Monday, February 1, 2021

Tarot for spiritual guidance -Air signs -Gemini, Libra, Aquarius [ Feb 1-15]


   ❧ For all air signs: mystical knowledge, wisdom and new experiences; connection with divine feminine; unexpected events. 

Gemini: XIV. The Temperance ❧ 

You are invited to control your emotions, and let go of self-doubt, criticism, and negative feelings on the way. They can block your creative flow. Find the balance point inside, connect your heart with your Mind, open your intuition; You can hear the angelic guidance now, if you are in the present moment. Balance of Light and Shadow, Yin and Yang within you.

With sign of Gemini this card means to not indulge in too much thinking, but also to make balance between activities and time for rest. 

Card of health and healing, consider taking reiki courses.

This card indicates first level of Spiritual ascension. Your soul becomes stronger after many challenges. Forgiveness is needed, be aware of your own feelings.

Focus: work with your shadow side, journaling, writing, meditation to balance your feminine and masculine side. Which sides of your energy are hindering you?

Be aware that all things have duality, Yin and Yang that exist together as unity; the coin always has 2 sides.


Angel message for Gemini: 43. Knight on horse: you took a decision about your direction, now move forward without fear or doubt. You know where you want to go, take action; decisiveness, determination, success. Moving to another place.

Angel to work with: Arch. Raziel; crystals: amber, citrine, yellow calcite. 

Libra: Queen of Cups  

 Energy of gentle Archangel Haniel is here. Need of self-care practices, healing, time alone. Look inward and connect with your Divine feminine. Go with the flow. Cleansing and clearing of emotional and spiritual body. Use salty water for cleansing your energy field; Hydration is important, as it flushes away all toxic elements from your body. You are sensitive to the feelings of others, be well protected. Connect with natural water sources –sea, river, lake, waterfalls. Deep healing and rejuvenation requires you to be present and aware of your own needs. Pay attention to your dreams, visions and signs.

Queen of Cups if very psychic and clairvoyant; she will assist you on your spiritual journey.

Connect with your Divine feminine energy, make ritual for cleansing with water and salt. Crystals to use: Celestine, aquamarine, clear quartz, selenite.

Meditation :

Work on your Third eye chakra: Vizualise violet and indigo blue sphere of light just above your head. Feel its energy and glow for some moments. See the sphere descending down to your Third eye chakra, in the middle of your forehead. The sphere starts to expand and grown, and you see a beautiful indigo blue lotus flower in the middle. It spins and opens slowly, until it is in full flow. You can observe radiant violet light penetrating from the centre of the lotus. Feel your mind clear, calm and purified from all old negative energies.

Angel message for Libra: 15. Broomstick: cleansing and purifying home energy. Stagnant energy of home, de-clutter, organize, clean the space. Something to be released and let go.

 Aquarius: II. The High Priestess ❧ 

    High Priestess with Aquarius is sign of mindfulness, spiritual connection and listening to your inner guidance; You are your best self, when you are aware of your inner voice, when you are sensitive to the invisible threat of energy around you.

You are specially open to the world with knowledge and expansion of your interests. There are many fields to be explored, but first tune into your inner guidance where to begin.

  Two is balance and harmony of Yin and Yang, synchronisation of opposites, cold and hot, feminine and masculine, mind and body, love and fear, dreams and reality, past and future. All they have the balancing point in 2. It`s also unity of Souls, mystical divine feminine, Water element. The key is going with the flow, without resistance.

Not everything you do needs to be revealed to others in this point. Be cautious when sharing your sacred dreams and goals. Better for now some things to stay with you only.


Now is the time of deep reflection, cleansing aura, healing, meditations. Observe surroundings and understand the hidden nature of the world.

Maybe you will be drawn to divination practice, time alone, you feel increased intuition, visions and signs in dreams.

In this time you have powerful help from Goddess Isis. Be totally in yourself.

This card reflects High Priestess of the Moon temple, enhances your psychic awareness, dreams, clairvoyance, and connection to Astral realms.

Connect with archangel Haniel and your Divine Feminine self. The Sefira is Chochma (Divine Wisdom) on the Tree of life; quality: receiving signs and intuitive messages. Corresponds to right hemisphere of the brain. Spiritual state: selflessness.

I ching trigram: 2 is dui (Lake), direction West, quality: joyous reflection.

Angel message for Aquarius: 1. White butterfly: friendship, sharing spiritual experience, like minded people, soul mate, community, pure heart and trust

And this is message for everyone until the end of Aquarius time – 20. February.

Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
© Feb. 2021

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