Part III -
How to understand, see your Past lives even if you don’t have psychic abilites or you don’t make astral travel?
Each person has imprinted / embedded in his mind and aura,
characteristics of the soul from past lives, related to his spiritual mission,
his world mission, talents, art and all that makes the soul Unique. That will
include preferences, abilities, strong qualities, weak qualities, developing
skills, places, cultures and destinations.
art by Stella Im Hultberg -Missing you
One very easy way to understand your past life is to notice and observe
(without judgement), what kind of places, countries, continents, cultures,
people and religions you feel drawn to? Do you feel specially attracted and were dreaming in your life to visit
The same is valid for the people, what kind of people you feel
attracted? What gender? Why you feel magnetically pulled by people with dark
skin, African, Chinese, of black , or you find white people most attractive, or
you find people from the same gender attractive. Yes, it has to do with
something in your past life.
These things we cant explain in way of logical mind, there is no why and
how. Another strong point is what activities and arts do you feel drawn to? If
you are very dedicated to paint, or draw, if you love writing, languages or
reading, if you love religions and spiritual practices and rituals, if you love
cooking, or gardening, that means your soul has done this multiple times in
past lives; and not only is your soul familiar with that practices, but she
felt JOY and love, and was devoted to these practices for thousands countless
That will make the conclusion possible: even if now in this life, we
feel totally not familiar with these talents, activities, people or
destinations, but at some time in our PAST life we were very close and familiar
to them.
Soul is attached to something close, and familiar which she recognises
as essential part of her.
From the other hand – places, people, situations that we experience now
and bring resistance, rejection, hardship, dis satisfaction, they are important
for the soul personal Growth, but they are recognised as “new” from the soul
I` ll give some examples here - imagine you are living in a country,
like Kazhahstan (by chance I choose it), and you totally don’t feel attached to
its culture, feel people quite cold and distant, had some sad or hard
experiences in childhood, don’t imagine your future life in Kazhahstan, don’t
imagine to marry person or to find love in Kazhahstan. That means for the soul
this county is new experience. Soul does not recognises the warm, safety and
her own Self, in this country, so chances are this soul has no other life
experiences in this place, she is born there for first life.
In the same time the soul from Kazahstan, feel pulled to travel to
I give this example with countries and people, but it could be anything
for each person has unique experiences in past and present life.
Angel`s medium
Faeries healer
Psychic ๐
© Nov. 2021
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