces, the way they relate together.

Also –not all lives are important or meaningful for the soul development in this life. Person will be given information or pieces of mosaic only on the important lives that are related to his/ her cleansing of Karma, releasing and healing of fears. That’s why each person is unique and has special abilities, talents, that noone else will have. Because his past lives are also unique and follow in exact configuration (order), that wont be repeated ever again.

That makes earth and humanity amazing, interesting and difficult play ground of Karma and Soul expansion.  

            Art by Stella Im Hultberg 

Nina Lea-Nour 𑁍
Angel`s medium 
Faeries healer 

© Nov. 2021

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