Dear children of Earth and Light,
We want to remind you to let go of all low vibrational feelings – anger,
anxiety, and all lower emotions that are swirling around you in your aura. You
are here to be a powerful holder of the Divine light. Your heart (in the centre
of your heart are activated ethereal light codes) always contains blueprints of
divine sparkle.
You are always loved and protected. But will you choose to create and
nurture these negative emotions within and around you? Or will you choose to
let go of all lower energies, and be free. We are here for you and we can
assist you, but we cannot choose instead of you.
Be aware that the forces of Darkness at such time of transition and
breakthrough, are all around. They can use their power, but if you are strong
in your Light, nothing can hold you back.
What you need to do at this time is: remain calm and centred in your
Heart. Be in the present moment. Use all available techniques to maintain your
peaceful mind. Your mind and your heart are powerful transmitters of Light
codes. You receive these light codes from the us, and they are activated at
time of transitions and going inward. This is the time now – you don’t need to
rush anything, you just need to relax within your true Self. You only will be
invited to examine your believes, your truths, where you are on your life/
spiritual journey? Is this the place you want to be? If not, pay attention to
sings and messages within your heart.
Connect with your angles and guides, and if you cant make this
connection – connect with your heart.
You have all within, and you can be still and listen.
Now is the time of profound healing, illumination of Higher powers in
the multidimensional reality. You have chosen your path as Light workers, then
follow it. You have already chosen this before you came here. And you came in
this human form, which is so vulnerable, not to be tested and not to suffer on
earth plane, but to stand in your own power, to be who you are meant to be.
Just choose to acknowledge your power, recognize how magnificent you are, how
much potential you have.
I m sending you green healing codes of Light.
Archangel Raphael
(message is encoded with Light codes of healing light)
Nina Lea-Nour
Angel`s medium
Faeires healer
© Nov. 2021
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