Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The meaning of 5 D reality (channeled message with archangel Haniel)

 I have to say (arch. Haniel) that in these times humanity didn’t reach to 5 D level, and that’s not the purpose. We have mission to go there gradually. That’s why we have individual ascension, in which different souls reach to 5D and then they spread their knowledge to others souls. So it`s like branches of a tree that spread gradually and reaching higher. 

          Year 2020 was important for understanding the deep cause of the process of ascension, (for some people to realize they are Soul was a big step), and for karmic cleansing. Most of the souls in this time had their karmic lessons and closed a cycle in their life path.

          You will know that you reach to higher reality of 5D if the old believe systems, and triggers, or old habits are not valid for you. The same will be with your desires, aims or understanding of power and fame. 

         In dimensions after 5D, the power and social classes don`t exist, differences are seen from higher perspective as individual colours. Conflicts will be degrading and will be transformed to peace. Serenity, peace of mind and integrity will be new values. The world as you know it will undergo major shifts in the next ten years. In order that to happen you will witness transformation and some painful destruction of power, social and political systems. That’s all because they are no longer good for you, they are destructive since they were build.

In some point you may feel you go down, as many old layers will fall apart. But transformation wont be possible without this painful experiences. For some souls ascension will mean they are already awaken and aware of the world, they have the knowledge, so they will be balls of Light to be spread.

   Awakening means knowledge of Self is Power. And Spiritual knowledge will be super power, that’s why it will be used from some people for material gains. In order to understand it, open your inner vision, and Third eye. You will feel immediately the truth.


How many are the dimensions?


In this earth experiences are “programmed” to be until 12 th dimension. If you reach this dimension you will be Pure spirit, and no longer need to incarnate. For the next years humanity will make giant steps to ascension to 5D. But that wont be stable ground, it means not everyone could live in this higher plane. Most people will still go back and forth, and some will create cycles again. In the 4D souls start to have more feelings” about others, or empathy. So many souls will let go of egoistic desires. The trade, business and possessing material things will have different meaning.

         Another important strand of the 5D is socializing with other like-minded souls. If the years before were mostly individual path of ascension, now more important will be sharing knowledge and learning in groups. Many groups and minor societies will be created, based on believes and social activism, and spiritual knowledge.

        Many it means the truth is approached from many different paths. Judgement and slavery will be leftovers of the old paradigm. Classes and racial divisions will lose their values. That will happen gradually and slowly, as this is the way to integrate. In the next years truth and justice will be much stronger and many dark truths will be revealed, specially about political systems and power.

          In 5D reality you will be focused on your life mission and what you are here to do, not on what you need to possess. Minimialism, simplicity and ways of organization will be of high importance.

Remember ascension is not one straight way, it has many curves and twists. So you cant go higher for just one day.

You can find the ways of ascension for yourself and follow them with nurturing qualities persistency, determination, confidence in yourself.

Thank you for tuning in this channelled message from arch. Haniel!


Nina Lea-Nour *
Angel`s medium 
Tarot intuitive 

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